Sentences with phrase «little significance as»

In fact, a document of title to real estate has little significance as such.
There are also very many problems, where the Bayesian approach is of little significance as it doesn't change the results at all or very little.

Not exact matches

It was suggested that relatively little of human significance can be discovered in these disciplines as long as they are restricted to the objective description of human beings.
From time to time crises such as strike action remind people that they are dependent upon one another, but for the most part they live and work within the confines of their own occupation, and there is extraordinarily little communication of ideas of any significance.
I'm still trying to figure out what it means to embrace waiting as a part of life, but so far the most interesting fringe benefit I've observed is a newfound capacity for absorbing the significance of the little things.
Little significance has been attached to questions like, «Who qualifies as a «knower,» and who doesn't, and why?»
This has always been held to be the latest of the four, though it is perhaps the latest by a margin so narrow as to have little significance.
Asked on the call how his faith had shaped his success as a businessman and his political career, the presidential candidate spoke about «a conviction that life is eternal, that your family is your greatest prize, that ultimately what we accomplish in life is of little significance compared to the interests of the savior Jesus Christ and his purposes.»
This philosophy often regards «usefulness» as of little metaphysical significance.
Just as physics reveals little of significance about man until one reflects on the enterprises of science and technology, so scientific psychology, aiming to out - do physics in objective rigor, can yield little insight about man until the distinctive human quality of self - awareness is acknowledged as an essential factor in psychological inquiry.
And since the Old Testament word for angel, as that of the New Testament, means also messenger, it is a legitimate suspicion that these narratives preserve reminiscences of the growing significance of the prophetic movement, which comes into clear focus just a little later in First Samuel.
Some theologians, for instance, who have become interested in «story» as a source for theology have used the term so broadly that it means everything and hence very little of significance.
It is the moment of «installation» (cf. Romans 1:4); and Mark's conception of its significance conflicts with the idea of the pre-existence as little as does Paul's understanding of the significance of the resurrection.
And without any prefabricated religious systems of heroics into which they might fit their lives, many had little opportunity to discover and feel deeply the sense of significance they needed in order simply to exist as persons.
He had never known anything else but a society both stable and yet somehow dissatisfied, Information from afar about the old Emperor Maximilian, «the last of the knights» as he was sometimes called; about the anti-clericalism which stretched right across Europe, and of the attempts in London by the young King Henry VIII to keep it under control; about the pseudo-Council of Pisa, called by King Louis XII of France, denounced by the warlike Pope Julius II, was of little significance to him.
Jesus as a man or Jesus as the Christ has little significance for me.
To those outside of the Christian tradition the story of Jesus of Nazareth may have little if any significance (just as to most Christians today, though this is certainly not praiseworthy, the story of Muhammed's life holds relatively little religious interest).
As we saw in Chapter 3, H. Richard Niebuhr has emphasized that the Christian's primary knowledge of revelation is given not through objective reporting but through participation in a community's internal memory of saving events that to outsiders may have little narrative significance.
I like to think of myself as a fairly rational individual, which is why what has and is going on at Arsenal confounds me... little wonder people have gone so far as to suggest that Wenger is actually sabotaging the club... one only needs to look at our starting 11 to stoke the flames of conspiracy... just think of the perceived importance of this game, considering the loss to Stoke, the historically significance of the two teams involved, the controversy that swirled around our two meetings last season, the proximity to the closing of the window and the general disdain being directed towards the manager once again... how is it even possible that you wouldn't come to Anfield with all guns blazing... not a single shot on target, with the back - up keeper in no less... where were the new signings?
One more little pointer as to the significance of injury on a title challenge is the fact that out invincibles capmpaign of 2003 - 04 was also the year we had the fewest injury problems.
Whatever your decision about co-sleeping with your little one, we recommend reading Dr. McKenna's article referenced here, in the sources below, and in the text above, as it provides a clear explanation of the controversy surrounding co-sleeping and can help you make the best decision according to your lifestyle, housing and financial situation as well as understand the evolutionary significance of co-sleeping.
They are at least as illuminating than the frenzy of private briefings that are of little significance at this early stage of the negotiation.
That the new prime minister has little regard for the significance of the constitution or the importance of justice was immediately demonstrated by her baffling appointment of the pusillanimous, self - advancing Liz Truss as lord chancellor.
As a result, until the last two decades of the 20th century, few scientists spent time studying a topic thought to have little, if any, biological significance.
Evolutionary studies of mammalian teeth have generally concentrated on the adaptive and functional significance of dental features, whereas the role of development on phenotypic generation and as a source of variation has received comparatively little attention.
