Sentences with phrase «little nooks around»

It is so fun to keep playing - now that Christmas decor is stored - with little nooks around the home.
The little nook around the window is a few inches larger than the average full size mattress - making it the perfect place for a bed!

Not exact matches

By the time we arrived it was misting a little and the fog was still hanging around all of the beautiful nooks and crannies and buildings of Koviashuvik as the days first light began to filter through the trees.
Lisa for Real is my personal blog, my little nook on the interweb where I share the going - on's in my brain around work, motherhood, and on how crazy powerful women are.
After a little pizza fuel, we wandered around, popping into shops and taking in all of the beauty that takes over every little nook and cranny of this town.
The other day I spent a few minutes wandering around my house, just being thankful for all the little nooks and crannies that make me happy, and I thought I'd share a few of them with you.
It's really great to apply in the delicate eye area, as well as to apply foundation in those little nooks and crannies, like the side of your nose and around the ear.
Crowded with historical buildings, interesting little nooks and hidden treasures, you could easily walk around all day and not see everything there is on offer!
As far as I know they were scattered so abundantly so that 1) you'd have some little reward for looking in that nook and 2) so that you could max out your inventory slots without needing to collect all of them (I think you need around 400/900 to max your inventory slots)
There would be beautiful details around every corner and it would take you the entire weekend to fully appreciate each little nook and cranny and even then you are left wondering if you saw it all.
I finally decided to bring it upstairs and stash it in the little nook it currently sits in, outfitting it with lots of bar cart essentials and drinks that Apb and I can enjoy (like those small little Coke cans; those don't last long around here).
I tilted the shirt around a little to make sure it got every nook and cranny.
Around the corner is a little built in nook that I turned into my mini-office.
Among the many things we did around the house the last couple months, one was this great little nook area.
Cosy Corners Old houses often have characterful little nooks and crannies up stairways, around window frames or above doorways.
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