Sentences with phrase «live birds»

That transition will be easier for the dogs and take less time if you spend a little extra money and use live birds in the training sessions like the ones I have described.
The team also reported that the available evidence points to live bird markets as being the most likely pathway for the virus from poultry to humans.
It may also be possible to look at living bird species with some of these traits to pinpoint their genetic basis.
If you carry live birds, small mammals and reptiles, you probably already stock these items as live food.
All sales will support wild - life bird protection.
Phase 2 — Beginning Fall 2017, project lead Ben Novak is beginning the first experiments to genetically engineer pigeons, using Domestic Rock Pigeons as a model to begin testing the feasibility of editing genomes of living birds for the extinct Passenger Pigeon's traits.
That's not to say that ambitious booths were altogether absent: the Frieze Stand Prize - winner, New York's PPOW, brought together street - art inflected works from the downtown New York scene of the 1980s — Martin Wong, Charlie Ahern, David Wojnarowicz — alongside a recreation of Anton van Dalen's installation The Pigeon Car (1987), a pigeon coop with live birds in the shape of a car (the artist has maintained his own rooftop coop in the East Village for decades.)
Knowledge about dinosaur nests may provide insight into the evolution of nesting and reproductive behaviors among archosaurs, a group that includes living birds and crocodilians, as well as extinct dinosaurs.
From live bird handling all the way down to labelling and crating, everything is linked and offers a great example of how in - line poultry processing can really work.
It was very clear to me that dogs who were hunted (therefore had more experience on live birds) had the edge over dogs trained solely for competition.
You can even see an ivory - billed aracari like the one pictured above during the daily Live Bird Showcase at 11:30 am!
A new paper documents the intricate arrangement of the muscles and ligaments that controlled the main feathers of the wing of an ancient bird, supporting the notion that at least some of the most ancient birds performed aerodynamic feats in a fashion similar to those of many living birds.
Since then, this has been extended to a restricted zone of 2,090 square kilometres across east Suffolk and south - east Norfolk, and all fairs involving live birds have been cancelled across the UK.
Pelagornis sandersi was twice the width of a wandering albatross — the largest living bird — but was nevertheless dwarfed by the biggest pterosaurs
It would also ban the retail sale of cats and dogs that flood area shelters and ban the retail sale of rabbits, ferrets, long lived birds and large reptiles.
The AWC feels that pet stores should sell only quality supplies and not live birds or any other animals.
That's right, the only Twitter you'll be experiencing is a real - life bird call.
For long - lived birds such as Common Terns, adult survival likely drives population trends more than breeding productivity, so identifying causes of mortality is crucial for effective conservation.
Anatomical and aerodynamic analyses of fossils and living birds show that birds evolved from small, predatory dinosaurs that lived on the ground
Swedish artist Lars Jonsson is widely regarded as one of the greatest living bird artists.
We happily eat chicken nuggets, willfully forgetting that they are a meat product derived from formerly living birds.
It's also startling to discover that, while there are some 9700 recognised living bird species and 2200 fossil ones, there have been an estimated 1.6 million types of bird in the group's 147 - million - year history.
The folds of skin in front of the elbow and behind the wrist (called patagia) were covered in feathers, just like in modern living birds.
«The anatomical match between the muscle network preserved in the fossil and those that characterize the wings of living birds strongly indicates that some of the earliest birds were capable of aerodynamic prowess like many present - day birds,» said Chiappe, the investigation's senior scientist.
Many flightless living birds display these feathers, but they are only one small part of a multipart flight apparatus.
Hundreds of birds died from the virus soon after it arrived in the United States in 1999, but since 2005, Harris county officials have detected the virus almost exclusively in living birds which they netted, tested and then released back into the wild.
Working with records from a long - term effort to reintroduce critically endangered whooping cranes in the Eastern U.S., a University of Maryland - led research team found evidence that these long - lived birds learn their migration route from older cranes, and get better at it with age.
The fact that some of the turkey bones were uncovered outside of the natural range of the species also suggests that there was a thriving turkey trade in live birds along Mesoamerica's expanding trade routes.
Among those who refused to believe the end had come was Tim Gallagher of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and editor of Living Bird magazine.
Not to mention robins and hawks and other living birds.
«It's amazing to realise that many of the features we see among living birds had already been developed more than 100 million years ago,» said Luis Chiappe, from the LA Museum of Natural History.
Next, Templeton borrowed a few living birds of prey from a bird - rescue organization.
«Its behavior was similar to living birds too.
I also am a big fan of animal prints, in particular bird prints (although real live birds freak me out completely... so I don't quite understand my special affinity for bird prints.
In autumn dead leaves swirled in every time a door was opened, and in spring live birds fell down the chimneys.
When a tsunami hit Japan on March 11, 2011, the nest of the oldest documented living bird was in its path.
«The importation of any animals or live birds without an AVA permit is illegal and carries a maximum penalty of S$ 10,000 and / or imprisonment of up to one year,» the release said.
They also co-sponsored legislation to restrict new live bird markets in New York State.
One common problem among stores that sell live birds, whether in Colorado, Florida, Illinois or New York, is a shortage of cockatiels.
Ostriches are amongst the tallest living birds on Earth.
I picked up my 1229th life bird in Portland, Oregon.
The heaped gravel, pits of straw, pools of water, and live birds scream litigation to museum legal departments, and that wariness shows.
High above, Dean's live bird sings its heart out on a wire.
Closer to our own time, Calvin Tomkins, in his biography of Duchamp, describes a peripheral artist of Duchamp's circle of the late»20s in New York, a proto - performance artist who used to walk down Fifth Avenue with live birds pinned to her skirts, as being «unhampered by sanity.»
The exhibition on view at the Bronx Museum of the Arts will include two etchings from the Museum's permanent collection, as well as About Cages, an important political video installation that will incorporate live birds.
The ancient Romans were fond of flaky pies with live birds beneath the crust.
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