Sentences with phrase «liturgy gives»

Because the liturgy gives us our best image of heaven, because the words and actions of public worship mimic the divine service performed by the angels and saints who attend God's throne, a rumor has gotten out that heaven will be church services that never end, This is a terrifying prospect to my 13 - year - old.
The liturgy gives us our best and most complete picture of Heaven, portraying the life of the blessed as a choral and complex affair in which solitary and communal elements are fused.
The liturgy gives expression to the religious yearnings of the human city.

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Our regular guide to the Word of God in the Sunday Liturgy 4TH SUNDAY OF LENT: A 06.03.05 Jn 9, 1 - 41 The power of this sign given by Jesus is difficult to...
An immersion in liturgy, while not negating the reason, rushes past it to the heart, and gives us a means to understanding.
Given this interest in spiritual practices and things monastic, it is not surprising that more and more people are practicing the daily office (also called «divine office,» «office,» «liturgy of the hours» or «common prayer»).
The Anglican patrimony that we inherited and value gives us a certain relish for diversity - no «one size its all» mentality — in liturgy and styles of mission.
That may already give us pause: how can something become the foundation for the liturgy if it wasn't before?
We can discover a reversal of the kenotic movement of the Word in the very insistence of the religious Christian that faith has for once and for all been given, that it is fully and finally present in the Scriptures, the liturgies, the creeds, and the dogmas of the past, and can in no sense undergo a development or transformation that moves beyond its original expression to new and more universal forms.
For he gives his grace according to his good pleasure, both in the liturgy and outside it, and hence allows us to experience it where it is most easily and authentically accessible.
The Constitution on the Liturgy confronts us with many tasks which are still outstanding, especially as the Bishops» Conferences have been given considerable competences in this field which should be used courageously.
The David - Zion event was also given expression in the cultus, that is, in the liturgies of the Jerusalem temple which Solomon built upon the hill of Zion.
This is often our approach to liturgy and social life: we try to «read» the liturgy for symbols and meanings that we take out and apply in the «real world» — the offering means we should give of our wealth, the kiss of peace means we should seek peace in international relations, and so on.
To include Lewis» words in worship, as part of the liturgy itself, is to suggest that those words deserve the same reverence that we grant to the Book of Common Prayer and perhaps — given the usual source of liturgical benedictions — Scripture itself.
The liturgy of Eastern Christianity has given far more attention than has the West to the theme of divine glory, splendor, and beauty.
For some, immediacy is the defining characteristic of Evangelicalism, and any Protestant who gives too central a place to liturgy and sacraments is driven from the camp.
For better or for worse (depending on one's view), the Orthodox aren't going to be giving up on our dogmatic ecumenical councils or revising our Divine Liturgy.
lvarez thinks that to better understand the history and development of the different kinds of Pentecostalism, it is important to emphasize three central aspects common to all Pentecostal churches, given the notion that spirituality should incorporate all aspects of a believer's life: liturgy, testimony, and evangelization.
Then family imagery used to express God's love in liturgy can have positive life - giving connotations.
Special attention is given to how women participate in liturgy and social work.
And through the grace given to us through the liturgy and the word, we will be helped and strengthened The Church's mission is not to make things easier for me.
Hundreds of worshipers waved their hands at the high points in the eucharistic liturgy, giving the worship an almost Pentecostal quality.
While the basic structure and words of the core components of the liturgy do not change from Sunday to Sunday, there are changes in other texts, particularly the various readings from Holy Scripture appointed for every Sunday and festival day, that give the various times in the Church Year their unique emphases and nuances.
Holloway was no respecter of an M.C. and was likely to give a lecture to the thurifer in mid liturgy.
Thanks to them, the world is lifted up towards God... In this year consecrated to the Eucharist, reviving the figure of Dom Guéranger is an invitation for all the faithful to rediscover the roots of the liturgy and to give a new breath to their journey of prayer, taking care to place themselves always in the great tradition of the Church, in respect of the sacred character of the liturgy and of the norms which mark its depth and quality.
It says: «From that time onwards the Church has never failed to come together to celebrate the paschal mystery...» And those celebrations are a description of our liturgy: ``... reading those things «which were in all the scriptures concerning him» (Luke 24:27), celebrating the Eucharist in which «the victory and triumph of his death are again made present», and at the same time giving thanks «to God for his unspeakable gift» (2 Cor 9:15) in Christ Jesus, «in praise of his glory» (Eph 1:12), through the power of the Holy Spirit».
Many priests trained in the past 20 years have attended catechetical courses given by national figures using precisely Fr Purnell's approach where the Church teaching and liturgy are just the explication of what is going on in each person.
