Sentences with phrase «little mouths due»

Not exact matches

I ended up with an ovarian blood clot at 4 days PP (rare complication), was being assessed in the ER literally as my milk was coming in, supplemented with formula almost immediately because I was so pumped full of drugs I could not coordinate nursing a little tiny sleepy baby, suffered from low supply due to the meds I was put on for my blood clot, did kangaroo care for hours and hours every day for weeks on end, shared sleep, took herbal supplements, pumped frequently, nursed almost constantly, hand expressed the milk into her mouth at every feeding because she was too sleepy to latch well, struggled with massive guilt......................
I would love to win this nursery package because I'm due with baby number two today, but we didn't have a mouth money to spoil our new little one like we did our first.
Pets can carry large amounts of bacteria in their mouths due to little oral hygiene.
Pokémon Go solidifies Nintendo as a player in Mobile, the game has very high user acquisition at little cost to Nintendo due to the brand and gameplay mechanics encouraging strong word of mouth.
While I watched the E3 2013 reveal with great interest due to the asymmetrical nature of the combat and incredible mobility of those otherwise outgunned little army men I was not slavering at the mouth when the Titanfall beta was announced last week.
This may be due to the fact that I recently tried a predator simulator so laughably bad that I needed to wash the taste from my mouth with something a little less awful.
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