Sentences with phrase «live cruelty»

A vegan fashion & lifestyle blog, that helps you to live a cruelty - free life totally in style.
A vegan fashion & lifestyle blog, that helps you to live a cruelty - free life totally in style.
A vegan fashion & lifestyle blog, that helps you to live a cruelty - free life totally in style.
We live a cruelty - free lifestyle, never buy anything that is the result of an animal's suffering and became vegan.
A vegan fashion & lifestyle blog, that helps you to live a cruelty - free life totally in style.
A vegan fashion & lifestyle blog, that helps you to live a cruelty - free life totally in style.
Would that be a good alternative for someone who tries to live cruelty free?
Educate and inform yourself on the importance of veganism and living a cruelty - free lifestyle.
I am so glad I went on this journey because it didn't only help people like you to find out more about living a cruelty - free life.
You'll find a mix of vegan recipes, foodie reviews, all things travel, lots of photography and living a cruelty - free lifestyle.
You'll find a mix of vegan recipes, foodie reviews, all things travel, lots of photography and living a cruelty - free lifestyle.
Vegan food, travel and living a cruelty - free lifestyle.
You'll find a mix of vegan recipes, foodie reviews, all things travel, lots of photography and living a cruelty - free lifestyle.

Not exact matches

I believe that we are all born with an intuitive faith in the goodness of life; but it is a fragile faith that can be easily lost when we experience cruelty rather than love, often tragically early in life, from those whom we intuitive trust and who are often unconsciously passing on their pain to others.
Her inner self remains inviolable, and therefore untouched by the cruelty and crudity of what passes for intimate life today.
Rome's cruelty did make life better for more people than Jewish cruelty, Greek cruelty, Gaelic cruelty, and so forth.
If a man has lived a life of cruelty and then has a change of heart, is truly sorry for his sins and then dies (the proverbial «deathbed conversion») he can «be saved» without having done a good work in his life.
Because Pilate lives in a world of intimidation and cruelty and mercilessness, he can not comprehend what Jesus is bringing to the table.
Shocked as we have been by well attested stories of unspeakable tortures and degradation's, by the mass exterminations of the gas chamber, and by the living death of such places as Belsen and Buchenwald, many people find it difficult to react with proper indignation to contemporary cruelties such as the Communist slave camps in Siberia, or the callous indifference of most people to the plight of millions of refugees.
So unstinting has been the effort to portray as virtuous the ending of the lives of the weak that it brings to mind Pope Benedict's words to the College of Cardinals in 2012: «We see how evil wants to dominate the world,» he said, and how it uses cruelty and violence, but also how it «masks itself with good and, precisely in this way, destroys the moral foundations of society.»
Although there is much cruelty in the treatment of animals in the Indian subcontinent, as elsewhere in the world, all the Indian religions teach a sense of oneness with nature and a reverence for life.
Sympathy, dignity and moral identity are features of most of our lives most of the time, which is why the world is not normally torn apart by festivals of cruelty.
They know about the anti-Jewish polemics of certain church fathers; about the forced baptisms, especially of children; about the church council decree that sanctioned the removal of such children from their parents; about a papal edict encouraging raids on Jewish synagogues by the faithful; about the expulsion of all Jews from a country like Spain; about Luther's hate language directed against Jews when they did not convert according to his timetable; about the prohibition against Jews living in Calvin's Geneva; and about all the cruelties Christians have felt justified in perpetrating against the people they called «Christ - killers.»
In the snug little world where Johan and I have lived so unconsciously, taking everything for granted, there is a cruelty and brutality implied which frightens me more when I think back on it.
It may be, as Rollo May has suggested, that some people experience mental difficulties because they are more sensitive than others to the injustices, cruelties, and irrationalities of life.
Therefore, it is CRUELTY that is my enemy in life, not some particular group.
Sadistic cruelty, the prolongation of terror and pain, the casual callousness of some murders for no more reason than to eliminate witnesses to a minor theft — such horrors of contempt for life frequently underlie the distancing language of homicide and due process.
There are only obscenities, abominations, and sources of scandal; and one can not read the lifes of the popes without detesting their cruelty and perfidy.
