Sentences with phrase «little press»

While there was little press release on the upcoming movie, the movie has been promised to make people laugh and even question their morals.
Meanwhile, there is another method that gets very little press, but which is highly effective.
Although there has been little press attention on the case, the home secretary is coming under growing political pressure to soften her stance.
In races with limited resources and little press coverage, the inherent ability to target most online outreach at low cost can help stretch a tight budget.
And I'm not talking about a delicate little press.
Let's talk instead about the films that are sure to be interesting, but have received little press.
There as some aspects of the history you noted that perhaps only insiders might know, as this portion of the story gets little press.
Meegan has done little press, however - he did one interview a year ago, with MCV, saying that «in recent years, LucasArts hasn't always done a good job of making games» and that he would change that.
Is it just me or has there been relatively little press about Rachel McAdams leading up to the release of Doctor Strange?
It is not a small policy measure which can be rubbished by virtue of how little press interest it commands.
However, despite getting very little press from physicians or other resources, there is one simple activity that can aid in both your recovery and long term prognosis — massaging your surgical scar.
Bob Little Press & PR provides business - to - business public relations (PR) services, telling the truth as you would want it told.
Offed it with two dinky sentences in a dinky little press release.
Just so you can be clear what rating the game's received in your region, developer CD Projekt have sent out a handy little press release with all the ratings in one place.
EShop goes unnoticed much of the time, with litlte advertising and even littler press, many Nintendo fans have only made cursory forays into the archive of retro gems offered up by Nintendo's software.
Unfortunately it has received little press overseas, especially in the United States.
The app has spread largely by word of mouth: TiKL has spent no money on marketing the app and has received little press coverage about it.
«I'll do these little press videos where they're like, «So tell us about your first concert,»» Tillman says recounting the rounds of interviews for outlets like Rolling Stone, The New York Times Magazine and MTV he's done following an album release.
It will also scrunch down the dough inside the pan, so make sure you give it a little press to stand it upright again before chilling.
Give a little press.
I added a little pressed garlic into it and used dried sage.
And so now through Saturday the hubby and I are on a little press trip and it's the first time we have been away from all of our kiddos at the same time.....
«Deciding that you can let your members speak, get a little press time, be able to put pictures on social media on very important issues that should either be debated or not debated but not brought up for an hour or two then [tabled]... I've never seen that kind of thing happen,» Klarides said Thursday.
And every so often, when the program gets a little press attention, Shenoi gets hundreds of «pings,» many of them frivolous, he says.
While recent research helps confirm the testimony of ancient authors, little press is given to such studies.
This was an awesome recipe - I didn't bother with the slow cooker as I was a little pressed for time - I browned the chicken and eggplant (which I did soak - although only for 20 minutes - rinsed...) I layered the chicken on the bottom, then the eggpplant (didn't want it too mushy!)
A little pressing is in order to get this skirt less cupcake wrapper and more pleated petals.
boscia White Charcoal Mattifying MakeUp Setting Spray: If you're a full makeup in summer kinda gal OR just use a little pressed powder....
The extra levels or leftover content that you add long after a game's release hit the market with little press and no critical reception, and meanwhile,...
[Director] Tony [Goldwyn] and I did a little press tour with Hilary [Swank].
Until this little press release hit the wires.
You're probably wondering what I'm talking about, so I will share a little press release I got about how Amazon has teamed up with Capital One to use the power of your voice to stay on top of your credit card and banking.
Well, this little press release of sorts did come from Purina, so take it for what it's worth.
We're a little pressed for time right after our wedding, but we would like to get away for a bit.
I would add that in 2010 car accidents killed 444 children aged 1 through 4 and homicides killed 367, but this gets very little press and nobody seems to be recalling cars or guns for killing kids.
They could use a little pressing though.
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