Sentences with phrase «living in the space as»

Not just that — the developers seem to keen to add Second Life In Space as one way this game can be seen, and played.
It almost feels as though we lived in that space as well even if it was only in our «sweet dreams».
Good luck with the plans, the move and living in the space as you build it, may it all go as smoothly as possible.
I'm so excited for the opportunity to live in this space as a new chapter in my life.

Not exact matches

Getting too Busy to Stay Organized: As work piles up, it's easy to let organization slide, says Tata Harper, who started an eponymous skincare line at her home in Shoreham, Vt. «It is easy to succumb to disorganization when you are working in the same place that you live since it is a private space that you don't often share with» coworkers or other visitors, she says.
History was made both in life and death with such milestones as the passing of Steve Jobs (and the birth of his progeny, Siri) and the retirement of Canada's contribution to space exploration, the Canadarm.
Dostoevsky once wrote that a person could live in a square yard of space, as long as that person was free; but he couldn't possibly have meant at $ 589 a night???
For Urgo, the ideal is to attract college and postcollege renters to buildings including the Forge in Long Island City and House39 in Murray Hill, with the idea that they'll fall in love with a space and remain even as they graduate to the next stage in their lives.
More recently, WeWork began experimenting with a co-living space, WeLive, where people rent part of a living space and take part in shared amenities as part of the deal.
As India launches the first smartphone into space, critics are questioning how a nation with so many people living in poverty should spend money to expand a space program.
Name: John Zimmer Company: Lyft Work - life balance philosophy: It's a combination of finding work that you are passionate about so you feel good about committing the time, as well as making the physical and mental time and space to be the with the people most important in your life.
As Nerdwallet notes, Austin, Salt Lake City, and Midland, Texas «offer costs of living below the national average,» adding that «by reducing living and office space costs, entrepreneurs have more cash to invest in their growing businesses.»
In a live tweeting scenario, it's just as valuable to follow your event's hashtag as it is to follow influencers in your space so that you are able to stay in touch with what people are saying about your evenIn a live tweeting scenario, it's just as valuable to follow your event's hashtag as it is to follow influencers in your space so that you are able to stay in touch with what people are saying about your evenin your space so that you are able to stay in touch with what people are saying about your evenin touch with what people are saying about your event.
It's for my family to live in and for writers to use as a creative space to work on their manuscripts.
From fitting everyone into the physical space, to growing and shrinking staff, to figuring out how the big personalities involved will get along, Mad Men looks as if it will face many of the same management and administrative challenges that any growing business faces in real life.
This will give you the «head space» to focus on solving your business problems and consider new ideas, without the clamoring interference of technology, as well as the space to think about yourself and your needs in other areas of your life.
But in other countries where golf is on the downswing, like in the U.S, suburban courses could have equally useful second lives as green spaces or infill development.
Before joining Sun Life in 2010, Hudon was president of Marketel, a major advertising agency in Montreal, worked as president and CEO of the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal and had stints with Bell Global Solutions, the Canadian Space Agency and BCE Media.
In this article, the style of social interaction known as hygge is analyzed as being related to cultural values that idealize the notion of «inner space» and to other egalitarian norms of everyday life in Scandinavian societieIn this article, the style of social interaction known as hygge is analyzed as being related to cultural values that idealize the notion of «inner space» and to other egalitarian norms of everyday life in Scandinavian societiein Scandinavian societies.
Space felt a little closer to home at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in Coral Gables as Miami students participated in a live question and answer downlink with two astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS).
But as fun as maximalist thoughts of an immutable ledger are to entertain, the fact is the people in the blockchain space still live in the real world, where law — not computer code — controls, and online actions can have actual consequences.
In his Transformational Technology Alert research advisory, Patrick Cox leverages his over 30 years of experience as a consultant, writer, and researcher in the tech / biotech space to bring to you the small - cap tech and medical companies with the potential to transform our liveIn his Transformational Technology Alert research advisory, Patrick Cox leverages his over 30 years of experience as a consultant, writer, and researcher in the tech / biotech space to bring to you the small - cap tech and medical companies with the potential to transform our livein the tech / biotech space to bring to you the small - cap tech and medical companies with the potential to transform our lives.
In his position as head of merchandise, he made an interesting observation: Whenever a new competitor entered the toys - to - life space, GameStop saw its overall toys - to - life business grow.
The Times says people can project life - sized versions of Bowie in his iconic costumes into their own spaces, and «explore them as if they were physically there.»