These qualities and conditions, which constitute the materials and contexts with which and in which the exemplifications of relational power must fulfill their ambiguous destinies, run the gamut from triumphant breakthroughs to crippling regressions, from life - restoring laughter to life - denying despair, from the beauty of the gracious heart to the debasing cruelty of the small mind and smaller soul.
May they be remembered not only for their acts of cruelty in this camp... but balance against their cruelty the fruits we have reaped under the stress and in the pain; the comradeship, the courage, the greatness of heart, the humility and patience which have... become part of our lives because we have suffered at their hands.
G - d gave all of us seven basic laws to follow: To believe in One G - d, not to blaspheme Him, not to murder (which would include aspects of the topic of abortion), not to steal and kidnap, not to eat the limb of a living animal (animal cruelty) and to set up effective courts of justice.
He had no money, no arms, no military experience; he had no formal schooling, and he lived in an environment of anarchy and cruelty under an aggressive and hostile government.
His later works show him implacable to the whole system of official values: the ignobility of fashionable life; the infamies of empire; the spuriousness of the church, the vain conceit of the professions; the meannesses and cruelties that go with great success; and every other pompous crime and lying institution of this world.
He wants people to live according to Seven Basic Human Laws: To believe in One G - d, not to blaspheme Him, not to steal and kidnap, not to murder, not to do adultery, etc., not to eat the limb of a living animal (animal cruelty) and to set up effective courts of justice.
The rejection of the corruption, the cruelty and all around sociopathy of its adherents has been a cornerstone of my life.
In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the dark Lord Sauron forged in secretl a master ring, to control all others and into this ring, he poured his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all life.
The only thing that G - d wants people to do are Seven: To believe in One G - d, not to blaspheme Him, not to steal and kidnap, not to murder, not to do adultery, etc., not to eat the limb of a living animal (animal cruelty) and to set up effective courts of justice.
A minimal ethic of bodily consumption might embrace the concept of reverence for life — Albert Schweitzer's maxim that only when faced with the utmost necessity is one justified in taking the life of another creature or, for that matter, inflicting any manner of cruelty.
He gave us Seven Laws to follow: To believe in One G - d, not to blaspheme Him, not to steal (and kidnap), not to murder, not to do adultery, etc., not to eat the limb of a living animal (animal cruelty) and to set up effective courts of justice.
Tertullian upheld martyrs, who through the immediacy of their act render superfluous the necessity of repeating and arguing about discipline and order within the ongoing life of the church, since, as he warns the authorities of the state: «Your most refined cruelties are to no purpose.
Refusing to accept the ethical postulate conjoining self - realization and the social good which was at the heart of Dewey's ethics throughout his career, Rorty has argued for a «liberal utopia» in which there prevails a rigid division between a rich, autonomous private sphere that will enable elite «ironists» like himself to create freely the self they wish — even if that bares a cruel, antidemocratic self — and a lean, egalitiarian, «democratic» public life confined to the task of preventing cruelty (including that of elite ironists).
From the living timber of stark, impenetrable nature comes the raw wood of human cruelty and the burning seats of our religious hopes.
Yet, loss of life is not what is generally understand as constituting cruelty in regards to animals.
Austere as well as paternal, authoritative and kingly as well as merciful and gracious, terrific in judgment against selfishness, cruelty, and sham as well as forgiving to outcasts and prodigals, Jesus» God was revealed not so much in the words he used about him as in the life he lived with him.
But to consult the life of Christ is to know how to deal with cruelty and injustice.
And into this Ring, he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life.
For a people who have constantly been subjected to injustice, cruelty and early death, the image of the crucified is the supreme symbol of life in spite of the multiple daily threats of death.
The manner in which a man utilizes his religion — whether it be to enrich and ennoble his life or to excuse his selfishness and cruelty, or to rationalize his delusions and hallucinations, or to clothe himself in a comforting illusion of omnipotence — is a commentary on the state of his mental health.
I am obviously very against animal cruelty but my main reasons for creating these plant - based recipes is to introduce people to a healthier way of living and eating.
I did a post on the terms «organic» and «natural» a long time ago, when living in Paris, and as it turns out, a product can easily be organic but not cruelty - free (i.e. still is tested on animals or worse).
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