Sentences with phrase «little significance if»

The failure to cross-examine can be of little significance if the contradicted evidence is little significance in the conduct of the case and to the resolution of critical issues of fact.

Not exact matches

If you choose them wisely, most of the legal details that you negotiate will carry little significance.
He overrates his significance, and he praises his own greatness (for little good reason) in words that would be better reserved for others (if they had any merit).
It may seem obvious to her that, in British Christianity, the abandonment of a belief in a personal God would be of little significance, while the loss of the Authorized Version of the Bible and Cranmer's Prayer Book marks a religious disaster of the first magnitude; or that if «our minds are... full of readily available religious imagery... there is no need to expel [it] simply because... we do not believe in God.»
It goes almost without saying, in view of what we observed in the preceding lecture, that at the very beginning (that is, immediately after the resurrection) Jesus» death would have had little, if any, theological significance.
Finally, a theology of revelation will be of little interest to us if it fails to address the individual's personal search for significance.
To those outside of the Christian tradition the story of Jesus of Nazareth may have little if any significance (just as to most Christians today, though this is certainly not praiseworthy, the story of Muhammed's life holds relatively little religious interest).
Unlike the 9th Senate district race, even if he wins, the victory for Republicans would have little significance on the makeup of the Democratic - dominated Assembly.
As a result, until the last two decades of the 20th century, few scientists spent time studying a topic thought to have little, if any, biological significance.
Luckily, this is often of little significance, since money can be stored without risk of loss at a bank for much of the game, or if the party holds the very useful strongbox.
If they have an eye on diversity and inclusion and sheer significance, they might work a little harder to push her through.
While they might be statistically significant, they might mean relatively little in the grand scheme of things (i.e., in terms of practical significance; see also «The Difference Between» Significant» and «Not Significant» is not Itself Statistically Significant» or posts on Andrew Gelman's blog for more discussion on these topics if interested).
@mahonj If you are not interested, you do not buy; while the opposite might be true, it is of little significance.
Minor worm infections can be of little significance, but nearly all these parasites will induce serious disease if present in overwhelming numbers.
According to this Iwata Asks, it is because of this game that Genyo Takeda holds the title of «Nintendo's first ever game designer» — even if at the time that title held little significance.
Their tactics and fallacies include ignoring or distorting mainstream scientific results, cherry - picking data and falsely generalizing, bringing up irrelevant red - herring arguments, demanding unachievable «precision» from mainstream science with the motif «if you don't understand this detail you don't understand anything», overemphasizing and mischaracterizing uncertainties in mainstream science, engaging in polemics and prosecutorial - lawyer Swift - Boat - like attacks on science - and lately even scientists, attacking the usual scientific process, misrepresenting legitimate scientific debate as «no consensus», and overemphasizing details of little significance.
Their tactics and fallacies include ignoring or distorting mainstream scientific results, cherry - picking data and falsely generalizing, bringing up irrelevant red - herring arguments, demanding unachievable «precision» from mainstream science with the motif «if you don't understand this detail you don't understand anything», overemphasizing and mischaracterizing uncertainties in mainstream science, engaging in polemics and prosecutor - lawyer Swift - Boat - like attacks on science - and lately even scientists, attacking the usual scientific process, misrepresenting legitimate scientific debate as «no consensus», and overemphasizing details of little significance.
Luckily, this is often of little significance, since money can be stored without risk of loss at a bank for much of the game, or if the party holds the very useful strongbox.
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