Sentences with phrase «liturgy such»

Indeed we may say, perhaps a little exaggeratedly but not without reason, the liturgy such as it is actually performed today — though, we hope, against its own ultimate principles — this liturgy itself increases this greater danger, because it often has a harmful influence on the private prayer of individuals and groups.

Not exact matches

Since the «Liturgy» post created such a stir, I thought I would write a follow - up piece, this time with a slightly broader, though I suspect equally controversial, angle.
When you go to a liturgy, such as Catholic mass, again, it is external... it is something done to / for you.
Such sharing in Christ's being and action is at the heart of our participation in the sacred liturgy.
So often, it seems that such is the presentation of the Good News — if you will conform outwardly to this shape, this liturgy, this behavior... then... you will have eternal life.
From the pulpit, Hall delivered the liturgy with a strong message to his faithful to call for action by their legislators to institute stricter laws banning access to semi-automatic rifles, such as the one police said the gunman used in Friday's massacre.
Such is the Lent that pleases God, the Easter liturgy of today.»
Such liturgies have to be read silently and cognitively understood and thought about before they can be shared.
Thus chant is not really a musical style as such, but an expression and audible embodiment of the liturgy itself.
For despite the interconnection of all the elements we must distinguish between the one saving act of Christ which is made present in the liturgy (though its efficacy is not restricted to this presence) and the external sacramental action as such.
Our liturgies and sermon techniques took shape in such a culture.
Worshipers never outgrow such a liturgy — they just keep growing into it.
And here follows the offensive but inevitable consequence: the highest conceivable form of approving of the world as such is found in the worship of God, in the praise of the Creator, in the liturgy.
The college hosts an annual Pride Sunday Liturgy in lieu of regular chapel worship — for pride, apparently, is the proper liturgical response to homosexuality — and sponsors public lectures with titles such as «Overcoming Christian Fear of Homosexuality.»
Such vital realities as the People of God, the Church as sacrament, the Kingdom, the Resurrection and the Liturgy are discussed and probed.
It doesn't take that much more time to sing all six verses of «For All the Saints» or all four verses of «Crown Him with Many Crowns»; cutting such great texts by two - thirds or one - half inevitably sends the signal that music in the liturgy is filler» and there is no room for filler in the sacred liturgy.
Although the congregation knits itself together by inspired strands such as liturgies, musical programs, and water systems, each by the activity of the same congregation also corrupts its nature and threatens the congregation's own life together.
No doubt the good monks of Maria Laach never intended such an outcome, but in effect they began a movement that inflicted on the Roman Catholic liturgy the same fetishizing attention that the Russian nationalists were contemporaneously bestowing on the icon.
However, the CDF Note is a broadly conceived document that offers little to guide a specific parish or church group setting out its own Year ofFaith programme beyond recommending such general categories as prayer, catechetical events, opportunities for reflection on the Catechism and Vatican II documents, relevant homilies, focus upon the liturgy, especially the Eucharist, and evangelising activities.
The saintly Dom Guéranger with his L'Année Liturgique, and subsequent writers such as Pius Parsch, provided a healthy counterpoint to this tendency by instructing the laity on the texts of the liturgy themselves.
I have no objection to such language, especially in liturgy.
The former, strongly influenced by established and probably recorded liturgy, is represented in such books as Nahum, Habakkuk, Joel, and Second Isaiah.
Perhaps such self - contained, excessively reassuring liturgy is more compelling when one has more of this world's goods.
Furthermore, the fact that the worshipper himself is involved in all this, that he has his own «liturgy» or expected part to play within the great liturgy of the Church as a whole — his own work to do as a member of the company — and that he is well acquainted with what is going to happen next in the course of the service, delivers him from the vagaries of the minister, who in such worship is not able to obtrude his personality and his personal predilections in any offensive sense.
One reason for this is, of course, that the actual liturgies — the forms which are employed in the conduct of such worship — are not new creations; in almost every instance they are adaptations of ancient and hallowed usages, freighted with the devotion of the ages, and they manage to convey suggestions which are much deeper than mere verbalization.
The praise music was tasteful, given the usual standard of such services, but the liturgy «leader,» a young man deputed for the task, was too casual.
The fact that such irregular events as aid to Hispanic refugees can be typified as actions of plot gives evidence that congregational life possesses a larger coherence than its sequence of liturgies and standard programs by themselves suggest.
Liturgy can be conceived of as providing such space whereby particular religious and cultural heritages are harbored and celebrated even as they share in the richness of another / other religious tradition / s.
The proposed liturgy refers to the fetus as «this infant, the child of...» According to the people in charge, there has been an enormous popular demand for such a service.
The conception of liturgy that I am projecting rejects such a notion of God and liturgy.
Protestants and Catholics alike have shown increasing interest in liturgy as the heart of such communal activity.
For three weeks, I had been in an environment of such abundant grace, in a culture that was so thoroughly, vibrantly Christian, that returning to a world of shopping malls and artificially intimate liturgies was a real shock.
I bet they had lapsed already], such was their unhappiness with the liturgy.
Such a restriction is an error, however; the Greek word from which «liturgy» comes is defined in the lexicon as meaning «a public work» — and all corporate worship is such a public wSuch a restriction is an error, however; the Greek word from which «liturgy» comes is defined in the lexicon as meaning «a public work» — and all corporate worship is such a public wsuch a public work.
Ideally, such themes and liturgies should arise out of the needs and concerns of those gathered to perform the sacraments, since intensity can have its effect only to the extent that it touches them.
I advocate this method, not over minute issues of interpretation, but with regard to the big questions - theological matters such as the canon, major doctrinal issues, ethics, and liturgy.
Before Vatican II, liturgy was out of touch with modern experience; now, however, the pendulum has perhaps swung too far in the opposite direction, reducing the liturgy to a product of such experience.
We share a liturgy, the urban mass, that has been crafted in such a way that it connects with the tradition of the church.
Ruether's many interests — liberation in general, ecumenical relations, liturgy, racism, language, ethics, history, Christology, sexism — have been evident in such earlier works as New Woman / New Earth (1975), but in Gaia and God the connections are worked out systematically.
Certain of the Psalms also take on here special meaning and relevance; lengthy historical surveys such as Psalms 78, 105, and 106 and brief allusions as in Psalm 76 are evidently liturgies of some undeclared occasion when the victories of the Lord were celebrated.
As readers of Evangelical Catholicism, my book on deep reform in the 21st - century Church, will remember, I proposed just such a change in the orientation of celebrant and congregation during the Liturgy of the Eucharist: Priest and people would face each other during the Liturgy of the Word; celebrant and congregation would then pray together, facing the same direction, throughout the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
The lesson begins by exploring what is meant by sacrament, discussing the different names for the Eucharist such as Mass, Divine Liturgy, describing the events of Holy Week and the Easter celebrations.
As such, Glimmer aspires to enjoy itself like an imperfect liturgy on the «old» domains of fragility and intimacy; it seeks to defend the inheritance of this gift for our times.
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