Sentences with phrase «little lean»

There was little lean in the corners for such a tall, heavy vehicle.
If you have a good balanced diet with lots of veggies and little lean meats, you're probably getting enough protein now.
There is no rock for the wise man to build his house upon and no sand upon which the foolish man can throw up his shabby little lean - to.
With a moderate - protein diet, the ratio is 80 - to - 20 or better — but adding 30 minutes of exercise each day (walk five days a week; do Pilates or yoga, or lift weights on the two other days) will help you lose almost all fat and very little lean muscle, Laymans research shows.
pack you a huge salad with very little lean meat on it (how about hard boiled eggs and roastry chicken?)
Just like the 2 Door Hardtop, the 4 Door exhibits impressive body control, with little lean in corners.
Dr Jason Fung cites research indicating very little lean mass loss and preservation of metabolic rate with water fasting as compared to large losses with calorie restriction.
It was exceptionally stable, exhibits little lean in corners, brakes well, and feels much like a 3 Series sedan — except the driver sits six inches higher and there's 8 inches of ground clearance.
However, you also have a great little lean - to attachment with a potting bench that is meant for planting.
Through longer sweepers, the STI grips nicely with little lean, while the ride quality is stiff but certainly manageable for daily driving.
The ride is on the firm side but settles down comfortably at motorway speeds, and there's very little lean in corners.
This TT Coupe 2.0 T quattro S tronic felt planted, and there's very little lean in corners.
The year can start a little lean, but by June it looks pretty darn impressive, and by the end of the year, holy smoke.
While Sandberg exhorts women to be more assertive and ambitious, to put their names forward for high - powered jobs — to act a little less Venus and a little more Mars — Annis's «gender - intelligent» philosophy urges the workplace to do a little leaning in, too, and recognize women for who and what they are.
All good things but sometimes I want something a little leaner and this recipe fit the bill.
You could had a little lean ground beef to these also I think?
-LSB-...] Lean Instant Pot Spaghetti Simplistically Living — This dish uses chicken sausage and ground turkey for the meats and whole grain noodles instead of regular pasta to make the dish a little leaner.
I like the Lane Johnson comparison in that Johnson was a little lean coming out of college and did take time to adjust in the NFL.
They are often, though not always, a little leaner.
It has vertical stripes so it makes you look a little leaner than you are!
I love that the body panel is so much longer, especially if you have a little leaner!!
Now, I admit to my use of the Internet and not a little leaning on those moms that were born with the crafting gene (which must have been a recessive neither of my parents carried).
Make it a little leaner by using fat - free cream cheese, and serve with whole - grain rice for a well - rounded (and delicious!)
Once you have completed your toxic elimination, return gently to solid food, concentrating mainly on fruit, vegetables and a little lean protein.
Take bodybuilders or people simply looking to burn fat and build a little lean muscle for example.
Pack in protein at every meal A little lean protein helps you feel full longer by stabilizing blood sugar.
If you're a beginner lifter and prefer to stick to lighter weights for form OR you want to aim for fat loss with a little lean muscle gain, then aim for 10 reps with an exertion level of 5/10.
Of course there will be a little leaning involved, but stand up as straight as possible.
So if you are adding muscle to your body because you're following a consistent exercise program and eating in a way that supports that muscle and burns fat (like the foods in the Body Fuel System), you're going to be gaining a little lean muscle and burning body fat.
So if you are adding muscle to your body because you're following a consistent exercise program and eating in a way that supports that muscle and burns fat, you're going to be gaining a little lean muscle and burning body fat.
These people didn't even lift, so it's no wonder they lost a little lean mass on the keto diet.
You can get yourself leaner and then bring your body weight back up and you'll be a little leaner every time you do it.
● Rice and Veggies: Microwave leftover (or frozen pre-cooked) jasmine rice with a handful of frozen mixed veggies, or pair it with a little lean protein.
Lots of green veggies, whole grains like quinoa, millet, and unprocessed oats, nuts, plain yoghurt, olive oil, seeds, a little fresh fruit, fish, a little lean chicken and meat if you eat meat but not much.
My physique was filling out a little bit, and I had been getting a little leaner.
Aside from having a good diet in place, you also need a good workout program to help you build a little lean muscle and burn fat.
Strength training just three times a week will help you build a little lean muscle mass, improve your strength and physical fitness, increase your metabolism, and help you burn off body fat easier to eventually get a flat tummy.
Note: Optionally, you can add seasonal vegetables and a little lean meat.
And when gaining that little lean muscle mass in a month, it becomes very hard to track what is or isn't muscle.
If by toning you mean that you want to get a little stronger and a little leaner, then lift weights a little and do a little cardio
It has vertical stripes so it makes you look a little leaner than you are!
The wedge can also help make your leg look a little leaner too.
and psychological traumas that are openly discussed — both things uncommon in a genre that trades on being tough and taciturn — you can't help wishing the backstories were a little leaner and cleaner.
But this particular storyline is a little lean on character development, unlike that one.
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