Sentences with phrase «little vision»

The leadership seems to have very little vision for what they want to accomplish.
I had no clue, and I prefer to have as little vision and imagination as possible.
Where occasional and hobby breeders have very little vision, a professional dog breeder has long - term goals and expects each litter to bring him closer to these.
The first film was such a perfunctory chore, plodding and dutiful with little vision or imagination.
And if they allow this condition to continue, it may turn into tunnel vision and cataracts so that such a Christian has very little vision at all.
bordering on insanity and madness.Arsenal seem to be the club these unsteady fanboys like to attack, maybe it's because these folk have little vision of the bigger
For instance, in Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2, you had a soliton map that showed you a top - down view of the environment and little vision cones for each soldier.
D.P.: First, I undertook training to learn how to live independently with very little vision.
I ventured back into the kitchen and began to work my little vision; slowly piecing it together like the busy little bee I can be when determination gets the best of me.
I think we saw Henderson's best already and I don't think he can do more as he's not technically gifted, has very little vision and lacks quality.
It took a little vision, but I created a capsule wardrobe, consisting of 37 items that will be my entire wardrobe for the next three months.
The cheering crowds celebrating Britain in Libya give a small indication of what can be achieved with a little vision and commitment, of what we can do if the Foreign Office sees the moment of change for what it is.
«Have people in that building right there, the U.S. Capitol, show a little vision and leadership and pass a transportation bill before another bridge falls down, before a road collapses,» he said.
The rest was just hard work and a little vision to see the potential of what was already there.
As we accompany Agnès Varda all the way into the surgery room in her effort to maintain the little vision she has left, she attempts to get JR reveal the windows to his soul, just like she did with another notorious visionary: Jean - Luc Goddard (who the couple non-incidentally pay a visit towards the end).
With the right steps and a little vision, designers can create an immersive, unique eLearning experience that ensures knowledge retention and learner engagement.
He has very little vision, so he needs to let in as much light as possible, and always has that «wide - eyed» look about him.
Lovingly cared for unit is now ready for new owners, with a little vision you could make this an amazing beach condo getaway!
«Think about the issues of someone with very little vision or none at all, relying on this primary audio interface,» Newbold said.
With a little vision and hope and a dash of faith anything can be beautiful once again...
Amazing with a little vision, time, energy, and paint can do.
Doesn't it make you so proud to see what is possible with a little vision and lots of hard work?
Here is a little vision board I made for the room.
I wanted to show you how a little vision and savvy shopping can create a simply elegant look on a dime!
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