Sentences with phrase «live gods»

(NASB) Hebrews 3:12 — 14 — Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God.
We find in St. Augustine the living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, of course; but the God of the philosophers is not absent from his thought.
It never made sense to me that if the Bible is the word of the living God and Christians have the Holy Spirit, WHY would you have to beg them to do all this stuff?
Apart from Christ (the risen and living God — the image of the invisible Father) you are hopeless, lifeless and dead.
They have forsaken the idols who are but wood, clay, silver, and gold for a living God.
Why do you find it necessary to mock and spit upon Christ if there is no Living God.?
Pascal spoke of the divide between the «god of the philosophers» and the «living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,» and took the side of the latter.
By no means, but i will tell you what he did say «I AM THE WAY AND THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE no one can come to the father except through me «and «I no my own and my own know me» you see, being a true son of the living God is not a matter of choice of religion but a matter of divine destiny.
To the most respected theologians of the early Church, the Massive Foundation Rock of Matthew 16:18 was not Peter, but Peter's statement of FACT — «Thou art the Christ, (Jewish Messiah) the Son of the living God
Most people in this country are ashamed to express their faith because it is only a religious duty to them and not a real spiritual relationship with the only true and living God!!!
So, what is my point?To read Paul's polemic, his rhetoric and generally his theology as an end in itself, rather than his attempt to bring others to an experience of the living God is to me, missing the point.It seems that much of the divisiveness between believers on this blog and a few others I visit is just that: I often read... Paul says this... hey, but Jesus says that... no, he wasn't saying that, he was saying this and so on and so on.Am I the only one bored with this «your Mother and my Mother were hanging out clothes» approach.I think we need a little more adverb, as in maybe....
«The church of the living God is the pillar and bulwark of the truth» (1 Timothy 3:15).
For Cram, worship of the living God was the lifeblood of society.
Thus Evangelical Catholicism's approach to church architecture, decoration, music, vesture, and all the other tangibles of the Church's liturgical life proceeds from the question, «Is this beautiful in such a way that it helps disclose the living God in Word and Sacrament?»
God loves us so much, and anything we suffer in life God has suffered first, and far worse.
In fact, they take theism to an extreme and portray Kim Jong Un as a living god who demands obedience and worship because of his divine nature.
But having embraced him who is truth as the truth because they have entered into friendship with him, evangelical Catholics are liberated from the epidemic and soul - withering skepticism of postmodernity and are empowered to embrace the authority that Jesus represents and incarnates: the authority of the living God, who reveals himself in deed and word to the people of Israel, and who finally and definitively reveals himself in his Son.
It is a living God, look at the provisions before you (a festival was in progress).
The reform of the Church since the pontificate of Leo XIII has involved a return of the Church's book to the people of the Church as a special means of encounter with the living God.
God is the living God who is infinite being.
I am better person today because I trust in the Living God, or else I should get me a cannon and go after all those white hooded clad clansmen that burned crosses in the field behind our house and set fire on some relatives of mine.
If the spirit of the living God resides in you it is only natural to share that love with them like Jesus did giving them opportunity to believe Him and come to know him personally.
If only they come to know Christ, they will be set free from a life of hate, and know the true joy that comes only from knowing the living God.
If the empty tomb was indeed empty because the son of a living God was resurrected, what of it if even believers have no experience now of that God?
EvolvedDNA «why is it rude to call you on your myths» = > we can talk about gods of past that were man made but our God is a living God and some of us have a personal relationship with God because of what God has actually done in our lives.
At the same time, I think it plausible that evangelicals are encountered by the living God, and are encountered more frequently than many of those who worship in the ways that Smith outlines.
Does he have direct, personal, and incontrovertible experience of something that can only be a living God, a God that can only be the God of Abraham?
Despite the sinfulness of its people, the Church is always the privileged place of encounter with the living God, who continually forms his people into the community in which the full truth about humanity is grasped.
what points to a living god..
While you can make a your own god out of anybody or anything, there is only one true and living God, the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ!!!
1 Paul appealed to the evidence around him that God created all things 2 Paul spoke of Gods kindness in providing all their needs 3 This God is different than the statues and idols they worshiped in vain that are empty vs. the living God In Romans 1:19 Paul said: «God has made it plain to them.
The Creator, therefore, begins to be revealed, by science and by reason, as a LIVING God - a God in whom is LIFE, and who alone has imparted life to all that have it!
i do however pray that you — at some point in your life, will have an encounter with the true and living God... then you will also know the truth and that truth will set you free
As far as I am concern and confident, you, Zeus, and all false RELIGION (idol worshipers) will do according to the Word of the Living God, Jesus Christ, you Maker:
They're stuck in another time where they honestly think there's a «living god
I used to allow your comments to irritate me, but, the Spirit of the Living God helped me over-come your stupidity and now, I enjoy seeing how all of you have enlighten me with your ignorance, stupidity, foolishiness, and your empty brains... not to say, heartless, oops, just forgot, you don't have one.
Another proof of the living God.
I much prefer A.W. Tozer's definition, though: «Faith is the gaze of a soul upon a living God», seeing it, myself, as a commodity He produces within us, rather than one we, ourselves, create.
Thankfully the Living God doesn't operate like that.
Hebrews 12 teaches us that while we are citizens on earth, «We have (also) entered the city of the Living God.
Sadly, you won't be laughing when you die and appear before the Living God Jesus Christ, face to face.
Your example of giving up your Starbuck's coffee and donating instead to the homeless is the true example of living God's Word and leading a life that mirrors Christ.
They have the Pope as their Vicar and we have the true and living God Jesus Christ as our salvation.
Used correctly, as a means of Grace rather than an object of faith, both Sacrament and Bible point beyond themselves to the Ultimate Reality of the Living God.
Today I would like to repeat what I said to young Muslims some years ago in Casablanca: «We believe in the same God, the one God, the living God, the God Who created the world and brings His creatures to their perfection» (Insegnamenti, VIII / 2, [1985], p. 497).
I postulate one theory though; a Living God, who gave us Free Will, would not manifest, nor declare, Himself.
In the light of such support from Biblical study and the analysis of the dynamics of capitalism, the call of the Living God to revolutionary commitment can not be silenced.
And if He comes and your not ready, you will be left too endure the wrath of the Living God, and in the world to come eternal separation from God.
It is logical confusion rooted in rebellion against the Living God to place the judgment outside of history, somehow «after» all process.
If you don't have love then you got nothing... It's not about religion; it's about the spirit of the living God.
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