Sentences with phrase «little plant cover»

«When you think from a climate point of view, you're not having carbon uptake across all this landscape for many decades when there's very little plant cover,» study co-author
«When you think from a climate point of view, you're not having carbon uptake across all this landscape for many decades when there's very little plant cover,» study co-author Steve Running, a University of Montana professor who models ecosystem functions, said.

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They work to secure media attention for their own work as well as for plant - based and cultured meat companies, and they have been covered in more than 480 scientific and mainstream media venues.16 Little is known about the impact of these interventions on public opinion, though it seems that raising public awareness of cultured products may be valuable, especially since the field is so new.
The compact little plants were covered in blossoms and upright - growing pods which eventually turn red and are supposed to be HOT.
You know, those people who might need a little convincing that plants and veggies can be indulgent, delicious, comforting, but healthy at the same, she's got that covered.
Issued last March to researchers at a little - known cotton seed company called Delta & Pine Land (D&PL) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the patent covers a technique for transferring three genes along with their genetic on switches into the seeds of genetically improved plants.
For white tea, the little buds that form on the plant are covered with silver hairs that give the young leaves a white appearance.
In the second week of November, central Indiana is a patchwork of tawny and black: here a field covered with a stubble of dried corn and soybean plants; a little farther on, bare earth where the farmer has plowed under the residue of last summer's crop.
In Switzerland, roofs covered in alpine plants that require little soil are becoming increasingly common.
Unique hoodia is a naturally occurring cactii like plant in the South African Desert, Kalahari and is eaten by the nomads who usually have little food to eat and long distances to cover.
The new Volkswagen Passat sedan has broken cover, but it's not likely to show up on our shores anytime soon, as this redesign is for the European - spec model which has little to do with the U.S. - spec Passat produced at the company's plant in Chattanooga, TN.
As there is not enough water in areas between desert and grassland — where fairy circles occur — for plants to form a continuous cover, individual plants organize themselves in this beehive pattern in order to maximize the little water that they receive.
Even what appear to be the little things add up quickly: paint, painting supplies, window coverings, mirrors, lighting fixtures, a new mailbox, small pieces of furniture, floor coverings, indoor plants, and even plants for the garden.
Make sure the roots are completely covered in soil, adding a little extra to stabilise the plants if needed.
The plantings you have are beautiful, so I wouldn't do too much in the way of planters, but a covered awning / pergola / whatever is a good idea, for a little shade and protecting the BBQ man!
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