Sentences with phrase «lives as novice»

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Despite the withering contempt of experts and allies alike — even the architectural critic Lewis Mumford, letting his unfortunate susceptibility to vanity get the better of him, could not resist dismissing Death and Life as a «preposterous mass of historic misinformation and contemporary misinterpretation» assembled by «a sloppy novice» — this unaccredited journalist - mother, with no college education, no training in planning, and no institutional support, wrote a book that would change the way the world thinks about cities.
She travelled with the priest and another local girl to begin as novices at the Mother House in Rome where St Bridget herself lived.
@barsa 4 life, shambo already exposed you as a novice, whatever you say here carries no weight, if you can't really remember when barca was the dutch national team, then why are we even talkin to you?
I was lucky to join a scuba tour that one of the physicists had organized (though I did regret not knowing Spanish, as the route and much else had to be translated — a little disconcerting in what from my novice's perspective appeared to be a matter of life and death).
Being a novice in online dating I got two main questions — how I could choose the right woman for contacting and further dating because this is not the same as real life and what way we'll be able to develop our relationship not speaking each other's languages?
The waters around Cape Town are teaming with life and colour and, with companies like Into the Blue providing trips that cater for novices as well as experts, a scuba dive here can be one of the most stunning dates you can imagine.
Before her final vows, the novice nun Anna is propelled into a Poland heavily in the shadow of World War II to find that the opacities colouring day - to - day life are just as applicable to her.
She stars in The To Do List as a girl on a mission to become much more than a novice when it comes to sex; as a zombie lady in Life After Beth, and one of her more emotional roles as Sarah in About Alex.
If you want to pay a little less and hire a novice, that's fine, but be aware that with editors (just as with many things in life), you get the experience and quality you pay for.
Depth: 25 - 90ft / 8 - 27mt Access: Boat Expertise Rating: Novice This area has basically the same marine life as dive sites around Laughing Bird Caye.
Legal writing scholars have already studied the final product of great writers.210 Researchers could go further and study skilled writers to develop a story of their «life in writing» as they progress from novices to experts.
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