Sentences with phrase «little onesies»

The phrase "little onesies" refers to small, one-piece clothing items typically worn by babies. Full definition
Before you know it your little tyke has outgrown a spectrum of cute little onesies together with the size limits for the Car Seat [22 lbs or 29»].
Joules offers a lot of cute items such as summer dresses for girls, rugby polos for boys, and pretty little onesies for babies.
Because little onesies don't weigh much, that your ceiling won't come crashing down under the weight.
When you first begin thinking about becoming a parent, your mind is flooded with cute little onesies and cuddly moments.
Looking at all those little onesies and knowing I'll never use them again made me ugly cry.
A photo of your baby or even one of their little onesies so you can be reminded of them when you pump.
They had some of the cutest little onesies (like the one on their home page) and some neat gift ideas like the Lollipop Blankets.
There are so many diapers and little onesies and bibs at baby showers — how about something useful, healthy, and helpful for mom!?
Your baby will grow faster than you imagine, and those cute little onesies will be too small in a flash.
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