Sentences with phrase «livable wages»

In addition, fair / livable wages for agricultural workers and workers at biodiesel production facilities should be ensured.
As evidence mounts showing that low wages cost taxpayers and our economy billions and keep millions of workers in poverty, the push for better, more livable wages is growing nationwide.
Indeed, as West Virginia's educators made clear, teacher compensation can't be divorced from educational quality; livable wages are needed to attract and retain qualified teachers.
The proposed reforms, outside and inside schools — to reduce the test - score gap between whites and poor minorities; to help poor minority families increase their income through steady work at livable wages and then their children's test scores will improve; to establish research - proven reading programs for every single, poor, or minority child; to give each kid a laptop computer — are endless and uncertain in their outcomes.
«Speaker Quinn has shown time and time again that she shares Mayor Bloomberg's vision of New York City, only addressing the needs of New Yorkers on crucial issues such as livable wages, paid sick leave and working conditions when forced to by protests, bad press and spiraling approval ratings,» Arthur Cheliotes, President of CWA Local 1180, said in a statement.
You are asking these people to care for your parents as you would, doing hard, personal and sometimes dangerous tasks (lifting and moving people causes often life altering injury) and they often make barely livable wages.
Factor in his pleas for just and moral laws or access to decent, affordable housing and guaranteed livable wages a half a century ago.
They chided the bank for not being regarded as a leader on issues like guns and livable wages.

Not exact matches

Without significant increases in corporate taxes and taxes on the wealthy, it is now a virtual certainty that ordinary Canadian families will never enjoy the generous social programs enjoyed by most European families: enhanced maternity leave benefits, livable minimum wages, legislated paid vacation time of up to six weeks a year, genuine unemployment insurance, home care, pharmacare and more.
Our Sales personnel are non-commissioned, which means we pay their wages, not you!Reviews: * Sharp handling; spirited performance; livable ride quality; sporty cabin design; strong four - cylinder fuel economy; good value.
UBI would do the latter more effectively, livable work and wages would do the former more effectively.
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