Sentences with phrase «little results»

One client said she had done literally hundreds of radio shows with little result, but had no idea what she was doing wrong.
But any agency you hire for your book, surely will do that and spend a lot of money to get very little results for you.
I tried so hard and gained so little results so i eventually gave up.
If yes, did you get good results or did you get little results for a lot of money?
It can be a painful question for those who have made attempts in the past only to find they produced little results.
In saying that, doing push - ups wrong yields little results.
I have tried many in the past and got very little results from use.
Although the study says print advertising is still widely used, I have talked to many attorneys who pay tens of thousands of dollars for yellow page ads, yet see little results.
So much hype, yet so little results on the field.
Taking a «just do it and see» approach will drive little results if any.
Indeed it was incredible to me that so much could be invested with so little resulting usable value.
I'd say, email me if you did not get it, but we know that would provide little results.
In the worst - case scenarios, credit repair services can actually turn out to be a scam that cost you money with little results.
You attempt a multitude of «strategies» that require much in the way of time and effort, but produce little results.
Sadly, very little results from his visits, photos and dinners.
Well what are they all doing is what I'd like to know because never has so much effort produced so little results.
Lascaris said that while he encourages «governmental investigation into matters of this nature,» there have been similar investigations with other companies but with little result in the end.
Therefore, I give you these delightful little results that, if I do say so myself, are even better and can be made in a jiffy (< people still say «jiffy» right?)
Studies have shown that taking two grams of carnitine per day led to improved erectile function in men who experienced little results with prescription products3334.
Medicaid is a huge financial burden on our state for such little results.
Huge price for so little result Moreover, Germany's investment in green energies really did not begin in earnest until 2005, and so the results have been truly a flop.
Nonetheless, such control measures bear little result, if any, as main Chinese exchanges continue to operate without disruption and have even made it to the list of top - 10 trading platforms in the world.
He mailed religiously every month with little results by the end of December.
I long for a lush, established landscape and tend to scatter my efforts across the whole yard which results in spending lots of money and seemingly little result.
The methods pioneered in Pemuteran have proven successful where other strategies have shown little result in restoring reefs and fisheries.
The union also gave $ 200,000 to Class Size Counts, the class size reduction campaign operated by its Washington State affiliate; in spite of the evidence that shows that class size reductions yield little results in improving student achievement, the NEA wants to make sure that its Evergreen State affiliate can increase revenue by requiring districts to hire more teachers (who must then pay dues to the union regardless of their desire to do so).
The Qatari involvement in Libya, for instance, has so far brought very little results in terms of political influence.
While the EU is moving fast toward a greener economy, the USA has so far produced little result on a national scale.
I've spent 1,000 on Lexington law and got little results with removing items from my credit report..
If you find yourself searching for months for a new professional position paying $ 150K to $ 2.5 M with little results from your search or are just starting out and you have no idea where to begin your career change, then you are may be a fit for my Six Figure Solution executive search program.
If FHASecure fails, then the President's program will be revealed for what it is: jawboning and voluntary efforts that produce little result.
In contrast, just as it did for Obama, it took Brown months of tireless campaigning with little result (both on and offline) to create the inertia needed to generate $ 12 million in donations, over 100,000 Facebook supporters, over 10,000 people enrolled in our «Call from Home» program, over 215,000 email subscribers and 7,529 text message subscribers.
So little results... I haven't lost weight in over 2 weeks.
It did get me a spot in Nail Pro magazine but otherwise I spent a lot of money for little results.
Billions of dollars are pouring into clean - tech companies — with little results.
When you are small and have little results, the holes in the balloon do not show up.
On the flip side, we're starting to see a number of growth sectors starting to struggle a little resulting in downgrades.
I also learned that most treatment options for D - MER had barely been tested, and even though most doctors were opting to use commonly prescribed antidepressants, known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), to treat D - MER, they were seeing very little results.
His critics called him indecisive, without a strong legacy of accomplishments — mostly talk, with little result.
At the start of a PhD get some little results fast to boost motivation, don't go first for big results.
However, a lot of motivational talk with hard work but little results isn't going to be motivating.
Are you going old school with long, slow workouts that tend to frustrate people, break their bodies down, and get little results?
I have tried many organic name brands with little results, but Juice Beauty tops all of them.
Before SSBM, I was stuck doing hours of cardio with little results.
From increased risk of injury to wasted time with little results, certain exercise machines might be better passed over.
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