Sentences with phrase «little voice in one's head»

But you don't always have to give in to those greedy little voices in your head.
That horrible beast that strikes every mom at some point as a sinister little voice in our heads.
What if you could be freed of that negative little voice in your head filling you with self - doubt and confusion?
Deep down, there's a polite little voice in my head screaming «You Fucking Weirdo!»
All of these exercises and tips are designed to reprogram the self - deprecating little voice in your head that drains your energy, optimism and results.
«I ate perfectly,» said the sound egotistical little voice in my head... «I don't need to do a multiple day cleanse, I am healthy, I cleanse every day via oil pulling, body brushing, bikram yoga, and warm lemon water upon waking» And I'd think... how can one simply just not eat when hours are spent in the kitchen with food?
It's always the same nasty little voice in my head that tells me I won't be any good at it... When I used to think about going to a yoga class I would feel intimidated, anxious and sad.
So I told that judgey little voice in my head to feck off and felt glad for the woman who'd found love again.
From my experience as an author coach, another big hurdle to overcome is that little voice in our head that keeps asking «Who am I to write a book?»
We all have little voices in our heads - some more than others, based on my very unscientific observations of humans over the years.
The Resistance is the little voice in your head that keeps your head down and encourages you to follow instructions.
@just saying: like i care what the little voices in your head tell you.
The Satanists have far more respect for the female species than the «just doin» god's work as the little voices in my head tell me to» Christians ever will.
This just in... God spoke to me using a little voice in my head and told me Judas never even existed!!!
That said, I despair that every single one of the candidates for the most powerful position on the planet is evidently willing to seek guidance from the little voices in their heads as if they were real.
I wanted to catch that easy pass when I was all alone in the end - zone but, you know, when that little voice in your head says «don't catch that ball», you got ta go with what the voice says».
Another way of looking at it, for those of you who don't believe in God, is that the little voice in your head is your conscience speaking to you.
It should be easy, but for that little voice in my head that says «eat».
That little voice in my head is trying to sabotage me already, and I am only halfway through the book.
A little voice in my head said «no Lil!
And we let those little voices in our heads get the best of us.
But when it comes to dinner, it's a constant battle against that little voice in my head: «It's just for you.
As any obsessed baker knows though, until you reach that moment when you know you really nailed the recipe, there's a little voice in your head that keeps pushing you to tweak something and try it again.
While this is going on I have this little voice in my head screaming, «Next week in Thanks Giving!!!!».
Thank goodness in my case for an LC, and the little voice in my head telling me I could do this, if I just gave it one more day.
Young and scared, a little voice in my head whispered, «What if something goes wrong?»
And all the science aside, how cool is it that we're hard - wired to have a total cleaning blitz before baby is born, rather than having a little voice in our heads urging us to mop the floor and defrost the freezer after?
How can I tell my kids «hitting is wrong» or «keep your hands to yourself...» when I can hear their little voices in my head saying, «Why?
Hey... the little voice in my head whispered... what if you're wrong and it's actually good?
When you've made progress avoiding your indulgences and that little voice in your head tells you it's okay to start exposing yourself to temptation again — ignore it.
That little voice in your head ALWAYS has the answer.
If it does, keep going — regardless of that little voice in your head causing you to question yourself — this is simply the necessary yin and yang creating balance in your life, forcing the self - assuredness that at times wavers.
The same goes for my yoga practice: at times, when money is tight and energy low, that little voice in my head pipes up, asking, «Why are you doing this; selfishly taking to the mat when you should be doing something more productive?»
Does that little voice in your head ever call out for a sweet or salty treat?
Perhaps that little voice in your head just said, «Authentic self?
As any obsessed baker knows though, until you reach that moment when you know you really nailed the recipe, there's a little voice in your head that keeps pushing you to tweak something and try it again.
The little voice in my head had said «I wonder what they are using instead of BPA in this water bottle?»
The voice can stop you even starting your exercise and healthy eating plan because the little voice in your head whispers — you are to fat to exercise or to week to become strong.
That little voice in your head better be in line with what you want out of life.
Virtually daily, a little voice in my head advocates for me to dress conservatively and mature.
The little voice in your head, that says: «buy the shoes «that's the one to listen to.
I also have that little voice in my head and it never goes away.
When I'm shopping for clothes, always online (can't bear going into shops), I try to ignore the little voice in my head that tells me «you can't wear that».
I used to shy away from certain styles because magazines and the little voice in my head would tell me that they weren't «flattering» for my shape or «didn't suit me,» but then I realized somewhere along the way that those terms were very problematic insomuch as they perpetuate body dissatisfaction and to a certain extent - body hate.
And we let those little voices in our heads get the best of us.
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