Sentences with phrase «living doing something»

-- What kind of life do I want to live in retirement?
In living do we determine things to be or not to be.
In your whole life did you ever lose your temper?
Besides, how often in our busy lives do we get to enjoy a leisurely breakfast with our families?
How much battery life do you get for all that charge time?
I mean, you don't see anything like this in real life do you?
In your whole life did you ever do something you're ashamed of?
When you try to talk about your personal life does he engage in the conversation?
... Which variables in a child's life did you need to change, and which could you leave as they were?
He was inspired to become a game designer because he wanted to spend his work life doing something fun and interesting.
What forms of life do you suppose will evolve to eat those subway cars?
It was amazing, and allowed me to be away from all the stress and demands of life doing something totally unexpected!
Many people with ADHD put their best face forward in the public light, and its only when you see their personal lives do you realize the extent of their challenges.
How early in a child's life did you need to begin?
Consequently, a career change in your 30s is not unusual and may set you up for the rest of your working life doing something you love.
If the term policy expires and you are still living do you get the premiums back or nothing at all.
What sort of life do you think Aslyn would have if she could be anything?
What sort of «carnal» life do you imagine people are living, HS?
A couple of years ago, while working with high school students, Chris Hulleman at the University of Virginia and Judy Harackiewicz at the University of Wisconsin — Madison discovered that asking the students to write short essays relating the content of their science classes to their personal lives did something important: It motivated them to become more interested in science, which in turn improved their grades by about three - quarters of a letter grade.
Tackling adrenal fatigue is easier if you can articulate your goals: What kind of life do you want to live?
«How short - lived do you think Bitcoin Cash will be and would you be interested in making a wager about that?»
For some women that sounds horrid but in real life we do it all the time.
«Because that's how people end up sedentary, wasting their whole life doing something they hate, because they never started when they never tried.»
Rasta Books: Rasta Way of Life Did you ever want to read a... Rasta way of life book that would -LSB-...] Mystery as six «UFOs» spotted floating in night sky in sleepy Serbian town.
Eventually, I decided that system was completely overkill because maybe only ONE TIME in my entire life did I need to track down one particular item from my holiday boxes!
How many times in real life do we get to go back and remove the bullet (uh...), rewind and say something different, or choose a totally different response to something we decided?
Kierkegaard asks the reader: «What kind of life do you live, do you will only one thing, and what is this one thing?
Working from home — and making a decent living doing it — demands discipline, focus and follow - through.
Wiseman says people who enjoy a lot of fortunate circumstances in their lives do it by turning around situations where they experience misfortune by seeing the positives in the situation.
The best entrepreneurs aren't afraid of failing — their greatest fear is spending a significant part of their lives doing something insignificant.
Take a second to drop what you're thinking about.Imagine for a moment that you could make a living doing something you love, changing people's liv...
Michelle didn't know much about blogging when she first started, let alone that she could make a living doing it.
Min Investment: $ 2,500 If you follow Credit Repair Nerds» proven business model, you will succeed and make a great living doing it.
Never in our lives do we depend on God so much as when we fail.
Here is a person who is doing good in the world and asking others to do good as well, and he just happens to be making a living doing it.
At what point in your life did you make the much thought out decision to be straight?
Beside religion what part of our life do we run our life on with faith?
What died was despair, because when Jesus reclaimed life he did it on behalf of all who live for him.
Only when you realize that this life is all you have to live do you truly live life to its fullest.
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