Sentences with phrase «little significance while»

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It may seem obvious to her that, in British Christianity, the abandonment of a belief in a personal God would be of little significance, while the loss of the Authorized Version of the Bible and Cranmer's Prayer Book marks a religious disaster of the first magnitude; or that if «our minds are... full of readily available religious imagery... there is no need to expel [it] simply because... we do not believe in God.»
But while top political leadership has come chiefly from members of one of the mainline Protestant groups, that membership has been of little political significance.
However, not unlike your college major, while it looks important, it ultimately holds little significance.
While Mills is hungry to define himself, Somerset is tired, and convinced that his time on the force has had little to no significance on their hellish environment.
While they might be statistically significant, they might mean relatively little in the grand scheme of things (i.e., in terms of practical significance; see also «The Difference Between» Significant» and «Not Significant» is not Itself Statistically Significant» or posts on Andrew Gelman's blog for more discussion on these topics if interested).
@mahonj If you are not interested, you do not buy; while the opposite might be true, it is of little significance.
While they seemed of little practical significance Canadians saw them as an inappropriate limitation on Canadian national sovereignty.
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