Sentences with phrase «little particles»

However, oxidation can produce little particles of matter that are incomplete, and are looking to complete themselves — sort of like a key looking for its ideal lock.
Your square is a very bright white, which is also a great contrast to the platforms, with little particle effects which come off you as you jump about.
Plus, carpet traps little particles from everything else.
In that case, the marvelous fact that these little machines are productive of human life will be seen as pointing to the wisdom of the one who imposed upon little particles of matter so wonderful a system of laws.
Asked to name the most exotic thing in the universe, most of us would mention either the very large (black holes and supernovas) or the very small (all those spooky little particles).
The «sprayer» used to spray poo into the toilet is splashing tiny little particles of fecal matter into the air on toothbrushes, floor, etc and with a little one crawling around everywhere and putting everything into their mouths, it is HIGHLY unsanitary.
Background Colloidal solutions (also called colloidal suspensions) contain little particles, ranging from one to 1,000 nanometers in diameter.
I prefer the molded pulp trays Edifier used before this, as the polystyrene blocks shed little particles all over my floor when I was unboxing the speakers.
My imaginations could not let me think past few things I read and know about God but in an attempt to invent God I would rather put the play this way; putting a light bulb on a center of table with little particles of crystals scatter all around the light bulb that the light shine so bright it reflects the crystals scattered on the table.
He didn't have the tools we have, but yet he saw, in the light, in the sunbeam, little particles of dust and he came to this of all conclusions.
Those who believed that somehow the soul could also be explained in terms of the little particles of matter that scurried about in space and time could not believe in any such other sphere.
His little particles coalesce into swirling, malevolent clouds, but their intelligence maxes out at roughly the IQ of a Nazi without a speaking part in a war movie, just another evil presence for his heroes to outrun and outfox.
The small ones are little particles that sit in the outer solar system, and they're gravitationally swept around by planets.
What actually travels through the experiment is not a little particle, but a disturbance in the electromagnetic field.
I believe it is the atomic hypothesis that all things are made of atoms — little particles that move around in perpetual motion, attracting each other when they are a little distance apart, but repelling upon being squeezed into one another.
I believe it is... that all things are made of atoms — little particles that move around in perpetual motion, attracting each other when they are a little distance apart, but repelling upon being squeezed into one another.
More recently, physicist Richard Feynman suggested the atomic hypothesis when asked for a statement containing the most scientific knowledge in the fewest words: «All things are made of atoms — little particles that move around in perpetual motion, attracting each other when they are a little distance apart, but repelling upon being squeezed into one another.»
«It wraps around the little particles in the mucus and helps your body clear it,» she says.
The exact mechanism there is not as clear as the stratospheric mechanism, but the possibility of actually trying it out on a limited scale is much more attractive, because you could create a little particle generator and put it under some clouds and see whether they were, indeed, brightened.
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