Sentences with phrase «little yogis»

The phrase "little yogis" refers to young children who practice yoga, a type of exercise and relaxation technique. Full definition
I'm always on the lookout for new books and materials to share with little yogis in kids yoga class.
Raising little yogis is not easy, but it's a heck of a lot easier than raising little non-yogis!
I add extra milk to the cups for my boys so they don't get the shakes, and we sit around the living room like happy little yogis and drink tea together, and life is sweet indeed.
You'd be amazing how many little yogis love sitting in meditation instead of taking savasana (relaxation) at the end of class and how fun it is to explore one sense at a time!
You guessed it: Nine out of ten little yogis camped in savasana for the whole hour.
Inspired by The Polar Express, this fun yoga sequence can keep little yogis entertained at home during the holidays, especially if they get snowed in.
So in honor of Mother's Day and in the spirit of these budding little yogis, photographer Robert Sturman has curated a heartwarming collection of mothers performing various asana with their children, all around the world.
«This book is perfect for the yoga community, especially for those mamas and papas with little yogis
Luckily, yoga studios around Chicago offer classes that get even the littlest yogis into the flow.
This Saturday, bring your littlest yogi for Baby Yoga, from 12:15 - 1:00.
As Beaches Resorts understands how important family time is, parents will also be encouraged to join in the fun with their little yogis.
You might even find yourself joining in the laughter with the little yogis and yoginis!
If your little yogi is not quite ready for the toddler class but too mobile for the baby class, this is the perfect class for the two of you!
Are you ready to fly through Father's Day with your little yogi?
Here's what the little yogi's father, Jason Jacobson, had to say...
Ditch the studio once in a while, and go to the park or beach and practice with your little yogi.
Here, the classic «Downward Dog Tunnel» is turned into a «Train Tunnel» and each little yogi gets a chance to travel through, perhaps saying, «Choo - choo.»
Yoga is a huge part of my life and my family's life, my son Harper (now four), and my daughter Meredith (now 2) were from day one my little yogi buddies and walking buddies, they did (and still do) everything I do.
I recently had the opportunity to teach children's yoga at the Autism Partnership School in Hong Kong as part of the Yogananth Andiappan Community, and was very moved by these little yogis and the power of yoga to connect with them.
The joys of having a baby is more than anyone can ever describe, and as a mom of two, myself, I have found that unless you consciously choose to incorporate your little yogi into your practice, we often then choose not to practice at all.
Your little yogi will love showing off to you as you call out different poses.
Los Angeles - based teacher Sesa O'Connor talks to YJ about her spiritual upbringing, raising a little yogi solo, and the booming yoga industry.
TRANSITION From Sunflower Pose, have all the little yogis slowly crawl like little caterpillars back to their mats and roll onto their backs.
Allow the little yogis to stretch the entire body and feel the blood gushing through the system with this Asana.
«Little Yogis To Kick off International Kids Yoga Day Wednesday At Santa Monica Pier» in the Pacific Palisades Patch.
It's like a little yogi family.
Your little yogi will be comfy and stylish in this BabyVision Yoga Sprout Jacket, Bodysuit and Pant Set.
OF COURSE, you're already obsessed with my little yogi, right!?
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