Sentences with phrase «little regard for»

Real life happens and a daughter takes over the room, there is little storage, a family room is emptied here to redo floors and teenagers have little regard for folding clothes and it looks like this (and I highly doubt YOU have a room that looks this bad in your home!)
Similarly, when a renter decides to break or bend the terms you've agreed upon, this is a clear indication that your tenant has little regard for the requests and restrictions that protect your investment.
This clause is used with little regard for the tenant's investment into the premises, leasehold improvements or its dependency on the location for customer attraction.
MLS is being muddied over — and often by Realtors who have little experience who put mere postings on with little regard for accuracy or liability.
Those with degrees are considered experts in a field... or at least more knowledgeable than a novice... We need to get in line with the public's perceptions and offer up degrees in real estate and (as I believe you have indicated) we need to offer these degrees through accredited universities that the public have heard of and acknowledge... most people have no idea who OREA is and the public have little regard for OREA but they do know the University of Western Ontario, U of T, Laurier, Brock, etc... we need to use the reputation of these universities to elevate the status of agents... RECO needs to oversee these universities but let the universities do what they are good at... teach aspiring professionals.
Divorce is being treated like big business with very little regard for these feelings.
In his annotation to Ursic v. Ursic, Philip Epstein writes that Ursic and Andrade, together with other cases, reflect a recent trend in high conflict cases that denies sole custody to the parent who is largely responsible for the conflict, who is not prepared to be a «friendly parent» and who has little regard for the access rights of the other parent.
She writes, «The problem with narcissistic parents is that, although the focus seems to be on their child, there is actually very little regard for the child in their parenting style.»
Before 1950, health researchers had little regard for the health needs of Indigenous people.
Such individuals act on impulse with little regard for the consequences of their actions.
, sustainable development has been appropriated by some mining companies who use the term «sustainable development» to advocate profits and energy growth with little regard for its true meaning.
Much of the debate has talked about «Indigenous land» with little regard for whether or not the land in question is native title land, land rights land, purchased land or simply whether the land in question is reserved for the benefit of Indigenous people.
Society, TV, friends, and even family all seem to focus on the gifts women receive during this time of year with little regard for men.
While some critics argued Microsoft simply forced the Start Screen interface onto desktop PCs with little regard for keyboard and mouse users, the company pitched its «Metro» environment as the future of Windows.
But a cryptocurrency created by a corrupt and rogue government with little regard for its own country's laws will not solve the endemic crises plaguing the once - rich nation.
Kushner also asserted that his new White House office of American Innovation will seek to «modernize the government's technology infrastructure» as well as make «an effort to bring business sensibility to a government that for too long has relied on past practices as an automatic justification for their continuation» which out of context would be a scary thing to hear coming from an administration with little regard for the foundations of American democracy but in context was mostly kind of boring and about migrating to the cloud.
Scammers buy low, hope that their promotions let the sell high, then flee with their loot and little regard for other investors.
If they see that you have little regard for traffic laws, you're going to be paying a lot more for insurance than you might expect.
... petitioner failed to produce evidence that the claimed expenses were for prescribed activity, and he had little regard for physician's advice on sexually related matters.
You are probably best served by using the information as evidence that the guy is a bad person, has little regard for the laws, openly defied PIPA, etc..
Bitter family disputes are often fought from one «contact» hearing to the next, with little regard for the long - term perspective.
The public — and injured people especially — will not benefit from an overly zealous law that shows little regard for how the practice of law and the administration of justice actually work.
He or she has little regard for the well - being of injured victims, and will do everything possible to protect the insurance company — even when that means asking victims to sign documents or statements without having an attorney review them, or trying to convince victims to agree to a settlement much lower in value than they deserve.
Some of these «big name» lawyers made that list because they had so little regard for their obligations.
Insurers are often frustrated by persistent litigants in person who have little regard for legal costs or court time and for whom the threat of an adverse costs order is nothing but an empty threat.
The character of Ty Webb is an independently wealthy eccentric who golfs at his inherited country club with little regard for rules, decorum and, apparently, his own performance.
Assuming the greatest pace of economic development with little regard for the environment, the study predicted that 1,101 species would be lost over the next century due to habitat loss alone, while just 64 would be lost to climate change alone.
Like many parts of rural America, Appalachia is home to a variety of extractive industries, which remove resources (and profits) from areas with little regard for the local residents or the environment, and the reintroduction of hemp farming could help to turn things around in these areas.
Yet wildfires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes and the like, swiftly remind us that Mother Nature has little regard for our bricks and mortar pretence of shelter.
The former will probably last longer despite both being examples of things manufactured with little regard for quality.
By taking it out of context, D'Aleo and Watts are intentionally making it look like Mann is admitting to having little regard for the truth.»
And today a Washington Post column by Dana Milbank illustrates one of the big problems that Buchanan sought to solve: the temptation of legislatures to spend money with little regard for what two of his students called «deficits, debt, and debasement.»
Of all the CE posters, my world view is closest to that of GaryM, although he is a strong Catholic and I do not believe in a god or gods and have little regard for organised religion.
Rarely has an exercise in artistic wanking had so little regard for the social cost.
Furthermore, it is willing to sacrifice massive resources to that «cause» while having little regard for widows and orphans, especially the 1 billion extreme poor in developing countries.
Blankenship, who led Massey through its mountaintop removal expansion, also earned the reputation as a union - buster with little regard for worker safety.
Though Pixiq attempted to find document shady connections between Norman and Big Ag they came up short, but did manage to find enough evidence to support claims by the largely conservative Tampa Tribune editorial board's that Norman is «a deceptive, self - interested politician who has displayed little regard for ethical behavior.»
42, 51 — m «Digby asks at 42: What sort of people have so little regard for humanity as a whole that they have no scruples about exploiting the planet to ruinous ends, simply to advantage themselves in the present day?»
He sifts through the Colby catalogue and offers judgments, quick takes with little regard for the artist's feelings.
These events have been central in heralding a new post-truth era, where politicians feel free to say what they want to help them gain popular support, with little regard for factual accuracy.»
The system works very well and the ratings are A to E. With sportsmanship E means you have little regard for other racers and just want to run everyone off the road.
For 20 years Kirby has been inhaling objects with little regard for personal safety, so to celebrate, Nintendo are bringing
To mark the event, they've provided us with a new gameplay trailer featuring copious tricks, stunts and grown men hooning about the place with little regard for safety and common sense.
Is it because he has so little regard for them it never crossed his mind to say something, and when this question came up he was caught offguard by the question and went yeah, I need to make a statement or I'll end up looking like a douche bag...
In a direct comparison, Nintendo's game has you throwing your creatures at enemies with little regard for their safety or well being as the Pikmin are more or less identical.
For years airlines threw capacity into the market with seemingly little regard for the financial implications.
Riley responds with the learned nonchalance of someone who has traveled through Europe alone with little regard for personal safety, despite having acquired genital lice in a public bathroom somewhere between Switzerland and Spain.
Supporting companies like this, and boycotting companies who have little regard for ethical practices is one of the biggest things that you can do as a tourist.
Because puppy mills focus on profit, dogs are often bred with little regard for genetic quality.
Do you really want to give your money to someone with so little regard for the creatures he has brought into the world?
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