Sentences with phrase «little legwork»

The phrase "little legwork" means making only a small effort or doing a few simple tasks to accomplish something. Full definition
Their system allows anyone to build and app that will attract and impress customers with little legwork.
This basically allows you to report on your entire Sales team with very little legwork, which can give you a much better insight into the upcoming deals your training company is hopefully going to close.
Average rental prices in Panama City's nicer areas tend to range from $ 800 to $ 1,800, but a little legwork can yield some bargain results.
Even if you hit some snags along the way, the time and money you can save by consolidating make it worth a little legwork upfront.
With a little legwork and preparation, you can make your child a happy camper without depressing your bank account.
If you're seriously interested, do a little legwork and find me there.
There are also advertisements that can be found with a little legwork that will lead you to these types of websites.
- If you don't mind doing a little legwork, you can drive - make that ride - a new BMW for under $ 750.
But if you take the time to seriously consider the questions above, and do a little legwork to acquaint yourself more with the pros and cons of annuities, you should be able to come to arrive at an answer that makes sense for you.
Just as you need to make sure to do a little legwork in the housing search, you also need to make certain that you take the time to look into the loan that you want to take and the lender that you want to take it with.
If you aren't among the top 10 % of car buyers with a 750 + credit score, you'll want to do a little legwork yourself.
Saving money on home insurance requires a little legwork and willingness to be honest with yourself.
Although getting a personal loan is not quite as easy as filling out an application, with a little legwork and preparation, nonresidents have as good a chance as anyone to get one.
If you're up to it, you can do a little legwork on your own by going to a tool like Morningstar's Portfolio Manager.
The process can often be quite involved, particularly if you need to do a little legwork to find evidence to support your claim.
I prefer to put in a little legwork to reap the savings over the long - term.
Getting a certified copy of someone's birth or death might require a little legwork.
It pays to do a little legwork to ensure a good working relationship.
Instead of asking around for recommendations, do a little legwork and compare several car insurance companies to get the best rate for you.
A little legwork before takeoff can go a long way in case of illness or injury.
Comparison - shopping can take a little legwork (emphasis on «little» here, because, you know, the internet), but it can save you a ton of money — especially if you do it every time you buy something.
You can avoid a lot of tax scams with some common sense and a little legwork, but money (and especially taxes) can make even the best of us slip up now and then.
A little legwork now can save you big in the long run, so remember to re-evaluate your car insurance at least annually.
As with most things freelance, you'll have to do a little legwork with your taxes since you don't have an employer handling everything.
Andromeda needs to be enabled from the ADB program on your computer, which requires an extra program and a little legwork.
While some of the features require a little legwork from the user, nothing is difficult, and everything works exactly as it's supposed to.
This is still dependant on app developers doing a little legwork to support the new API, so it's still going to take some time for autofill to become ubiquitous across the entire Android experience.
A little legwork can give you a general idea of what kinds of retirement benefits you can expect from employers in various fields as well as from specific employers.
your best bet is to do a little legwork ahead of the interview, and research what similar jobs are making.
Agency recruiters or headhunters might be a bit more open to this type of request, but before approaching an in - house / corporate recruiter with such an open - ended question, be sure to do a little legwork ahead of time.
More importantly, though - I do a little legwork first and learn about the company and the interviewer if possible.
It may take a little legwork to find the hiring manager's name, but by perusing the job description or by researching the company's website you might just find the salutation you're looking for.
As always, it helps to be willing to think outside the box and put in a little legwork.
Now it's time for a little legwork — or more likely web work and phone calls.
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