Sentences with phrase «live part numbers»

Not exact matches

«We're going to hit 450 parts per million» — the scientific assessment of the maximum amount of carbon our atmosphere can handle — «because we have no choice, and whoever invents technologies that allow people to increase their quality of life while hitting that number wins — and wins big.»
«We worked together very closely for a number of years — it's hard to say who [influenced who] more but it was a very important part of my life
«We are handing the controls of important parts of our public and private lives to a very small number of people, who are unelected and unaccountable.»
«China has many ways it can make life exceedingly uncomfortable for a large number of American businesses, both those that are hoping for access to China's fast - expanding market, and those that use China as an important part of their supply chains,» said Eswar Prasad, a professor of international trade at Cornell University.
«We're looking at a number of strategic paths and really the strategic fit of the individual life business as part of Voya,» said Carolyn Johnson, CEO of Annuities and Individual Llife business as part of Voya,» said Carolyn Johnson, CEO of Annuities and Individual LifeLife.
To hold that same - sex marriage is part of the fundamental right to marry, or necessary for giving LGBT people the equal protection of the laws, the Court implicitly made a number of other assumptions: that one - flesh union has no distinct value in itself, only the feelings fostered by any kind of consensual sex; that there is nothing special about knowing the love of the two people whose union gave you life, whose bodies gave you yours, so long as you have two sources of care and support; that what children need is parenting in some disembodied sense, and not mothering and fathering.
You see, abortion became legal because of a massive practical problem, which is still taking massive numbers of women's lives in parts of Africa where abortion is illegal.
30 Rock blazed a number of trails in its history, and it's not only changed television (The New Girl, Parks and Rec, The Mindy Project and Girls all almost certainly owe part of their existence to it) but it's given a few lessons worth taking into our own lives as well.
Did you conveniently skip the part where it says that the overwhelming number of people living with HIV are HETERO SEKSUAL?
«We have no alternative but to admit,» Mommsen writes, «that a considerable number of those who played an active part in the July Plot, and in many cases lost their lives as a result, had previously participated in the war of racial extermination, or had at least approved of it for quite a time and in some cases had actively promoted it.
World figures numbered in this group were Arnold Toynbee, Alan Paton, Barbara Ward, Jacques Maritain, Sir Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Sir Walter Moberly, W. H. Auden, and Charles Malik.61 Association with political shapers and molders became a permanent part of his life - style.
The life / death / resurrection proportions, judged by the number of chapters devoted to each part, vary — from a 13:2:1 ratio in...
We've seen our Sunday numbers grow quite dramatically with older folk coming and playing a real part in the life of our church.
DNA is part of a living cell, as are proteins, fats and a number of other organic molecules.
But the attempt to reduce living systems to such, that is to say formal reductionism, fails in part because the number of possible combinations or classifications is generally immensely larger than the number of degrees of freedom.
There are, of course, an indefinitely large number of other practices that are part of the common life of Christian congregations: pastoral care of the ill, the troubled, and the grieving; nurture and education of children and adults; management of property; raising of funds; maintenance of institutions; and so forth.
A considerable number of the alcoholics I interviewed had come from rigidly prohibitionist homes and attributed their early excess in part to a reaction against the taboos of their early lives.
Fullness of life is in part a matter of the number of tenses which a man possesses.
Paul, of course, did not have the complete New Testament as we have it today... in fact, as he was writing this letter, he was writing part of this first foundation, but he knew of other letters and accounts of the life of Christ that were written by other apostles, and so he mentions them here as foundation number 1.
There's been a lot of talk and a fair amount of hand - wringing about the numbers of couples that are living together — there are 12 times as many cohabiting couples today as there were in the 1970s (in part because we're a lot more accepting of such arrangements and in part because Millennials are — wisely — delaying marriage).
Forget the flashcards and number drills; if you want your child to love numbers, show her how math is part of everyday life and she'll be eager to learn more.
