Sentences with phrase «little resistance while»

It allows you to use very little resistance while still directly working the delts with a press / push - up.

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While the onions are caramelizing, put the potatoes in a large pot of cold, salted water, bring to a boil and cook until nearly tender, but a knife inserted into the centers still meets a little resistance, 10 to 12 minutes, or cooked through.
While watching your team fall two goals behind on the biggest of European stages with little resistance, emotions are bound to be running high.
Its unique shape offers different edges and widths to satisfy your little one while the softer «ice cream» and firmer «cone» provide different resistances.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo argued today that Mayor Bill de Blasio's resistance to closing the city's famous — and infamous — island incarceration complex is little more than political obstinacy and inertia, and took a shot at his rival Democrat «s education policies while he was at it.
So for instance, free - weight biceps curls provide little muscle tension at the top of the concentric phase, due to the prominent horizontal movement of the weight, while adequately positioned elastic bands will provide a consistent level of resistance on the biceps throughout the entire range of motion, thus stimulating greater muscle growth.
While much of traditional resistance training does little to train the lower back muscles, kettlebell swings are great for this — and may help you avoid or reduce injuries and pain that results from having a weak core.
If weight lifting is so awesome for burning calories because you're burning more calories while you're resting (a claim that is made over and over again with little clinical evidence to back it up), how come the resistance training group in this study did so poorly in losing weight?
For example, bear with me for just a little bit while I go into detail in regards to its serious resistance potential.
Balance blood sugar — insulin resistance (high blood sugar) typically makes it harder to fall asleep, while hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) will have you jolting awake at 3 a.m., wide - eyed and anxious — when this happens, eating a little protein may help you fall back asleep.
The story seamlessly interweaves inspired dance sequences, organized resistance and a little old - fashioned romance while touching on a litany of themes like love, loyalty, friendship and betrayal.
She might have learned to take the path of least resistance, and look like she's working while doing as little as she can.
If one of these wheels loses traction, the power, or the torque, goes to the path of least resistance and spins that wheel, the one that's not getting any grip, while the one that does have grip, since they're getting very little or no power, that's just not a good thing.
And while they can obey your commands, but if they think that they will be put in a very precarious situation, you can always expect them to show a little resistance.
While pet weight loss can be a challenge, with a little time and persistence (and a whole lot of resistance when it comes to those puppy dog eyes!)
A looser opening means less resistance, so most dogs are able to pass gas while making little if any sound.
Not only does it need a little more resistance when you're turning it as it's really loose, but it frequently fails to pick up small adjustments, while other times even a slight turn will send the volume up or down far more than you intended.
While Germany pushes forward on renewables, other technologies that could reduce emissions from fossil fuel energy generation face broad resistance in Germany and as a result, there is little in the way of R&D in these areas.
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