Sentences with phrase «live near humans»

According to scientists, cats are one of the only animals who domesticated themselves — choosing to live near humans to feed on the rodents attracted by stored grain.
If we \'re to believe that cats «domesticated» themselves by choosing to live near humans and their sources of food, then I suppose racoons are also domesticating themselves?
Y. pestis is a bacterium that lives in the bellies of fleas, which live on rodents, some of which, like rats, live near humans.
House mice living near humans developed white fur patches, a trait associated with domesticated animals.
Coss» paper grew out of a 2015 study in which he and a former graduate student reported that zebras living near human settlements could not be approached as closely before fleeing as wild horses when they saw a human approaching on foot — staying just outside the effective range of poisoned arrows used by African hunters for at least 24,000 years.
That might be because they only started living near humans relatively recently, and because they were domesticated thousands of years after man's best friend.
When researchers in Sweden found some mother bears and their cubs living near human settlements, they wondered whether it might be a reproductive strategy — a way of protecting their young from killer males.
Animal Advocates has asked the mayors and councilors in the municipalities that unknowingly adopted «round - up - and - kill» legislation to consider if they would apply the same legislated solution to other animals that live near human habitation, and which many people consider pests, such as raccoons, squirrels, coyotes and bears.

Not exact matches

«If you're near (a bank branch) feel free to go in and initiate a conversation with a real live human being.»
Private equity firm Apollo's party, hosted in a Greek restaurant near Central Park, featured «live statues»: humans standing completely still, painted to look like marble.
Each situation involves real, living human beings and I believe we should respect them by at least attempting to grasp the reality of their world instead or reaching for the nearest category to slap across their situation.
Human beings naturally cling to life, and the witnessing of the death of others, especially those near and dear, and the anticipation of one's own passing away compel reflection upon the meaning of these events.
The fact that arbitrary constants exist, for example the strength of gravity; through science we know that these values can only be near the observable constant or human life would not exist.
As we read this history, the furor over stem cells was fueled by numerous factors: the near - universal human desire for magic; patients» desperation in the face of illness and their hope for cures; the belief that biology can now do anything; the reluctance of scientists to accept any limits (particularly moral limits) on their research; the impact of big money from biotech stocks, patents, and federal funding; the willingness of America's elite class to use every means possible to discredit religion in general; and the need to protect the unlimited abortion license by accepting no protections of unborn human life.
Does the near universal proscription against cannibalism promote respect for the unique value of human life — that continues even beyond life?
As we descended to Bright Angel Creek near the Colorado, I was suddenly confronted with the fact of the brevity and fragility of human life — my own and that of those I love.
If you wish to receive power from God, you are not to go to distant places, but to go to a very near place, a holy family, a simple human life, a death, such as all men must experience.
People living to near a 1000 years old, giants, creation stories, talking snakes, angels making out with women, sea monsters, people being turned into salt, human sacrifice as a good thing,... Compared to that some of the Greek myths actually look realistic.
The churches were called to live in the midst of human struggles and to be present at the bleeding points of humanity, thus being near those who suffered evil, and taking the risk of being counted among the wicked.
A live human body with its «mind» or «soul» is the example nearest at hand.
It's as though they live at the edge of a looking - glassworld where mundane objects come to life, where flora and fauna take on near - human qualities.»
which, according to the experts is when they get their first tooth, but according to actual human beings who are raising live children is probably closer to when the number of teeth nears the double digits,
A landmark European court of human rights case in 2003 found that the government was permitted to balance the economic interests of airlines in allowing night flights against the right to sleep of those living near to airports.
She said that it's going to be coming out in the very near future that many of the catastrophes that have taken human lives in the State of New York have been the product of guns coming over the border from Vermont,» said State Sen. Tim Kennedy, a Democrat from Buffalo.
Thousands of glaciers perch near human settlements, and in recent decades, dozens of surges have claimed lives.
Melding humans and machines to help the paralyzed walk, the mute speak, and the near - dead return to life
Demodex mites (family Demodicoidea) are parasites that live in or near the hair follicles of mammals, including humans.
So Thomas Cucchi, an archaeologist at the University of Aberdeen in the United Kingdom, decided to turn to the creatures living alongside humans at the time, specifically house mice (Mus domesticus), which live almost exclusively in or near houses and planted fields.
Long - tailed macaques living near an Indonesian temple have learned how to steal human possessions, including cash, and then trade them for food
But 32 flint tools discovered in a cliff side during low tide near Pakefield point to humans living in the vicinity of its tidal flats and rivers around 700,000 years ago.
Since prehistoric times people have lived by the seas and rivers for the access to cheap and quick transportation and access to food sources and trade; without human populations near natural bodies of water, there would be no concern for floods.
A fossilised bee's nest found near a revolutionary early human fossil can tell us more about the habitat the hominin lived in and how it got preserved
The results suggest that all modern humans can trace their origin to a population that lived near the border between South Africa and Namibia — although Tishkoff stresses that these people may have moved into the area from elsewhere.
This photograph, showing plastic fragments collected in just an hour at a cove near Gloucester, Mass., hints at a lesser - known but equally disturbing story: much smaller bits of plastic that are accumulating in oceans all over the world can potentially harm marine life and possibly even human health.
Hypoxic (very low oxygen) and anoxic (no oxygen) zones are caused by excessive nutrient pollution, often from human activities such as agriculture, which results in insufficient oxygen to support most marine life in near - bottom waters.
On a topic such as evolution, there is near consensus among all disciplinary groups that humans and other living things have evolved over time.
Hypoxia is caused by excessive nutrient pollution, often from human activities such as agriculture that results in too little oxygen to support most marine life in bottom and near - bottom water.
One species is more likely to live near to people, the other to prefer sites without humans.
Similar protective associations have also been documented in moose in living in Yellowstone, that give birth near roads to keep predatory traffic - averse brown bears away from their offspring, and mountain nyala in Ethiopia that use human shields against their spotted hyena predators.
«Completing the Human Cell Atlas is a mammoth task that needs the participation of many international collaborations and the combined knowledge - base will be an immeasurably valuable tool to model the plethora of dynamic components that enable life and to create a resource that can be used to explore new ideas for therapies and diagnostics in the near future».
Old age refers to ages nearing or surpassing the life expectancy of human beings, and is thus the end of the human life cycle.
In it, virtual reality and artificially intelligent androids come together to create Westworld, a near - future amusement park styled after the wild American west where for the right price, human men and women can live out their finest and darkest fantasies without real - world consequence.
Not that it matters, as the giant plant life that covers the ruins has taken to consuming whatever comes near, like a giant Venus flytrap with a hunger for human flesh.
In a dystopian near - future, single people are considered unfit to live as humans; once a relationship ends, the uncoupled get 45 days to find new partners, with those who fail getting turned into the animals of their choice.
The story is set in the near future, where humans live in isolation and interact vicariously through surrogate robots who are better - looking versions of themselves.
There's a strange near - lack of value placed on human life that I don't quite know how to process.
One remarkable early scene has the ash of incinerated Nazi documents raining down on Lore and her sister Liesel (Nele Trebs), evoking the stories told by people living in towns near concentration camps about the human ash from the ovens falling from the sky.
Ethics of Care is about how we can make decisions, political, social, psychological, economic decisions, in a manner which respects life and its individual needs and joys, while honoring the interconnectedness, near and far, between humans and other entities of this Earth.
Also, there is a B&N near my mom and they have live humans to demonstrate their product!
Plastic Memories — Plastic Memories takes place in a city in the near future, in which humans live alongside androids that look exactly like humans and have human emotion and memory.
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