Leave the flashcards and worksheets to the teacher; if you want your child to love numbers, show him how math is part of everyday life and he'll be eager to learn more.
The more you enjoy numbers, and the more you can show your child how math is a part of everyday life, the more motivated she'll be to learn.
Of course, like with a lot of health disorders, it's not always entirely clear if the number of kids with allergies has actually risen or if we're just better at diagnosing food allergies now, but either way, more food allergies are part of our everyday lives now.
Being required to execute a great number of academic projects is a natural part of the higher education life, certainly.
Circulation numbers may dip, and appetites may wane somewhat, but the printed newspaper will continue to be an important part of our lives for a long time to come.
Unfortunately, the current Commons arithmetic makes a long - lived Lab - Lib coalition very unlikely, due in part to the large number of other parties needed.
You are touching on individual laws being too long, which is part of it, but other aspects include the sheer number of laws and regulations that affect almost every single aspect of our lives.
But remember, the Sun Belt states that gained population are doing so in part because of an increase in the number of people of Hispanic descent living within their borders, which may portend a political change down the road.
A number of UK lobbyists watched the clash at Shepherd's restaurant in Westminster as part of a live screening hosted by TP's sister title Public Affairs News and the PRCA.
«When you have large numbers of military living off base there's a tendency that hey become the soccer coaches, part of the emergency medical teams, the join voluntary fire departments, they serve on PTAs.
In her speech to donors, the First lady said that considering the current situation at KATH where disturbing number of avoidable deaths of mothers and babies are recorded partly due to inadequate facilities to cater for them, a modern facility to cater for five times the current number will be a major life saving measure to «bring hope not only to families in Ashanti, but also those in the Bono - Ahafo, the three Northern Regions and parts of the Central and Western Regions, who are served by Komfo Anokye Hospital.»
According to the Empire Center, Skelos is part of a class of Tier 1 employees who are eligible for single life allowances of up to 79 percent of final average salary, which provides for its higher annual number.
E.J. McMahon, president of the fiscally conservative Empire Center for Public Policy, said that the number of million - dollar earners may be up but that more and more wealthy New Yorkers are declaring themselves to be only part - year residents of the Empire State — members of the «183 club» that spends at least that many days (half a year) living elsewhere.
And I will note I am picking on him in part because of his stated desire to potentially run for the congressional seat — a promotion to a higher office with more impact on the lives of an even greater number of Americans.
On Dec. 7, as Cuomo was preparing to take part in a conference call to discuss the impact of the Republican tax plan, a number of reporters trooped down from the legislative press room to Cuomo's offices to stage a protest against the fact that he had gone almost six months without holding a real, live news conference at the Capitol.
BOX 15, A-15-6; 30219214 / 734997 SAPA Part B - 1st Draft, c. 1972 Using Numbers - Numbers and the Number Line, JRM Observing - Observing the Weather Measuring - Making Comparisions Using a Balance, JE Alternate Auto - Instructional, Measuring 1 - 4 / Measuring Area, Gillis Classifying - Trees in our Environment, JRM, c. 1972 AAAS - Xerox Film Loops Guide, A11 Exercises - Shapes and Symmetry, Hansen, 1972 SAPA Part B - 1st Draft, 1972 Observing - Observing Color and Color Changes in Plants, HM Communicating - Identifying Objects and their Variations, RN Communicating - Different Kinds of Forces, AHL Communicating - Graphs, JRM Classifying - Observing Living and Nonliving Things, Smith Using Space / Time Classifying - Animals in Our Environment: Part B (alternate) Using Space / Time - Shadows, Smtih Alternate (Autoinstructional)- Using Numbers - Numbers and the Number Line Observing - Observing Soils, JRM SAPA Part B 2nd Draft, 1972 Measuring Area 1 - 4, CCP Measuring 1 - 4, Volume of Solids, Alternate 2, CCP Measuring 1 - 