Sentences with phrase «liturgy made»

And Benedict XVI made overtures to the Eastern Orthodox — something that his intellectualism and love of liturgy made him especially well placed to do.
The liturgy makes sense of what is otherwise, quite literally, one damned thing after another.
No matter how deeply I loved the church, both its creeds and liturgies made assumptions I could no longer make.
This transcendent world, which is real and objective, the horizon of our meaning and destiny that liturgy makes present in celebration, is losing its power to take hold of human consciousness.

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The curriculum of the seminary should be determined by and reflect the liturgical life of the church, for the most promising way to reclaim the integrity of theological language as the working language for a congregation is for seminaries to make liturgy the focus of their lives.
In Lutheranism the retention of the ancient liturgy, sacramentalism, iconography, and much of the music and ceremony of the medieval church made - and makes - it apparent that the Lutheran Reformation did not start a new church but continued the ancient teaching and life of the catholic community.
Our relationship has been a bit strained ever since, so whenever we get together to catch up, I make an extra effort to talk about church, drop some Christianese into the conversation, and mention my newfound love for liturgy.
You don't have to make any radical changes all at once, or go as far as HFASS and Gregory of Nyssa, but doing things differently now and then actually enriches the inherent beauty of the liturgy and reminds both longtime members and newbies why it's so central and so important to the life of your church.
Further, the liturgical renewal of the past half - century has made Protestant worship more similar in form and in spirit to the ancient liturgy that the Orthodox champion and purport to continue uninterrupted.
The liturgy is itself a school for the soul and an inexhaustible source of grace, and this is why we make it available on a daily basis.
Nevertheless, people want a measure, something tangible, and in the case of the Ordinariate, many have opted to make that the Ordinariate Liturgy.
In sum, even without making explicit reference to liturgical orientation, Pope Benedict's study of the Holy Week mysteries provides evidence for and confirmation of his insistence upon the essential nature of the ad orientem position during the Eucharistic liturgy.
«Nowadays we are rediscovering the importance of the interactions between the earth and the rest of the universe, and so it makes perfect sense that we should also relearn to recognise the cosmic character of the liturgy
Sunday worship is also an event for those making a transition to life in the Spirit, since the trinitarian liturgy invites and provides for an explicit experience of the presence of the Godhead in the Spirit.
Either the doxological core of what makes a congregation will be subordinated to information communication (preaching as lecturing: «What John Calvin thought about this text was...»), to moralizing, and to posturing («See, this is how to perform the liturgy with real ritual expertise»).
More fundamentally, they are objectionable because they assume that the liturgy itself is apolitical and needs to be made political.
For despite the interconnection of all the elements we must distinguish between the one saving act of Christ which is made present in the liturgy (though its efficacy is not restricted to this presence) and the external sacramental action as such.
My insistence on the inseparability of liturgy and politics is not an endorsement of trendy efforts to make Christian liturgy «more relevant.»
What we should like to emphasize is this: There is a right institutional and legal piety which rightly makes demands on us in the ecclesiastical regulations about the liturgy, fasting, Sunday Mass, etc..
The Catholic Church introduces a new translation of the Roman Missal throughout the English — speaking world, making the first significant change to a liturgy since 1973.
Therefore the boundary between liturgy and private communal prayer is not very clear either, since this, where commended and directed, makes a fluid transition into episcopally controlled devotion.
The Episcopalians have used the so - odd - volume Prayer Book Studies series as a means of informing clergy and laypeople as to the reasons for changes and of instructing them on how to make the most effective use of the revised liturgies.
By contrast, when Augustine had come to the English in 597, he had brought with him not only the message of the gospel and the authority of the See of Rome but the liturgy of the Latin mass, and he had made the acceptance of this a condition of conversion to faith in Christ.
When these offenses are committed then certain offerings must be made and the great liturgy recited:
But because beauty is regarded in Western liturgy as an accident, a luxury, a decoration, it should not be surprising that Western culture has made beauty accidental also.