Regarding carbohydrate source, a diet with a low versus high glycemic index can be used to reduce HbA1c moderately (by ∼ 0.5 %).13 Case series and pilot studies reveal more substantial improvements in HbA1c and other benefits (less hypoglycemia and reduced glycemic variability) with a very low — carbohydrate diet (VLCD).14 — 21 Although varying to some degree among studies, a VLCD is typically defined as ≤ 20 to 50 g per day of carbohydrates or ≤ 5 % to 10 % carbohydrates as a proportion of calories.22 — 24 In T1DM, small sample sizes and methodological issues limit the significance of VLCD benefits, and little is known about prevalence, practice, and sustainability.
Terms such as complex carbohydrates and simple sugars are now recognised as having little nutritional or physiological significance.
Beauty always starts from the way you feel on the inside and is released through the sparkle of a personality that inspires, discovers and appreciates the big things just as much as the little significances that unfold on the dailies.
Although 2000 AD starts out as a routine potboiler espionage thriller of little significance, it gets supercharged about halfway through into an exciting actioner worth watching.
Portman has a role of some significance, and, as always, manages it with skill and grace, although one could argue that her character could have been allowed a little more depth.
In this simple powerpoint you can teach a little bit about the significance of the Christingle as a lead in to helping the children to make their own (includes a picture of all the things you will need).
The significance of the Common Core is that the advocates for the Common Core and the people who are designing the test talk very explicitly about, as Carol said, these instructional shifts, which have not been publicly debated, which got little public airing as 40 - odd states rushed to adopt the Common Core in 2009, 2010, and which portend a dramatic shift in how we teach 50 million children reading and math.
One of the most puzzling minor sidelights of Courbet's composition is the significance of the little boy scribbling a picture, a later insertion whose presence has been accounted for both as a mere space filler - to balance the still - life objects on the left - hand side — and as a personification of the newly awakened interest in the art of children associated with the Swiss artist Rodolphe Topffer.15 Yet here again a Fourierist interpretation best accounts for this figure.
Moreover, it's not even clear that the deviation has been as large as is commonly assumed (as discussed e.g. in the Cowtan and Way study earlier this year), and has little statistical significance in any case.
Individual annual anomalies have the disadvantage that they are of little statistical significance, and yet they are the stuff of headlines, as we have seen.
But being of little significance, they attract obfuscation and denial, as we have also seen.
Their tactics and fallacies include ignoring or distorting mainstream scientific results, cherry - picking data and falsely generalizing, bringing up irrelevant red - herring arguments, demanding unachievable «precision» from mainstream science with the motif «if you don't understand this detail you don't understand anything», overemphasizing and mischaracterizing uncertainties in mainstream science, engaging in polemics and prosecutorial - lawyer Swift - Boat - like attacks on science - and lately even scientists, attacking the usual scientific process, misrepresenting legitimate scientific debate as «no consensus», and overemphasizing details of little significance.
It is of no little significance that the IPCC's value for the coefficient in the CO2 forcing equation depends on only one paper in the literature; that its values for the feedbacks that it believes account for two - thirds of humankind's effect on global temperatures are likewise taken from only one paper; and that its implicit value of the crucial parameter κ depends upon only two papers, one of which had been written by a lead author of the chapter in question, and neither of which provides any theoretical or empirical justification for a value as high as that which the IPCC adopted.
Their tactics and fallacies include ignoring or distorting mainstream scientific results, cherry - picking data and falsely generalizing, bringing up irrelevant red - herring arguments, demanding unachievable «precision» from mainstream science with the motif «if you don't understand this detail you don't understand anything», overemphasizing and mischaracterizing uncertainties in mainstream science, engaging in polemics and prosecutor - lawyer Swift - Boat - like attacks on science - and lately even scientists, attacking the usual scientific process, misrepresenting legitimate scientific debate as «no consensus», and overemphasizing details of little significance.
While they seemed of little practical significance Canadians saw them as an inappropriate limitation on Canadian national sovereignty.
This «significance» can be as little as 12 hours, or as long as two days.
The immediate nature of the Australian Government's response reflects the very first recommendation of the Little Children are Sacred report into the protection of Aboriginal children from child abuse in the Northern Territory which said: «That Aboriginal child sexual abuse in the Northern territory be designated as an issue of urgent national significance by both the Australian and Northern Territory Governments...» [7]
Also, because our study treated age as time - invariant and contrasted middle - aged and older adults, our findings of a relative lack of age variations may indicate that little cohort difference exists in the significance of perceived spousal support in relation to health.
Relatively little is known about how this trait actually influences physiology and health, but the data suggest it does (Lahey, 2009) and it could therefore be of clinical importance to infertility patients, as well as of psychological significance to their treatment experience.
I was going to write a little bit about our life over the past few years as a bit of an intro on Fall Nesting, but then I opened a post by my interior design major daughter Courtney and realized she pretty much wrote everything I was thinking about in a much more eloquent and meaningful way so I'll let her share her thoughts on creating a home and the significance of it in her own words.
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