Sentences with phrase «little thing»

God knows every little thing about me... and, if I'm honest, that really is a dread - full thing!
You want me to sit here and write every little thing in the Bible I believe to be literal and then everything I believe to be allegorical?
We have religious nuts claiming Science is a hoax, and science nuts claiming that just because I figured this little thing out it means there is no God.
It's a cute little thing called «peer review».
You and the Bushes won't let a pesky little thing like reality get in the way of your xenophobic chest - beating, will you?
I don't doubt the possibility this guy knew of issues however it would nice if SNAP provided a little thing called «proof» for the article.
If you think for a second that any Christian is going to let a little thing like the facts get in the way of doing exactly as they please then you haven't been paying attention.
It's a little thing — but of such excellences are a greater excellence made.
I've never felt so angry before as about a little thing that's going on now.
In the Scriptures, there is one little thing often overlooked on Good Friday.
The problem with most people is that we hold ministers at a higher standard on every little thing; they are human just like we are.
Nathan I do believe I mentioned a little thing called «choice».
Thou on Thy shoulders carrying All the world's load of care, To thee «tis such a little thing My trouble, too, to bear!
SocietyVS Said: «Nathan I do believe I mentioned a little thing called «choice».
@Tony B. — Have you ever heard of the little thing called «The Christian Dark Ages»?
This... this was just a little thing that can be written off as an «isolated incident» until things really get cooking.
But there is a little thing that is being trodden on called decency.
Atheists rely on scientists, which rely on this little thing called EVIDENCE, Christians find evidence to be somehow immoral, idiotic.
It's a little thing but it pulls together so much.
After all the futile treatments and the succession of helpless doctors, when grief has come even before the death, you sit there with a little cracked ice for the patient's parched mouth and throat, and think... At last I can do this one little thing right.
Because I don't follow every little thing the Bible says word for word doesn't make me a non-Christian.
If they'd just do that one little thing... apply YOUR religion to YOUR life and let the rest of US live OUR lives to our liking, the world (America especially) would be a much better place!
Seems that there's a lot more religious zealots showing their true colors, actually... but don't let a little thing like reality get in the way of a good rant.
Earlier in her book she says that she had seen «a little thing, the quantity of a hazel nut, in the palm of [her] hand; and it was as round as a ball.»
We think that Christianity is about being «happy, happy, happy all the time,» seeing God miraculously answer all our prayers, and have all of our Christian friends surround us with financial and emotional support every time the least little thing goes wrong.
I'm sorry if I went on at quite a length at this, but I hope I impressed that this is a serious and deep issue in the understanding of the nature of God, some might not be in any position to accept it as true, but it is not to be rejected out of hand as a silly or tricky little thing that people are foolish for falling into believing.
When God's Spirit lives in a person, He wants to shape our lives so dramatically and powerfully that He makes every little thing we do precious and eternal.
Is it worth provoking a coronary in a couple over a little thing like a piece of real estate?»
That is somewhat promising — it hopefully means that 58 % don't really care — and rightfully so, with that little thing called separation of church and state.
That is a little thing called metaphysics, the knowledge you can have of things based on their existence itself.
They worship tradition, dress up in gaudy expensive clothes and march around, making arbitrary rules and regulations about every little thing, thinking if they do these things and make magical gestures that this somehow «cleanses» the outside of the cup, yet Jesus already knew of their type of priest in the old days, speaking against Pharisees for doing the exact same things the Catholics have been doing for centuries.
That at a little thing called separation of church and state makes it illegal to mention God in school.
In any event, it is no little thing to know what people say about themselves, even if they are, at least in part, describing who they want to be rather than who they actually are.
They are quick to nitpick every little thing but when were right about things they ignore the truth.
Jesus wasn't married, he is ALSO God (there's this little thing called the Trinity), he is not just a prophet (like me), etc..
I do, however, have this little thing known as «veracity» on my side.
Frankly people need to be less offended by every little thing, there's much bigger problems in this world to worry about.
In Philadelphia, we do a little thing called the loosen up.
It's a little thing, but it will break the ice.
I would like to add one little thing.
With hope in Jesus, professional counseling, godly counsel, trusted books, anti-depressants, accountability, repentance within loving community and regular workouts I'm convinced every little thing is going to be alright...
And this again is no little thing.
do you remember those days when you used to be completely dependent on others even for very little thing?
It is no little thing that a sick person is made well, especially a leper.
Oh Reality you silly little thing... you want to use Julia Sweeney as a reference?
It's a little thing, but it's really helped.)
one tiny little thing....
To be THAT maniacally egotistical to even BEGIN to presume you «know for certain» even the first little thing.
However, I was definitely confused and also uninformed about the implications or logical conclusions of Calvinism, such as the fact that if Calvinism is true, God is the author of sin, since He, according to Calvin, predetermined every single little thing that has ever happened in history, including the sins of every man, including Adam!
They draw from a lot of bloggers and I can't say indiscriminately that I endorse every little thing there, but in general it's good.
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