Sentences with phrase «lives cease»

However, if you consider that when your brain stops functioning, your thought life ceases to exist, then there will be no way to know that you were wrong about your god belief.
«Everyday life ceases to appear as something manipulated by vast, mysterious forces beyond human control or understanding and becomes a world that is manipulable, predictable, and intelligible... When you can get by happily enough without God, even if you do believe in him, why bother with him at all?»
The buzz of life ceases at their touch as a piano - string stops sounding when the damper falls upon it.
When life ceases to grow and to strive for more life it becomes a distortion of life.
When that «spark» «breath» spirit or whatever, departs from the body; life ceases to be.
The death of the pharaoh was said to inaugurate a 70 - day period during which normal life ceased.
Call it air, oxygen or prana, but know that without it, life ceases to exist.
At that moment Kulonio \'s life ceases to be slow.

Not exact matches

A failed business may simply cease operations; with the owners and investors absorbing the losses (if any); a troubled business on the brink of going under may seek to merge with another company that has the resources to keep it afloat and out of bankruptcy; or a dying business may be bought up by another, stronger company, seeking to breathe new life into it or simply to acquire its assets.
'' [Einstein] wrote a friend in later life: «We never cease to stand like curious children before the great mystery into which we were born.»
God is his own eternal divinity, life, law, and good, and therefore never ceases to be divine, living, lawful, and good.
When it comes time for you to die, and it will come soon, you will either continue in a state of eternal life or you (your soul) will cease to be.
Put another way, the question is: What would have become of Judaism if the historical connection with Christianity had ceased shortly after the birth of the new Christian religion, if the mother religion and the daughter religion had ceased to live in proximity and to share any continuing history?
you're right the church probably will be there long after any of us cease to exist but it stands to reason that it is going down... as more people come to the realization that the belief in a deity is not necessary to live, the less need there will be for a church to exist.
something whispers (sometimes it screams) to us that we can not cease living on in some sense, «in being» altogether, even if we wanted to.
People are too conceited to want to believe that when they die, they cease to exist, so viola, in their pea brains God exists to satisfy their own sense of self importance through an afterlife and continued existence beyond life.
You make certain choices in life and potentially (God's decision not mine) end up spending eternity is a very unpleasant place or simply ceasing to exist as some would argue but I subscribe to the former.
He finally found himself in a joyful and peaceful place where all religions are quieted, where all attachments are consummated, where all worship ceases, where all desire ends, where prayer becomes silent, where the separate soul is purified by death, where true freedom emerges, where life in love is the air that is breathed, and where all is One.
Everywhere you look in nature, that which ceases to live decays and disappears.
For instance, if the earth were slightly larger, hydrogen, a light gas, could not escape into the atmosphere at its prescribed rate (due to an increase in the earth's gravitational field), and over time would build up and cause life to cease.
When the last chapter is closed, one unanswered question persists: By what calculus does one decide to no longer merely suffer interruption but to become a great interruption in the lives of others, in order that other interruptions might cease?
As mainline Protestantism ceased to be a culture - forming force in American public life, the void was filled by a new Catholic presence in the public square and, perhaps most influentially in electoral terms, by the emergent activism of evangelical, fundamentalist, and Pentecostal Protestantism in what would become known as the Religious Right» a movement that has formed a crucial part of the Republican governing coalition for more than a quarter - century.
I enjoy my life, but when it is over, I will cease to exist.
God and His will therefore ceased to be relevant to public life.
But we have ceased to live with daggers drawn.
But when the pain does finally cease, and the confusion caused by both the situation and our own attempts to avoid it clears up, we're left with the clear truth of life's permanent importance, which no pain should ever be permitted to obscure.
... but be sure of that: No person ever, who keeps living in this lifestyle, and does not repent by acknowledging it is WRONG and ceasing to practice it, can ever be Christian and be pertaker of God's kingdom.
You have successfully followed a reductionist understanding of christ that ceases to give new life and only furthers to support your point of view.
«No person ever, who keeps living in this lifestyle, and does not repent by acknowledging it is WRONG and ceasing to practice it, can ever be Christian and be pertaker of God's kingdom.
Gradually through the Old Testament, reference to bodily organs as the seat of intellectual, emotional, and moral life had ceased being literal and had become metaphorical.
As their interest and care centered increasingly on man's inner life, on spiritual quality and ethical devotion, as the stronger emotions ceased being merely anger or grief and became also penitence, aspiration, moral idealism, and the love of God, the word ruach expanded its meanings to cover the case.
That so to reason and so to perceive requires a great relearning which is never completed in their lives; that for the most part they do not reason and interpret on the basis of the new premise but on that of the old; that they tend to interpret the action upon them by which they are and by which they cease to be as inimical or indifferent; that they respond therefore for the most part in the manner of an ethics of death, Christians agree.
This means that it ceases to be a living word.
When faith loses touch with the flesh - and - blood person whom his disciples lived with and knew, it ceases to be truly Christian.
The man felt that he was ceasing to be merely himself; an irresistible rapture took possession of him as though all the sap of all living things, flowing at one and the same moment into the too narrow confines of his heart, was mightily refashioning the enfeebled fibres of his being.
Otherwise, He would quasi cease to have control over our lives (humanly spoken at least — I don't know how it works either).
Also, Jesus him self explained that a person ceases to exsist when he dies; obviously debunking any understanding of an «after - life».
Yet we are asked to believe that when they wrote about the capture of Ai or the life of Jesus they suddenly ceased to be affected by these prejudices and presuppositions.
«3 With the «passing» of the sacred, the living God ceased to be shrouded in awesome mystery, and now could be loved through the mediation of Jesus.
But if that country ceases to exist, we continue to live, but our identity changes.
Like Gregory, we cease to see our vocation in human terms — for who could possibly live up to this calling!
However, we live in a pluralistic society where freedom of religion is the rule of law and where nobody has any right to demand that anyone change or cease performing their religious duties simply because of offensive implications, which are inherent to all Western religious practice.
Those who go to hell are completely cut off from God, the only source of life and ground of being, and they finally must cease to exist.
I never sid that we cease to exist... but to think that we remain a coherent, sentient life form once the energy leaves the body is completely baseless.
For Christ, even death ceases to be a necessity: «I give my life for my sheep; it is not taken from me, I give it.»
Eighth - century B.C. Hebrews, for example, could not have embraced the contemporary medical technology that would enable life to continue after humanity in any recognizable form had ceased to exist.
Moreover, if the Constitution on the Liturgy emphasizes that we ought to «pray without ceasing», this can hardly apply only to liturgical prayer, especially in the case of the laity, who would not have sufficient time for this; and so it may be concluded that in our daily life private and liturgical prayer need certainly not compete with each other.
This passion and death are present when the inner voice through which a man had expressed himself has ceased to make itself heard and when all our life and all our hopes have ended in inevitable disappointment.
«Exodus is an institution in the conservative Christian world, but we've ceased to be a living, breathing organism,» said Alan Chambers, the president of Exodus.
His divine time overflows, holds together, and envelops all other times... The eternal life of God does not of course cease to have its specific dimension within the period between the creation and the last judgment, God is «he who is and who was and who is to come» (Rev 1:4; 4:8).24
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