Sentences with phrase «little thumb stick»

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I do all sorts of things with my opinions — shout them at televangelists and news anchors on TV, collect them from my favorite writers and speakers and pundits, hide behind them when I'm afraid of a new idea or perspective, stick them on Facebook and Twitter through little sound bites and thumbs - up applications.
I'm the only blonde in a sea of dark haired girls and stick out like a sore thumb lol) I would love a little girls getaway there.
is always a line that sticks out like a sore thumb for me in games, like the forced laugh track and painted on smiles of a cheesy American sitcom that does little to deserve it.
These photos were taken in Garching, Germany and while some of the images appear to be nothing more then an ordinary traffic jam, but if you look carefully you might notice the red BMW 1 - Series that's sticking out like a sore thumb, which makes these photos a little more interesting.
I've been working my way through Amazon's new KF8 format specs a little bit, and while it is a great format, taking the Kindle eBook format to where EPUB has been for some time, I have to say there are a few things that stick out like a sore thumb.
For instance, there's an asymmetrical antenna cut at the top of the tablet, a little shock of black that sticks out like a sore thumb on the versions with more color.
The analogue sticks fall nicely under the thumbs, though in our experience, it felt a little too easy to accidentally depress them while rolling them around.
You'll still have to use the «Monster Hunter Claw (controlling movement with your thumb on the analog stick and bending your pointer finger around the PSP to control the camera with the d - pad)» when shooting and targeting, but an upgrade allows for ranged weapon lock - on a little later in the game.
If the idea of swerving round precarious bends and navigating labyrinthine tracks on the stubby little thumb - stick irks you, however, we're pleased to report the Hori - built Mario Kart 7 steering wheel will be making its way to the UK this December.
It felt a little strange having to move my thumb down to access the right stick for camera controls, but it wasn't a deal breaker.
With the D pad i am a little more comfortable than the thumbs stick because before this release, i played Out Run a lot on the GameBoy Advance on Sega Arcade Gallery.
Building a small circular depression on the top of each stick makes it much more comfortable to rest your thumbs on them for extended gaming sessions, though I wish the sticks themselves were a little tighter and offered more resistance.
This little cabinet was definitely on the creamy side of ivory, but once I got it home it looked a bit more yellow then cream, and stuck out like a swore thumb up against our white toilet and sink.
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