Sentences with phrase «little seeds»

The phrase "little seeds" refers to small beginnings or small actions that have the potential to grow into something much bigger or significant over time. Full definition
Those tiny little seeds pack in tons of good nutrition — find out how to add them to all kinds of dishes.
Being neutral in taste, you can add these versatile little seeds in many of your favorite dishes and drinks!
But maybe start - ups that began with little seed capital were simply more consumed with the money hunt later?
You wont need to go back for more 10 minutes after you've finished because these amazing little seeds are so full of fiber.
Sadly, that hardly means anything if you have very little seed money or savings to start your business.
These powerful little seeds can really help you feel full for much longer than their tiny size suggests.
Sadly, that hardly means anything if you have very little seed money or savings to start your business.
I am so glad to have finally discovered these versatile little seeds.
Some of the claims they make are a little misleading... but they are great little seeds!
I like the crunchy little seeds in the morning.
No longer will you be throwing away this nutritious little seed!
Use these tasty little seeds in any baked goods, or enjoy them in a raw organic tahini.
I don't know what it was about those fragrant little seeds that made the veggies so good.
Thank you, sweet little seeds, for taking one item off my «I Might Be a Bad Mom» list this week.
The kids love to see their plants growing so I wasn't surprised when they decided to turn plastic eggs into little seed pots.
When done right, these dense little seeds with puff right up and become perfectly edible.
I can not preach more about this magnificent little seed, it's a pantry must.
These golden and brown little seeds have for many years been touted for all their health benefits.
And then, when you cut into it — the best part — it reveals its soft pink flesh and those delicate little seeds... it's just beautiful.
Once a seed is sprouted, it becomes alive all the nutrition packed into that tiny little seed gets activated.
There's not much you can't do with this amazing little seed.
There's lots of confusion about this powerful little seed and I'd like you to be aware and act flax!
The more I learn about these tasty little seeds, the more I'm amazed by all the nutrients they pack.
Tatum is funny and likable, but he's also planting little seeds of empathy throughout; you'll be surprised by how much you're rooting for him.
The term for this is called «Miliary dermatitis» because it can look like little seeds on the skin.
As the author writes, «This book is full of little seeds for ideas.
These could be the first steps into taking up an active life of evangelisation, and in this way the book itself is a work of evangelisation: tilling the hearts that read it and then planting little seeds that ultimately stand a greater chance of taking root.
I filled up quickly on the soup and later had a Kale Salad with Little Seed Caesar Dressing.
These tiny little seeds pack a mean punch, with a licorice flavor similar to anise.
any other fruit you if you want to add, fresh or frozen (note that raspberries will make little seeds in the smoothie — my girls don't like them)
I knew chia seeds where magical little seeds, but whoa!
I particularly like drinking a Chia Fresca if I'm fasting (a topic for another time) as the hydrated little seeds provide a sense of satiety.
This awesome little seed contains high levels of phosphorus, zinc, copper, selenium and manganese than other cereal grains or pseudo-grains.
Design ideas also come from images that catch my eye and lodge themselves like little seeds in my brain.
Our collaborators have included Shutters & Shuttles for hand woven fabric, Little Seed Farm for our current Hair + Body Serum: Potion # 1, our long time collaboration with The Teresa Hays Textile Studio for our marbled fabrics, and we are now in the works with Acorn + Archer for awesome jewelry, and artist Mary Mooney who will be working on notions for garments we create this year.
A search through google led me to realize the potential of this neat little seed hasn't yet been explored as I could not find any recipes for using watermelon seeds as a «flour» except for a few studies that were done by a government agency, otherwise nothing.
I love that I can purchase a large bag of these wonderful little seeds in Costco, so much more affordableReplyCancel
This tree hasn't turned colors yet but when it does I will be sad because that means thorny little seed pods will be dropping and covering our lawn.
This tree hasn't turned colors yet but when it does I will be sad because that means thorny little seed pods will be dropping and covering our lawn.
(No, you don't have to squeeze every tiny little seed into a glass!)
It is still a wonder that we took this gelatinous little seed and made it into an edible food, let alone one that we were all crazy about.
Bob's Red Mill Hulled Hemp Seed Hearts are beautiful little seeds with a serious nutritional bang.
I wasn't totally sure how I'd feel about pudding made with those strange little seeds, since I'm not a superfan of tapioca, but I tell you whut: life changing.
It was so fun to gather up the juicy little seeds to bite and crunch into (my mom, of course, would warn us not to get them on the tablecloth or our clothes for fear of staining).
■ Chia seeds: These unique little seeds, which come in regular (black) and white varieties, are positively packed with omega - 3 fats, fiber, and protein.
Who knew that those cute little seeds that I grew up growing into my ch - ch - ch - chia pet could be so good for you?
Dinner: Organic Collard Greens Salad with Organic Baked Tofu and Organic Little Seed Caesar Dressing.
1 bunch of collard greens (about 14 large leaves) 4 sun dried tomatoes (packed in olive oil) salt and freshly ground pepper to taste 1 pound block extra firm tofu 1/4 cup Tamari or soy sauce 1/4 cup water 1 tablespoon agave necter 1/4 -1 / 3 cup Little Seed Caesar dressing Preheat oven to 375oF.
If you don't want to fuss with scraping the seeds from the bean but you still want those pretty little seeds, you can use vanilla bean paste.Or, of course, you can just use pure vanilla extract.
Flaxseeds are basically little seeds that are all fiber and omega - 3 fatty acids.

Phrases with «little seeds»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z