Sentences with phrase «living icon»

In Mother Theresa, Hitchens recognized perhaps the greatest living icon of Christianity, charity personified — a sacred symbol he sought to profane.
If The Iron Lady and My Week with Marilyn featured real life icons in based - on true stories, The Artist (released 30th December) features two fictitious icons from what almost pertains to a fantasy world.
Strive for a pattern of life truly marked by charity, chastity, and humility in imitation of Christ, the eternal high priest, of whom you are to become living icons
a) In the time when religiosity goes down, nation and capital are the values the society holds - they're seen as people that have accomplished something (as life icons).
After spending his last two roles embodying real - life icons Walt Dinsey and Captain Richard Phillips, Tom Hanks is reuniting with Cloud Atlas director Tom Tykwer for something a little different, a comedic drama with echoes of Death of a Salesman titled A Hologram for the King.
The 41 - year - old actor is probably relieved to be portraying a fictional character after dealing with the innate pressure of playing real - life icons Jackie Robinson («42»), James Brown («Get On Up») and Thurgood Marshall («Marshall»).
Below, the usual Android icons are replaced by the Kobo reading dock, which has Read Now, Library, Shop and Reading Life icons.
To mimic and modernize these sculptures, I wanted to create living icons emphasizing the glazing process,» he continues.
To activate Control Center on the iPhone X, you'll need to swipe down from the top - right corner of the screen where your Wi - Fi, Bluetooth, and battery life icons live.
It is also the first dock to bring Leopard style live icon reflections to Windows.
Two - time Academy Award nominee Will Smith has a vast filmography including portrayals of true - life icons in Ali, The Pursuit of Happiness and Concussion.
After spending his last two roles embodying real - life icons Walt Dinsey and Captain Richard Phillips, Tom Hanks is reuniting with Cloud Atlas director Tom Tykwer for something a little different, a comedic drama with echoes of Death of a Salesman titled A Holo...
A man is taken from among the people of God, transformed into a living icon of Christ and given back to the people in this new relationship.
If a priest is another Christ, a living icon of Jesus Christ, which he is by virtue of his ordination, then it's not rocket science to work out that his way of loving must in some way be related to Jesus Christ's way of loving.
Through its liturgical life, the Church becomes a living icon of Heaven, an arena in which the drama of the holy city is enacted, an anticipation of the redeemed life of the New Jerusalem.
Thus she became a living icon of that God who, according to the Church's prayer, «shows his almighty power in his mercy and forgiveness» (cf. Roman Missal, Opening prayer, 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time).
Williams graduated from Grambling in 1977 and has maintained close ties to the school and to its living icon, Eddie Robinson, who has won more games, 405, than any other college coach.
«Congresswoman Louise Slaughter was a living icon for women from all walks of life who wanted to get off the sidelines and make positive change in their community.
«This book is the collective work of a cadre of dedicated and passionate individuals who believe the snow leopard deserves forever to be a living icon of Asia's high peaks,» said co-editor Dr. McCarthy, Executive Director of the Snow Leopard Program for Panthera.
She is a living icon in our field!
Her style / life icons are Emma Watson, Mindy Kaling, and Stevie Nicks.
Funny how we do not realize the true value and legacy of a living icon until they suddenly pass away.
But they are living icons and the artistic establishment surrounding these artists who were once young and unknown is now setting the public agenda.
Cave regularly performs in the sculptures himself, dancing either before the public or for the camera, activating their full potential as costume, musical instrument, and living icon.
Just like on the iPhone, you can toggle the mode just by tapping a Live icon on the camera interface.
Samsung's call icon may be a new kind of live icon.
In addition, Xiaomi's MIUI ROM interface has received an update with new wallpapers and live icons (showing current weather, data usage, etc.).
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