Sentences with phrase «little plant fiber»

In the wild, cats would take in very little plant fiber — instead, they would consume a lot of indigestible animal materials, such as fur, bones, and cartilage, which would serve the same purpose.
Although myriad factors can cause constipation, often it's as simple as too little plant fiber.

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Talk about a great way to get in a little extra fiber and plant based protein
These little black and white seeds are versatile, easy to chew, there's no need to mill them like flaxseeds, they're packed with fiber, omega - 3 fatty acids, and a good source of plant - based proteins.
Grounds Crew The VLA grounds crew does a little bit of everything, from maintaining the walkways for the public, to planting trees, mowing, and many other «as needed» assignments, such as stabilizing the ground around a steel structure that houses the fiber optic connection from the arms of the array to the control building.
Blend the ingredients up in a food processor with a little pure maple syrup, and you have yourself a high fiber super delicious plant - based snack bar.
All recipes are vegan, high in fiber, refined sugar free, have little to no oil, and plant - based.
The nice thing is if you eat whole plant foods (ie whole wheat, brown rice, legumes, etc.) as opposed to animal foods and refined grains / sugars / oils which have little to no fiber, your fiber intake will almost always be 50 to 100 grams of fiber a day.
These little pods of goodness can be steamed in a matter of minutes and sprinkled with a bit of sea salt for a satisfying snack that brings high quality plant - based protein and a good amount of dietary fiber to the table.
These versatile little legumes not only boast a delicate, nutty flavor and a pleasing consistency, but they are also packed with high - quality plant protein, soluble and insoluble fiber, and beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Look for food with pure protein sources and little to no plant matter or fiber.
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