Sentences with phrase «live pigs»

Well in real life pigs don't appreciate pearls.
«In another study, Traber heated an aluminum bar to nearly 400 degrees with a Bunsen burner and roasted the skin of live pigs on it for 30 seconds, creating a series of deep burns that covered 15 percent of their bodies.
But MRSA was recently found for the first time in live pigs in North America, confirming suspicions that it has entered the food chain.
Insiders claimed that some Benue workers have concluded plans to storm IBB Square, the venue of the handover ceremony, with live pigs in mockery of Suswam.
NB; The International Livestock Research institute is working on availing measures for live pig weight determination.
Mission Statement: To ensure effective and efficient production distribution and marketing of Pork / live pigs at affordable prices in East Africa.
«I'm in the livestock export business, particularly swine — live pig exports and frozen boar semen,» he explains.
La Vie au Ranch, a debut feature by Sophie Letourneur, is the story of a group of young college - age girls living pig - piled in an apartment on the Left Bank in...
Pig farm workers push live pigs into a large grave in Nipah in 1999.
Recently a news came in where, one of the largest live pig suppliers to Singapore, KMP Private Ltd has collaboarated with DISA Digital Safety Pte Ltd (DiSa)...
Home» Politics» Unpaid salaries: Benue civil servants to storm inauguration venue with live pigs
Pig weight will be determined by live weight estimation because there is no standard measure for live pigs in Uganda.
Live pigs, turtles and lizards are tied along the sidewalks awaiting the kitchen.
While prototype snake robots were being demonstrated to journalists at the Robotics Institute, a live pig was undergoing cardiac surgery from a prototype snake robot at nearby University of Pittsburgh hospital.
Researchers took a step in that direction by using a cold virus to deliver a gene into the heart of a living pig.
Of course bondage will be part of your life as well as objects that help pigs learn there place in my life
The company deals in production and marketing of pork and live pigs.
Men transport a live pig on the back of their motorcycle in Moung Russey, located in Cambodia's western Battambang province.
That said, in hopes of staving off boredom in human and swine alike, a team of Dutch designers have created Pig Chase — an app for interspecies entertainment that playfully pits iPad users against real - life pigs, who might otherwise only meet one another on a plate.
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