Sentences with phrase «lives confined»

And unlike hamsters or other «pocket pets,» rabbits aren't content to live their entire lives confined in cages.
These animals spend their lives confined to cages, living in fear as they're forced to endure painful experiments, sometimes without any pain medication.
These dogs have often spent their lives confined.
These social, intelligent animals may spend their lives confined to small cages, isolated from others of their kind.
Our dogs do not spend their lives confined in a kennel.
Also receiving her share of adulation is Brie Larson, who plays Ma, a single mother who lives confined in a little room with her son, Jack (Jacob Tremblay).
They are eating a nutrient deficient and glucose abundant diet, they are completely inactive, they are experiencing high stress and most are significantly vitamin D deficient due to work lives and personal lives confined predominantly to indoor, sun - deprived spaces.
Many farm pigs spend the majority of their lives confined in small gestation crates that do not allow them enough room to turn around.
Refusing to accept the ethical postulate conjoining self - realization and the social good which was at the heart of Dewey's ethics throughout his career, Rorty has argued for a «liberal utopia» in which there prevails a rigid division between a rich, autonomous private sphere that will enable elite «ironists» like himself to create freely the self they wish — even if that bares a cruel, antidemocratic self — and a lean, egalitiarian, «democratic» public life confined to the task of preventing cruelty (including that of elite ironists).
And since most people eventually get tired of a sex life confined to just one person, it's something more and more people will end up trying with one site or another!
The film, from first time director Crystal Moselle, records scenes in the life of the Angulo family, a life confined — under the demands of a dictatorial father — to a small New York apartment.
Five - year - old Jack vividly narrates the story of his life confined in a room with his mother in this unsettling exploration of resilience and hope.
According to experts, the formation of her skeleton suggests that she spent almost all of her life confined to the ship's smallest and darkest areas.
Karlyn has spent most of her young life confined to a small space, so she will need lots of continued socialization to teach her that the outside world is a safe place full of fun and adventures.

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In a world where our lives are now confined behind a screen and interaction with our neighbors seems to have become more irregular, we need to look at how companies like Amazon and other online services have impacted our communities.
Sure, living in a confined space for a year, missing your family, and dealing with giant urine - acid balls has to be challenging, but on the other hand Kelly was in space!
In passing, he left behind an incredible legacy, especially as a person who struggled with ALS, a neurodegenerative disease that confined him to a wheelchair for the vast majority of his life.
We stand with these teens even from across the country, because this problem — gun violence — is not confined to one school, student, or state, it threatens every young person living in America.
Elizabeth Chyrum, Director of Human Rights Concern - Eritrea (HRC - E) said: «It is an insult that the legitimate patriarch of the Orthodox Church is confined to the servants» quarters in the same compound where two junior bishops live in a villa.
That is why, in the twentieth century, powerful opiates and opioids (an opioid is a synthetic drug that mimics opium) were largely taboo — confined to patients with serious cancers, and often to end - of - life care.
After an emotional encounter with a woman confined to a nursing home, Dupin decided to develop a novel, if not controversial, alternative to sending our loved ones to living facilities that are often over-crowded and under - staffed: the MEDCottage — a small, self - contained living space that can be placed in the backyard.
They speak of me with scorn, calling me beggar - woman or witch or harlot; but their words are at variance with life, and the pharisees who condemn me, waste away in the outlook to which they confine themselves; they die of inanition and their disciples desert them because I am the essence of all that is tangible, and men can not do without me.
We are beginning to see that the vast purpose of God can never be confined to individual salvation or to the welfare of any particular race or nation, or even to the necessarily restricted physical life of human beings on this planet.
It, too, is a kenotic process, for it is the embodiment in history and experience of the divine process, and it effects a self - negation or self - annihilation of every power confining life and energy.
Particularly would this be true of men who were accustomed to the beliefs of Pharisaic Judaism about future life; though the tendency would not be entirely confined to them.
We can no more exhaust its meaning than we can confine the life of God in a human pattern.
Confined largely to his bed and forced to confront the meaning both of his own life and of a world rending itself in war, Percy began to read omnivorously, especially the works of Dostoevsky.
This would explain the fact that «evolving Life», from the end of the Tertiary Period, has been confined to the little group of higher primates.
Holiness and Pentecostal folk are busily engaged in creating all those agencies and patterns of church life that their maverick forebears found too confining.
Other churches have confined their official ministries to helping gay people live out celibate lives.
Baldovin describes how in medieval Jerusalem, Rome, Constantinople, and many other cities where Christianity formed the symbolic basis for social life, worship was not confined to the neighborhood church.
God is not only disclosed in him, nor is revelation confined to «biblical times»; but Jesus is the supreme disclosure which opens my eyes to God in the present, and while remaining a man who lived in a particular historical situation, he will always be the unique focus of my perception of and response to God.
And in Christianity during the Middle Ages, groups like the Beguines and the followers of Francis showed that the spiritual life need not be confined to the monastery and the cloister but could be lived in the world.
And, generally, whenever Dawkins has confined himself to topics within his field of expertise, he has produced well - organized, lucidly written guidebooks to the current scene in the life sciences.
He writes, «The radicalizing of these questions becomes especially clear if we take seriously that the scope of ethical responsibility is no longer confined to life in personal relations or in social structures.
This may have worked well as long as each religion was content with living each in its own confined place.
As a result, «ideas of purity and impurity» which were so pervasive in the lives of Hindus have become much weaker, and in the life - style of the middle class they are «becoming confined to rites of passage, pilgrimages and a few festivals».
Most theological authors are specialists: one interprets the scriptural foundations for preaching and teaching, another explains how to «manage» ministry, and others confine themselves to some particular subsection of parish life — liturgy, youth work, pastoral...
Yusuf Qaradawi (the most influential Muslim cleric in the world today, the spiritual head of the Muslim Brotherhood) said: «Islam is not a religion in the common, distorted meaning of the word, confining its scope only to the private life of man.
They live under the confining canopy of their unguided years.
But if this be so we also have the right to vindicate the sphere of our own freedom, which is not confined to the church building and the sacristy, but which includes also public and social life.
In Othello and Macbeth I have known something of human terror, to which the fairly pleasant and confined limits of my life gave me no access.
Nor are these occurrences confined to the Gospels, where Jesus» life and teaching are being explicitly described; they are to be found almost as frequently in the Epistles — and in all manner of connections.
These materialistic elitist find their worldview reflected in the message of the Republican Party that wants to limit welfare to the rich and to large corporations, while confining the non-rich to a life of Darwinian capitalism, even as they deprive them of rights as workers.
Buddhism, for example, originated when the Buddha perceived Hindu religious practice to be too confining to bring the fulfillment and release from suffering for which living beings longed.
If a man has been confined into believing he must adhere to traditional gender roles all his life, he may not be a fit for being a stay at home parent.
By contrast, an offender who is confined in jail for life with no society but that of other criminals is probably more likely to be hardened than reformed.
Once more it makes almost ridiculous the sentimental claim of certain segments of our world that religion is a narrow area of life to which clergy ought to confine their attention, leaving the rest of the world to go by.
The «primitive» concept of union with the divine is naïve and usually confined to superearthly forces placated to assure personal and group protection, power, healing and immortal life.
Such a submission to guilt is at bottom a submission to pain, or, rather, an attempt to lower the consciousness of pain by shrinking and confining the energy of life.
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