A doctrine of creation that gives theological justification to human rights; the history of exodus and covenant; the ministry of Jesus Christ; the ethic of care for the stranger; and the stories of women in the Bible are all fruitful resources for liturgies of healing and for the work of securing justice.
Civil religion — or, stated from one perspective, that liturgy which gives form to the parochial gods of nationalism and capitalism — is a profound threat to the human personality, Harrington believes.
The renovation he calls for must give attention to the ideas and spirituality of our shared past, to a renewal of prayer in all its modes, and to a liturgy that is fitting to the great events it celebrates.
God's terminal illness — which Harrington believes is not being stayed by the so - called evangelical movement or other manifestations of a renewed religiosity — has given rise to other liturgies which are not as well developed as that of what Hegel called revealed religion.
«The Church acknowledges Gregorian chant as being especially suited to the Roman liturgy; therefore it should be given pride of place in liturgical services»
This article is arguably hypocritical as well as stomach - churning, since it begins with the suggestion that «Because of the amazingly diverse multicultural contexts in which pastoral ministers are called upon to work today, it is impossible to prescribe one liturgical model that will be always and everywhere appropriate»: this flexible and open - minded liturgist then proceeded to argue in The Tablet that only the Mass of Paul VI is always and everywhere appropriate and that its very existence automatically abrogated all previous liturgies for ever: presumably those who prefer the older form are not to be given the dignity of a group or «culture» to be catered for by his free and easy multicultural ways, but are to be simply dismissed as a bunch of liturgical perverts.
Fr Zuhlendorf himself gave a link to what he justly described as a «stomach - churning» article by Fr Francis entitled «Models for multi-cultural liturgy».
It is found in the first document to be issued by the Second Vatican Council and is reiterated in GIRM 41: «The Church acknowledges Gregorian chant as being especially suited to the Roman liturgy: therefore, all things being equal, it should be given pride of place in liturgical services.»
Or, if the traditional imagery is preserved — e.g. in liturgy, where its use is perfectly legitimate — we should see that its real meaning is given adequate interpretation.
The chapter headings give us an overview of the work: Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ: the theological project of Joseph Ratzinger; The critique of criticism: beginning the search for a new theological synthesis; The hermeneutic of faith: critical and historical foundations for a biblical theology; The spiritual science of theology: its mission and method in the life of the church; Reading God's testament to humankind: biblical realism, typology, and the inner unity of revelation; The theology of the divine economy: covenant, kingdom, and the history of salvation; The embrace of salvation: mystagogy and the transformation ofsacrifice; The cosmic liturgy: the Eucharistic kingdom and the world as temple; The authority of mystery: the beauty and necessity of the theologian's task.
Given this context, one point of entry into this liturgy's field of analysis is by way of the «political» modality.
Every liturgy is precariously situated between the Spirit which gives life and the death that comes from maintaining integrity of form.
This kind of faithfulness to family commitments is facilitated through liturgy that gives order and meaning to the lives of church members.
The hymns, doctrine, discipline and liturgy of that tradition gave me faith and taught me to love God.
Our experience of finding «new wineskins» during times of media revolutions gives us reason to hope that we will develop liturgies which incorporate orality, print, and electronic media.
The decision of the Church this week to establish Personal Ordinariates to give Anglican converts flexibility in their liturgy is just the latest step towards reaffirming that Catholic orthodoxy is ready for whatever the world may bring.
In the Athanasian Creed, that ancient canticle of Christian faith still found in the service books of many Christian communions, there is a fine statement which gives the proper setting for any discussion of Christian worship and, a fortiori, for a discussion of the central act of Christian worship, the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, the Eucharist, the Holy Communion, the Divine Mysteries, the Liturgy, the Mass — call it what you will.
The structure of the sung liturgy, while giving prominence to instruction, rightly places ultimate focus upon this contemplative element, and it does so through its music.
The praise music was tasteful, given the usual standard of such services, but the liturgy «leader,» a young man deputed for the task, was too casual.
The fact that such irregular events as aid to Hispanic refugees can be typified as actions of plot gives evidence that congregational life possesses a larger coherence than its sequence of liturgies and standard programs by themselves suggest.
Rev. John Saward, a lecturer at Blackfriars Hall in Oxford and a prolific theologian is giving the first lecture, «The Poverty of the Church and the Beauty of the Liturgy» on Saturday, October 11, at 7:30 pm.
The articles on silence, beauty, and the use of Latin show how the improvement of the papal Liturgy can give a good example to bishops and priests throughout the world.
Fr McBrien does not give specific examples of devotions because he presumably feels either that we should grow out of them or that they should sprout from the liturgy.
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