Sentences with phrase «live crabs»

The phrase "live crabs" refers to crabs that are still alive and not cooked or dead. Full definition
«New species of tree living crab found in Western Ghats.»
Although some people are horrified by the idea of cooking lobsters alive, or the practice of tearing claws from live crabs before tossing them back into the sea, such views are based on a hunch.
For example, students work in pairs to observe and classify live crabs through organized notes used later to identify specific crabs seen in displayed photographs.
That led some people to think live crabs were buried within clusters of the ceramic ones set on the cement floor.
Last year, we were shocked to learn of vending machines in China where hungry commuters could purchase live crabs for a quick, convenient meal.
If you know your seafood, this is also the best place to get fresh fish and live crabs and lobsters outside of a farmer's market (where vendors bring seafood fresh from local waters.
The key in designing Ariel was realizing that its joints required just two degrees of motion, not the countless possibilities found in living crabs.
We once found a live crab in our drain, and we lived 30 km from the coast.
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