Sentences with phrase «live in a regulated environment»

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In the same way that it regulates our internal temperature, our brain is constantly, and autonomously, engaged in sense - making and simplification, distilling sensory inputs to make it possible for us to make sense of our environment and our liveIn the same way that it regulates our internal temperature, our brain is constantly, and autonomously, engaged in sense - making and simplification, distilling sensory inputs to make it possible for us to make sense of our environment and our livein sense - making and simplification, distilling sensory inputs to make it possible for us to make sense of our environment and our lives.
The outermost layer of skin, the stratum corneum, regulates water loss from the body and protects underlying living tissue from germs and the environment, in general.
The new discovery, reported Aug. 31 in the journal Cell by King's lab and the lab of Jon Clardy at Harvard Medical School, suggests that choanos «eavesdrop» on bacteria to make sense of their environment and regulate their life history.
A unique version of the EPAS1 gene, which regulates blood hemoglobin, allows Tibetans to live without difficulty in oxygen - thin environments above 13,000 feet.
The results showed that participants who had a nurturing family environment in childhood were more likely to have secure relationships later in life, in part, because they were more skilled at regulating their emotions in midlife.
The authors» argue that early life may perform a vital regulating function on an early planetary environment by impacting both the planet's albedo (how much light it reflects from the sun) and the greenhouse gases present in its atmosphere.
Being raised in an environment where a caregiver wasn't able to modulate their emotions, and therefore unable to teach their child to do so, could result in someone becoming verbally abusive later in life because they don't know how to regulate their own emotions, Coughlin explains.
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