4, Volume of Solids, Alternate 1, CCP Measuring Length 4 - 6, Linear Measurement Using Metric Units, CCP Communicating - Intro to Graphing, JRM Communicating - Pushes and Pulls, AHL Communicating - Identifying Objects and Their Variations, RN Classifying - Trees in Our Environment, JRM Classufying - Observing Living and Nonliving Things, Smith Observing - Observing Color and Color Changes in Plants and Observing Changes in Mold Gardens, HGM Observing (alternate)- Observation, Using Several of the Senses, HGM, c. 1972 Using Numbers - Numbers and the Number Line, JRM Measuring - Making Comparisions Using a Balance, JWE Using Space / Time - Shadows, Smith Using Space / Time Relationships - Time Intervals, HGM Observing 10 - Observing the Weather, JWE Observing - Observing Soils Using Several of the Senses, JRM SAPA Part B Tryout Draft, 1972 Communicating - The Same but Different Observing 10 - Observing the Weather Observing 9A - Observing Soils Observing (alternate)- Using Several of the Senses Observing - Observing Change Classifying - Trees in Our Environment Classifying - Observing Living and Nonliving Things SAPA Part B, Observing - Changes in Molds and Other Plants, c. 1972 SAPA Part B Tryout Draft, 1972 Observing - Observing Changes in Plants Observing - Changes in Mold and Green Plants Measuring - Making Comparisions Using a Balance Measuring Length - Linear Measurement Using Metric Units Measuring Volumes of Solids, 1 - 4 Communicating - Pushes and Pulls Comparing Area, c. 1972 Using Space / Time Relationships - Shadows, 1972 Addition of Postive Numbers, Sums 1 - 99 (not being tried) SAPA Part B 3rd Draft (alternate), Using Numbers - Numbers and the Number Line, 1972 SAPA Part C 1st Draft, 1972 Classifying - Classifying Components of Mixtures, Livermore Inferring 2 - How Certain Can You Be?
Meanwhile, the number of life scientists unemployed, out of the labor force, or in part - time posts also grew.
«We've seen a number of cases where all that's left is a puddle of their skeletal parts and a bunch of bacteria eating away at the tissue,» Menge told Live Science.
In this second instalment of our two - part data special we look at an ambitious scheme to uncover medical secrets in the numbers of everyday life
«Mexicans recently have been settling in parts of the U.S. where historically they have not lived in large numbers,» said Todd Pugatch, an assistant professor of economics in the College of Liberal Arts at Oregon State University.
The potential for epidemics to occur in parts of Africa and the Asia - Pacific region is particularly concerning given that the vast numbers of people who could be exposed to Zika virus are living in environments where health and human resources to prevent, detect, and respond to epidemics are limited.
Most scientists thought that a bird's preference for a certain number of companions had to be determined at least in part by life experience or by ecological conditions such as food abundance or the threat of predators.
Bienenstock led a campaign with Stanford's faculty senate and university trustees to eliminate a legal limit on the number of women students at the university, as part of efforts to promote diversity in the STEM workforce and other areas of public and professional life.
Laughter and numbers, on the other hand, are good bets to survive a million years because they are two of the oldest things that are part of our lives today.
But the water - recovery system that will become part of NASA's Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System, or ECLSS, for the International Space Station (ISS), still needs a number of improvements if it is to support the space agency's ambitions of returning to the moon and pushing onward toward Mars.
Reporting live from me, from Cabin 6168 on the MS Amsterdam as part of Bright Horizons Scientific American Cruise Number 22.
(The exact number is difficult to gauge because many of the 250 people who joined the Science guild by the final day of the conference attended different sessions, and untold numbers took part by looking over their colleagues» shoulders or via live - streamed video.)
This Web site is supported, in part, by grant numbers 90LL0002 -02-00 and 90LL0002 -02-01, from the Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201.
Before we are born, the developing brain creates an incredible number of neurons, which migrate to specific parts of the brain to ready us for life.
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