Vatican II's legitimate impulse to make the Church and its liturgy more modern and accessible was implemented mostly by clergy with no training in the arts.
JW tries to make space for whatever art community members create and then design space or liturgy around it.
And through the grace given to us through the liturgy and the word, we will be helped and strengthened The Church's mission is not to make things easier for me.
The prayer of thanksgiving in both Latin and English liturgies today makes this abundantly clear.
It says: «From that time onwards the Church has never failed to come together to celebrate the paschal mystery...» And those celebrations are a description of our liturgy: ``... reading those things «which were in all the scriptures concerning him» (Luke 24:27), celebrating the Eucharist in which «the victory and triumph of his death are again made present», and at the same time giving thanks «to God for his unspeakable gift» (2 Cor 9:15) in Christ Jesus, «in praise of his glory» (Eph 1:12), through the power of the Holy Spirit».
For that, I encourage the pastors and the monks to offer to the faithful a real education in liturgy, for a more profitable participation, which is before all a union with Christ, who offeredHimself in sacrifice on the Cross, made present in the eucharistic act.»
The liturgies of a commercial Christmas have, in a sense, made proper preparation more difficult.
The pews, the buildings, the clergy, the politics, the money, the power, the liturgy, the bells and smells, the holidays, the dress code, the rules, and everything else that we think of as «church» was at one point, someone's minor little innovation to help them make disciples.
Had the visiting pastor explained that the changes he would make in the liturgy were for the sake of inclusiveness, the congregation would have followed with greater understanding.
The last stage of the worship liturgy clothes the congregation in the practices of faith so that its members make the whole world a Eucharist.
His reflection on the liturgy as the action of Christ the Word made flesh provides a path between the Scylla of the clown Mass and the Charybdis of the operatic performance.
It makes sure that members of the laity are not victims of something fabricated by an individual or group, it guarantees that laity are sharing in the same liturgy that binds the priest, the bishop, and the pope.
Yet the church growth «theology» of liturgy has taken some sectors of conservative Presbyterianism by storm and is making hesitant inroads even into the strictest of the Lutheran denominations.
They did, however, use the «Blues Brothers» music as part of the communion liturgy — some heavy electric thing that sounded so inappropriate it made me laugh each time.
Television and the performance of a Christian liturgy are both forms of «ritual communication», that is, they are both complex processes of message - making that create, modify and transform a shared culture.
Suggestions to students of congregations who wish to begin an ethnographic study of a church are offered, largely in exercise form, in Dudley, Making the Small Church Effective, and in Neville and Westerhoff, Learning Through Liturgy, 71 - 88.
Baptismal liturgies vary widely, and each makes its own contribution to our understanding of what baptism means.
El - Sisi has made a number of high - profile gestures of solidarity with Copts, including attending a Christmas Liturgy, and the vast majority view him very favorably.
The high claim of presence made in this text is not different from the claim with which most liturgies begin — assured, umambiguous, settled, «God is with us.»
In this way, the sung liturgy synthesizes all the elements of evangelization, making them palpable and desirable.
Far from repudiating the cultus, the prophet as exemplified in Second Isaiah can and does appropriate the liturgy in common use in the daily round of cultic exercise and, again in the case of Second Isaiah, make frequent appeal to familiar lines in the common ritual in the repeated words, «Have you not known, have you not heard...» (Isa.
In ancient Greece, a liturgy was any service rendered or offering made for the good of the community; it did not originally have a specifically religious connotation.
The man who is shaped and molded by his continuing participation in the round of Christian liturgical worship is the man who comes gradually to be informed by the spirit which animates and governs the liturgy — and that spirit is nothing other than response to the gospel of Christ, made known and communicated through the preaching of the gospel, but not through verbal symbols alone; the response becomes effective through the whole action which includes mind and body, will and emotions, in an offering to God in union with his brethren.
It's a place that fiddles with the liturgy to make it more «inclusive,» affirms gay couples, and takes a generally liberal line on social and political questions (with the exception of abortion).
Efforts have been made to reconstruct a meaningful liturgy based on historical patterns and contemporary needs.
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