Sentences with phrase «little tasks»

You know that myriad of little tasks that eat time?
Try giving them one little task at a time rather than asking them to go clean the whole room.
Share that list with your family, so that your days off do not consist of household chores and other little tasks that generally get put off until you have free time.
Even little tasks with twins can be a logistical nightmare that can lead to stress and frustration.
You can start with little tasks and then help them build their way up to bigger ones.
While some may find it easiest to knock out little tasks first, there is an overall flaw with this idea, making it a bad habit to avoid.
Just take it easy, do some self care, and find comfort in accomplishing little tasks.
By breaking the job down into little tasks, a seemingly - endless chore becomes manageable.
Little tasks around the house will keep you busy and your mind off your delivery.
Encourage little tasks so she can earn praise for each.
You control a character and run around an area to talk to people, collect items and perform other minor little tasks to progress in the story.
Life is full of repetitive little tasks that you can carry out with a pattern of movement.
A lot of neglected little tasks can add up to a big headache.
Very cool that y ’ all chose time together over little tasks.
So when you knock off a bunch of little tasks (or a big one), reward yourself.
A fun little task for KS3 and low KS4 using COD as a means of understanding bearings.
Through spring, summer, and fall, he does little tasks like cleaning up after parades, while they take on important jobs, such as building roads.
It means that she can get out and about and is also able to do little tasks in the home knowing that baby is safe
It has a variety of fun little tasks to keep students engaged, and allows the teache...
Speaking of those tiny little tasks, how many can you delegate?
Repainting walls, changing tiles, trimming the garden, fixing leaking taps and other annoying little tasks don't take long, but if they're left untreated potential buyers will assume you're lazy and wonder what other surprises lurk in store if they buy the home.
It features this neat little design that distributes weight from wheel to wheel which makes little tasks smoother like rolling over curbs.
USG: As Animal Crossing has evolved in the past, it's been by making bigger worlds, giving people more options, more freedom, more events, more little tasks to do; with these two games, you've really taken the opposite approach and focused in on just a very specific facet of the Animal Crossing experience.
The battle modes involve weird little tasks like moving eggs out of a volcano and into your respective nest, but the tracks are all too small, leading to a lot of face - planting into the wall and not a whole lot of excitement.
Friday afternoons are perfect for winding down and eliminating little tasks.
That is the idea behind Remember the Milk, a site for managing all those nagging little tasks.
Delegating tasks through e-mail is not advised as there is no tracking and very little task management.
Back at my «not enough time» stress attack in May, three days out from my presentation you can be sure that my desk was covered with papers, and a whole lot of short little tasks like Jessica's e-filing were undone.
(In my heart of hearts I think it is really the «Son of Palm», because Palm used to do a lot of these neat little tasks, albeit with a stylus and not your fingertips, but it sort of was left behind while the creative boffins at Apple forged ahead with this integrated and attractive new generation toy).
For those not in the loop, AutoInput is a nifty little Tasker plugin which allows the user to automate virtually any UI menu inside of their device.
If by IFTTT has tons of «recipes» that will let you automate a lot of little tasks throughout the day.
One little task at a time... makes you feel so good when you open a drawer that's organized and rid of miscellaneous crap:)
Even little tasks like tying his shoelaces become impossible without a drink.
The challengers» scores can occasionally be well outside what you could actually pull off in a given span, which is annoying, but generally they're fun little tasks that can spice up a race even if you're struggling at the back of the pack.
A starter will give your lesson a focused beginning and time to attend to the other little tasks you have to do at the beginning of the lesson such as calling the register and preparing for the rest of the lesson.
If your child isn't showing these sign posts, try to think of little tasks that they can do for themselves like feeding the family fish or dog, or dropping a letter in the mailbox, and see if they like the feeling of accomplishment.
I was amazed at all of the little tasks they assisted with, like helping my bridesmaids steam their dresses or packing up all the cards and gifts at the end of the night.
Brought into the world as part of Microsoft's Office 97 software suite, he was supposed to present a friendly face to users, popping up frequently onscreen to waggle his eyebrows and offer assistance with life's little tasks.
That lets me focus on what I must do today, but it also gives me a place to dump every little task I think of that someday must get done.
Well, before I was a Christian, when I was a kid, and before we had garbage disposals, garbage was collected in a bucket under the sink and at the end of the day it was taken out and thrown in the incinerator to be burned: it was one of my chores to do that little task and I disliked it.
By making this, my house smells amazing and my husband truly appreciates this little task that I do for him.
And while there's those two titanic legs in the Champions League Round of 16 against Bayern Munch still out there waiting for us next month, there's the little task of trying to get the upper hand against Inter first and foremost.
Each little task like this is another chance to begin welcoming him or her to our family.
Every parent is busy and the little tasks in life can seem overwhelming, but it's important to set aside time every day for each of your kids.
These little tasks will help your child feel involved and responsible, while helping you out at the same time.
All those little tasks add up and the more time I can save in the morning, the smoother things go for us.
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