Sentences with phrase «little workout»

I thought it was too slow, too spiritual, not very dynamic, and with little workout effect.
It isn't actually 1000 steps — its more like 250 — but still a nice little workout to get your heart rate up!
This approach is good for anyone whose main goal is to lose fat fast and as little workout as possible.
Not a regular workout, you understand, just an unofficial little workout.
So, we've created a great little workout to get you ready as fast as possible!
Put your back into it - it's a good little workout!
Virtually anyone can play the game and it provides a nice little workout.
Who would have thought that such a simple little workout routine could help Joshua lose 30 pounds in less than 90 days.
If you don't think that one little workout matters, then think about the humble termite; they're such itty bitty little creatures and they take such itty bitty little bites, yet when enough little bites are taken, an entire building can come crumbling down.
One might add that «running around» wearing 15th century German sabatons or French 19th century chestnut crushing clogs (although they're not for sale you can see them here) would also constitute a «little workout,» and I'll reckon the macro-instability these models provide would be considerable.
The great thing is you can wear them running around doing errands and you're getting a little workout at the same time.»
Like most kids, her little love language is absolutely «quality time» and she doesn't care if that means talking about menstruation and social justice with her mum while driving on the Fraser Highway to a little workout night at a Pentecostal church for a schoolroom of African girls that she likely won't ever meet in her lifetime.
Put a show on, or let them play «ABC Mouse» in the middle of the day so that you can do a little workout.
• ON FAVORITE ATHLETE ALLEN IVERSON, AND PRACTICE: «I enjoy practice, but sort of like (Iverson) I don't like the little workouts — stretching, striding.
When your baby is lying on her back on a changing table or pad, hold her legs and give them a little workout.
Strolling to the grocery store is an impressive strategy to obtain a little workout along with to obtain your kid out right into some fresh air.
Strolling to the food store is an exceptional method to obtain a little workout along with to obtain your kid out right into some fresh air.
A minute may not be enough time to go for a run, but you can still get a little workout while you sit at your desk.
The easiest way to get in shape is by doing a little workout every day.
But if I get a little workout in I feel much better.
But before we get into the good eats, let's work up an appetite with a little workout action.
I walk and do a little workout routine but nothing extreme.
I also decided I was long overdue for a little workout wardrobe refresh.
Indoor swings, obstacle courses, tunnels, hanging from the bar -LCB- which Brody was ridiculously SO good at -RCB-, bubbles, and a little workout with the teacher, I mean... this class was to - die - for - cute.
Plus, you'll be getting in a little workout which never hurts either.
One way to be energetic is to do a little workout before you go out, you brain releases endorphins when you work out, which makes your body feel good and puts you in the mood.
If you own a VR headset and are cool with a little workout, Sprint Vector is a must buy.
Cats like these types of scratchers because they can give their claws a little workout, then curl up and take a nap on them.
Getting a little workout in before your flight can relieve any stress or restlessness.
The resort also has kayaks for use of the hotel guests, a nice way to see White Beach and get a little workout.
The most stupid argument ever is that «oh i have to get my lazy butt up from the sofa», maybe the nerds need that little workout and should buy games in retail stores.
There's also a little workout helper called Cardio Trainer, but if you are into using your phone for fitness you can find better apps in the Android Market.
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