Sentences with phrase «little priority»

Oh, and price, although this is a segment where cost is of little priority.
However, it is out of fear for the same old same old for this coming administration that is continuing little priority for animal welfare that has always been criticized.
There is little priority given towards STOPPING the inhumane treatment of animals by the department, which LONG predates ANY new administration coming in.
Many brands have a presence on Google + but place little priority on the social network.
Sure nearly every AAA MMO has some sort of story, but it's usually an afterthought that receives little priority, isn't particularly well - developed, and often requires a lot of player investment in the lore (usually in wikis or books) to actually get anything out of it.
The absence of climate significant warming by itself pretty much confirms that extreme climate change is a non-issue, deserving little priority and resources.
Little priority has been given by successive governments to address the conflicts and issues that surround town and rural life and the complications of integrating into a wider economic community.
For a banquet server position, little priority is placed on academic qualifications.
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