Sentences with phrase «living from something»

So don't be afraid to seek out community, whether you're just starting out in your art or making a healthy living from it.
That future will be one of serene acceptance rather than constant efforts to change, but to live from it now seems to involve anxiety and intense work to reverse directions.
Very generous with his story and tips - so applicable for all of us trying to get our work out there and make a decent living from it too.
If they are new and you drive a lot, you can probably store them for 2 - 3 years and still get their full life from them.
«As I who am sent by the living Father myself draw life from the Father so whoever eats me will draw life from me».
They want the freedom to practice their religion when in fact their so called religion deems it lawful to attack a non muslim and to go as far as to take life from them.
When God takes back His breath of life from us, we return to the dust of the ground.
Pound Hounds Res - Q is a dedicated NYC rescue group responsible for saving countless lives from the
The distance the child's non-resident parent lived from them also affected how often the child saw that parent.
In this key text Jesus links the whole plan of God from the beginning to the Holy Eucharist — «As I who am sent by the living Father... so whoever eats me will draw life from me».
All in all I'm very impressed with this car, my 1st Hyundai, and am looking foward to getting it's full life from it.
Yet, many of us will fail and fall into jobs that drain the life from us.
Loving what you do and finding a way to earn a living from it is the best thing each one of us can do coupled with knowing that work is just a part of life, not the whole thing.
I probably find it fun because I haven't had the balls to go live on a beach and make a living from it but I am going to try dedicate a little more time to it from August onwards.
Indie songwriter Dave Barnes sings in «Sticks and Stones»: Bruises heal and cuts will seal / but your words beat the life from me.
On the one hand, when Jesus said that the divine Commonwealth was at hand, he meant that those who heard him could choose to live from it rather than according to the expectations of the Roman Empire.
I can already survive and even make a little bit of a living from it.
Even King David knew not to kill King Saul though he was in danger of his life from him.
The only way God can avoid the charge of being unjust is to give the responsibility of receiving the free gift of eternal life from Him by faith.
In a community of empathy and agapé others live from me and for me as well.
Going to church, and being abused was stealing my life from me.
Rather, this is an unveiling of «what already is,» and what it means to «see» that reality, and live from it.
I wish everyone would buy a piece of your art and help you make a living from it.
In the Gospel of John, Jesus is concerned to point out that no one takes his life from him but that he lays it down of his own accord (John 10:18).
«The Church is this Body of which Christ is the Head: She lives from Him, in Him and for Him; He lives with Her and in Her.»
I know myself and know that those who I think of as deceived have the ability to drain the very life from me.
Our whole life happens within its wordless void, on its arid slopes that drain the life from us as we wander in circles learning the same old lessons over and over.
seriously whom am i to steal your fear driven life from you, enjoy i know i enjoy my life.
Therefore now, O Lord, please take my life from me, for it is better for me to die than to live!»
«Women were disproportionately affected by the impacts of the earthquake - many lost their husbands and homes - and these workshops have been a lifeline for the women involved, allowing them to learn new skills and earn a living from them
God calls all to believe in Jesus, and since faith is not a work of the soul through the corrupted flesh, the soul is able to believe in Jesus and receive eternal life from Him.
Enculturation was an integral part of conversion — a long process of «detoxification» in which the church helped the catechumen critically to examine classical culture and gradually to extricate his or her life from it.
What have you personally learned about faith and life from them?
You did not need to charge much as a monthly «tuition» in order to do this full time and be able to live from it.
I don't want to be rich, I just want to run my photography business and make a decent living from it, but try to do that whilst making time for family and important things in life, which sometimes seems impossible!So any of your expertise is greatly valued!
When did you start to think you could make a living from it and how long did that take?
Each step through deep and powdery snow stole life from me, exposing the real me.
I was not one of those people who went into blogging hoping to make a living from it.
And here I am, making a living from something that didn't come easily for them.
It was Walcott who made the huge difference, the pace that came on frightened the life from them.
No matter how old you are, or how far away you live from her, your mom has your back.
Explain to your child that these stories really happened, they are not made up and that we can learn lessons about life from them.
My children are learning how to navigate life from me, and it's important that part of what they learn is how to navigate when I make mistakes in my relationships so they know how to do that when they are parents themselves.

Phrases with «living from something»

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