Sentences with phrase «liturgical contexts»

Webster argues against Kavanagh's prioritization of liturgy, saying that the chief evil of fundamentalism is not, contra Kavanagh, that «scripture has been severed from its liturgical context, but that it has been severed from its Trinitarian context.»
As Rathey's subtitle suggests, these works are dramas set in a liturgical context.
Revelation — Scripture and Tradition as interpreted by the Apostolic Succession — takes us a step further by placing the male / female relationship in a liturgical context.
Mardi Gras, when understood in its accidental liturgical context, has the potential to bring us to God, and it does when we think of it as a celebration that foreshadows our joy at the Resurrection on Easter Sunday, that joy that can say «Death where is thy sting?»
The visual arts, which had for centuries witnessed to Christian faith in a liturgical context, were now systematically excluded from the worship setting.
Rather, I shall be considering preaching in a liturgical context, which is the celebration of the Eucharist on Sunday morning or at whatever time the main service of worship is conducted on the Lord's Day.

Not exact matches

Third, even when traditionally religious forms of human life seem to fade in some contexts, new and alternative forms of life often appear in their place that engage the sacred, spiritual, transcendent, and liturgical needs of human beings.
It is rash to reject the central propositions of past tradition, but it is also rash to utter many of them today, except perhaps in the context of liturgical prayer.
This article is arguably hypocritical as well as stomach - churning, since it begins with the suggestion that «Because of the amazingly diverse multicultural contexts in which pastoral ministers are called upon to work today, it is impossible to prescribe one liturgical model that will be always and everywhere appropriate»: this flexible and open - minded liturgist then proceeded to argue in The Tablet that only the Mass of Paul VI is always and everywhere appropriate and that its very existence automatically abrogated all previous liturgies for ever: presumably those who prefer the older form are not to be given the dignity of a group or «culture» to be catered for by his free and easy multicultural ways, but are to be simply dismissed as a bunch of liturgical perverts.
Levada explicitly noted that this liturgical flexibility reflects a broader emphasis of the Church on cultural diversity in the context of unity in faith:
We become merely observers of a performance when a liturgical dance is added to the middle of a service without regard for context or continuity.
For dance to become liturgical dance — for it to call God into the midst of a celebration, for it to enliven and embody a particular scriptural message, and for it to help create and enrich a worshiping atmosphere — it needs to be carefully crafted to fit the context of the entire liturgy, so people can respond without being distracted either by the bodies or the abruptness of the movements.
About Blog A discussion of Anglican hymnody, chants and other service music in the broader context of liturgical Christian music.
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