Sentences with phrase «living arrangement if»

Living expenses coverage will pay for a temporary alternative living arrangement if your Cape Girardeau apartment is deemed unlivable after a disaster.
Next, the policy covers the costs of an alternative living arrangement if the rental unit is rendered unlivable by a named peril.
Of course, your loved one also has the right to live without fear and to transfer to a different nursing home or living arrangement if she is unhappy, uncomfortable, or unsafe.
That would be sweet I would say no to the living arrangements if I wasn't able to keep working and maybe even see guys on the side IF the daddy didn't want a serious relationship.
Your policy also covers alternative living arrangements if your rental home is rendered unlivable by a named peril.
The standard policy covers property that is damaged or stolen, alternative living arrangements if your rental unit is rendered unlivable by a named peril, liability coverage and reasonable medical expenses for people injured on your rental property.
The second form of coverage pays for the cost of alternate living arrangements if the rental is rendered unlivable by a named peril.
Additionally, most home and renters insurance policies include coverage for temporary living arrangements if damages caused by a covered event render your home uninhabitable.
Coverage D pays for alternative living arrangements if the rental property is made unlivable in a storm or fire.
Town of Lake renters insurance policies offer coverage for lost or damaged property, compensation for alternative living arrangements if the home is uninhabitable, liability protection and reasonable medical payments for people injured on the property.

Not exact matches

If you count only those whose primary way to earn a living comes from a so - called alternative work arrangement, you get to about 15 % of the American labor force.
An odd arrangement if his wife was living.
If we regard the New Testament as our authority we shall find no such arrangement being offered to those who open their lives to the living Spirit of God.
But if, on the other hand, we refuse to regard human socialization as anything more than a chance arrangement, a modus vivendi lacking all power of internal growth, then (excepting, at the most, a few elementary rules safeguarding the living - space of the individual) we find the whole structure of politico - economico - social relations reduced to an arbitrary system of conventional and temporary expedients.
If we sincerely trust that the promise of divine fidelity provides the ultimate context within which to live out our lives, we will not feel obliged to cling too tenaciously to immediate social arrangements in order to find the approval we desire.
But in my head I am going «did they make arrangements so if the patient is unable to make medical decision for himself, his partner can do it and not be shut out towards what could be the end of his life
The Department of Agriculture is duty bound to stop the export of live animals if federal export laws are not upheld, or if travel arrangements are inadequate for animal health and welfare.
And also, not to be a downer, but please also mentally prepare yourself and your family for being without a normal living arrangement for way longer than a month if it's as extensive as it sounds (everywhere but master = kitchen and bathrooms being at least partially gutted)
The situation may well change in the coming years if the Turin giants are unable to take that next step in the Champions League, and / or begin to slip in Serie A. However, for now, it appears as though Pogba is settled and will be focusing on helping France win Euro 2016 this summer rather than making alternative living arrangements.
All of which means that before we tout the presumptive benefits of marriage for everyone, we should be willing to explore what's working for those who are happily living alternatively and whether what doesn't work for them is the actual arrangement or the societal expectation that committed couples marry and live together as well as the judgment they face if they don't follow the romantic script.
Because if you can't trust your partner, whatever living arrangement you have isn't going to change the situation.
If you live near our San Francisco, Twinsburg or Novi team members, you can avoid shipping charges and make arrangements to pick - up the totes locally.
If you live outside of the United States please contact me directly for special arrangements and for date and time availability
The more compact size can be helpful if you live in a small space or other shared living arrangements.
If the mother lives in a state that recognizes a joint custody arrangement, then the child's father automatically has visitation rights if the child's mother does not specifically file for sole custodIf the mother lives in a state that recognizes a joint custody arrangement, then the child's father automatically has visitation rights if the child's mother does not specifically file for sole custodif the child's mother does not specifically file for sole custody.
If you hold off on talking about your living arrangement, have a bunch of great dates with this potential mate, and then break the news, that will raise her suspicion that you might be lying about other things as well.
If you live in a state that doesn't perform a test you'd like, you can pay for additional testing, but you may need to make arrangements ahead of time.
So if this is the sleep arrangement you have chosen then enjoy it - and don't feel like you are doomed to a life of fighting for blankets with your school - aged child (unless, of course, that is what you want).
In some states, a parent can refuse visitation if the other parent's living arrangements are considered dangerous, such as living in a crime - ridden neighborhood.
If you do have a joint custody arrangement for your children, you should be sure to keep track of all the money you spend on your child's living needs.
To Print Order Form click here If a pump fails that you have purchased from me and you live in my area of service, call or email me to make arrangements for a loaner pump until yours is repaired or exchanged.
If we accept the current institutional arrangements of our political system as the limits of our ambition, we must content ourselves to live in a divided — and therefore inherently partial — democracy, where such questions will necessarily be answered half - heartedly.
Not sure if that last one refers to a choice of living arrangements or of jeans.
Between what the governor is planning to announce and what the mayor's planning to announce, if we can negotiate the right type of arrangement, it would give us enough resources to ensure that every New Yorker who is living with HIV has housing security.»
There is a small fee (# 60) to pay initially, but it is refunded if the arrangement is cancelled, and the rates of pay are calculated to cover all living expenses in the host country.
Considering that many of us spend close to a third of our lives between the sheets, if might be worth our while to contemplate how sleeping arrangements might hurt or help us.
If you remember from my Spring Home Tour, the living room got a bit of a switcheroo with the furniture arrangement when we got new bamboo shades, and I'm still loving it.
Others believe it takes a great deal of skill to keep your sugar life and real life separate, and possessing the ability to know when to pass when it doesn't feel right, even if the arrangements are highly attractive.
If you want a larger than life arrangement, find a sugar daddy that has made it in life.
But if not well handled, this kind of arrangement may end up to be the worst dating experience in your life.
If your Sugar Daddy isn't willing to help you improve your life, he's not a good match for you for a mutually beneficial arrangement.
Lifelong learning arrangements, particularly those in informal and non-formal settings, can confer a number of benefits: they can provide people who live in countries that do not have universal education with access to learning opportunities on a continuous basis; they can address the problem of conventional formal schooling being too far removed from local cultural and social environments; and they can alleviate economic hardship, particularly for young people in developing countries who may experience strong pressures to earn income to help support their families or, particularly if they are girls, to take on significant responsibilities at home (1, 4).
Would their marriage have lasted if he had consented to her request for platonic living arrangements?
If you live in an area with several «mom and pop» or independent bookstores you may be able to strike up a consignment arrangement where you leave them with 5 or so books and collect a 60 % or whatever percentage you work out with them in the event your book sales.
If you live at home with your parents, driving might be the only option, but hopefully you can setup an arrangement where you can take public transportation for much cheaper.
Contrary to popular opinion, your parents won't need life insurance for the most part of their lives if they've made other financial arrangements that they are satisfied with from the get - go.
Not all landlords are bad people, but the fact is, if you are dependent upon another person for your living arrangements, it can lead to problems.
For example, a common arrangement is for the employee to pay the cost of term insurance relative to the policy and if the policy is permanent life insurance, such as a cash value life insurance policy OR indexed universal life, the cost of term may be substantially less than the actual cost paid by the employer.
If you can move past conflict easily and feel living together will only strengthen bonds without sacrificing your sanity in the process, the arrangement may work.
If the present living arrangement is satisfactory to all and if you can save enough to lower the payments significantly, I'd stay where you arIf the present living arrangement is satisfactory to all and if you can save enough to lower the payments significantly, I'd stay where you arif you can save enough to lower the payments significantly, I'd stay where you are.
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