Sentences with phrase «little whiter»

I simply can not get enough of little white dresses.
We had been talking about honesty in romantic relationships — how honest should you be, and if there's a place for little white lies.
Oh and I'm sort of obsessed with little white summer dresses.
After all, he has to please the whole congregation, and that takes a whole lot of little white lies.
The Maltese are a soft little white dog with a gentle yet brave disposition.
I found some of the cutest little white pumpkins at the grocery store.
I have found the cutest little white dress for any occasion you have coming up!
I love little white dresses in the summertime, but there's something about coral that is just beautiful!
It took me some time to make this as I had to keep adjusting it since I wanted the letters to fill up the sign as much as possible leaving as little white space.
She leaves the twisted brown branches up the side and across the front of her porch year - round — decorated with little white lights.
From little white dresses & denim shorts, to bold sunglasses & feminine heels.
Way down at the bottom of your sales page there were little white boxes or bubbles.
Let's face it — when it comes to dating, people always tell little white lies about themselves.
Some animals appear to be wearing little white socks on their paws, or the ends of their tails may appear to have been dipped in a paint bucket.
The reason your coconut oil is forming little white dots and not mixing in properly is because it's setting in the mousse before it's been properly mixed in.
The infection also can form in the baby's mouth from having contact with your nipples, and appear as little white spots on the inside of the cheeks, gums, or tongue.
I'm all about little white dresses in the summer, they're just the perfect summery outfit!
This updated version is just gorgeous, it's the perfect little white lace dress!
I think he is a Russian dwarf little white one with a light stripe down the centre of his back.
In the smaller pots, I used these pretty little white flowers.
I can't wait to share with you the most perfect little white dresses for spring.
How do we expect them to tell the truth if they see little white lies coming out of the mouths of people they trust and look up to?
They're becoming more than just little white polka dots, so expect big and many colorful options.
Many candidates believe that it is alright to fill an entire page with lots of information, leaving little white space.
I am always in a mood for all black outfits, especially if there is a little pop of color to it, like this pretty little white bag here!
Many have carried little white bags from local coffee shops, and are just now taking seats at their desks, anticipating the day's work.
Even little white lies told to protect your spouse's feelings hide your true feelings and prevent you and your spouse from addressing issues in your marriage or adapting behaviors to resolve conflict.
No one wants to read a resume with blocks of text and very little white space.
Hit the refresh button and remind yourself that you actually hate weather below 70 ° with the help of some cute little white tops.
I try as much to eat gluten - free by relying on quinoa and little white rice instead of white bread / other carbs.
If your little one also has tiny little white bumps scattered about, these are no cause for worry.
Nothing puts a lump in your throat and tears in your eyes than a beautiful little white fluffy dog.
Too little white space makes the resume too hard to read.
I don't go all out for many holidays — and this year fall is just a hint with some of these sweet little white pumpkins.
Everyone is tempted to tell a few little white lies on a first date to make sure they make a good impression.
Think they're all perfect, cute little white babies who'll be adopted as soon as they're born?
I'm afraid that in the 80s, my tastes in music varied from «Little white rabbit» to «Two little hands» and all other children's songs.
I also wanted to share this cute little white romper with you.
Plus, it has little white clouds scattered all over.
Even tiny little white lies are not the way you want to start off a possible new sex dating sites relationship.
Aren't they pretty with their bright pink and little white tips?
The infection can form in the baby's mouth from having contact with your nipples, and it appears as little white spots on the inside of the cheeks, gums, or tongue.
The cutest little white tee I ever did see.
I had on this crispy little white shirt while I was running around town.
A cute little white tank top can look nice with colored or patterned shorts or skirt, ankle pants, a maxi skirt, distressed jeans, etc..
Just a plain little white bunny, adding a simple bow to match your decor adds a finishing touch.
With summer just around the corner, I can't help but want to live in dresses all season, especially little white dresses.
That is a lovely little white dress on you!
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