As the ideals of the gig economy spread and more people across a wider breadth of sectors can adopt a flexible working life, niche spaces are serving the needs of the increasing number of industries that want to work in coworking spaces.
Forbion invests in life sciences companies that are active in the pharmaceutical, as well as the medical device space.
The event combined informative, strategic, and regulatory updates for entrepreneurs interested in the space as well as a live pitching competition for startups.
«As attention and interest in the blockchain space as a whole continues to hit new highs, we are entering a new phase in the industry's growth: the phase where we are finally going from experiments and tests to real, live applications,» according to Ethereum's Q4 reporAs attention and interest in the blockchain space as a whole continues to hit new highs, we are entering a new phase in the industry's growth: the phase where we are finally going from experiments and tests to real, live applications,» according to Ethereum's Q4 reporas a whole continues to hit new highs, we are entering a new phase in the industry's growth: the phase where we are finally going from experiments and tests to real, live applications,» according to Ethereum's Q4 report.
Pretends, as if it's possible in words Express the miracle, that is One Life, itself The depth of space, the «why?»
There is such a thing as giving yourself space and time to mourn and simply busying yourself with your obligations to those still in your life.
For Evangelicals, the Church as the one body of Christ extending through space and time includes all the redeemed of all the ages and all on earth in every era who have come to living faith in the body's living Head.
Awareness is not tethered to the physical but relationship with the physical There is no such thing as non existence physically or conceptually Agency of time and space must be outside our subset of existence and predate singularity Our known world is configured to be appear concentric Probability of intelligent life in only 14 billion years is one out of ten to the power of 127 assuming one universe.
Kelly said he has had the opportunity three times to gaze down on Earth from space, giving «an entirely different perspective of life on our planet... Earth as God created it, in the context of God's vast universe.»
If Israel views itself as caretaker of the land — its divine mission, in Buber's view — whose owner always makes space for those who need it (for those who choose to live with the same inclusive spirit), the religious precept of imitatio dei would require us as Jews to share that space, even the holy city of Jerusalem, to make it a «divine place» — the place «God intended to have made of it.»
Commenting on Whitehead's doctrine of structured societies at the cellular level, John Cobb remarks: «Whitehead at that point was forced to explain the order in the cell in terms of its molecular structure, to which spontaneity was denied, and to explain the life of the cell in terms of the events in its empty space, which he depicted as radically unordered.
Nowadays, the annual Mass and Prayer Vigil for Life, held the night before the march in the vast basilica, has become such a crammed and cramped experience that youth groups who wish to attend must arrive four to six hours early if they want so much as merely a space to sit on the floor.
The call to confession «invite people to get in touch with themselves and asks where they feel some empty spaces in their lives» (symbolized by a display of empty, clear plastic bags on the communion table), as if admitting emptiness were the same as confessing sin, and as if sin were merely the absence of good.
Sheldrake pictures morphogenetic fields as being the context in which forms (of life or physical reality) which arose in the past exercise their causal influence by a non-energetic «resonance» with subsequent similar systems13 Resonance of course is a physical analogy for something that is not physical: «A «resonant» effect of form upon form across space and time would resemble energetic resonance in its selectivity, but it could not be accounted for in terms of any of the known types of resonance, nor would it involve a transmission of energy «14 In order to distinguish it from energetic resonance, Sheldrake calls this process morphic resonancin which forms (of life or physical reality) which arose in the past exercise their causal influence by a non-energetic «resonance» with subsequent similar systems13 Resonance of course is a physical analogy for something that is not physical: «A «resonant» effect of form upon form across space and time would resemble energetic resonance in its selectivity, but it could not be accounted for in terms of any of the known types of resonance, nor would it involve a transmission of energy «14 In order to distinguish it from energetic resonance, Sheldrake calls this process morphic resonancin the past exercise their causal influence by a non-energetic «resonance» with subsequent similar systems13 Resonance of course is a physical analogy for something that is not physical: «A «resonant» effect of form upon form across space and time would resemble energetic resonance in its selectivity, but it could not be accounted for in terms of any of the known types of resonance, nor would it involve a transmission of energy «14 In order to distinguish it from energetic resonance, Sheldrake calls this process morphic resonancin its selectivity, but it could not be accounted for in terms of any of the known types of resonance, nor would it involve a transmission of energy «14 In order to distinguish it from energetic resonance, Sheldrake calls this process morphic resonancin terms of any of the known types of resonance, nor would it involve a transmission of energy «14 In order to distinguish it from energetic resonance, Sheldrake calls this process morphic resonancIn order to distinguish it from energetic resonance, Sheldrake calls this process morphic resonance.
This play has a new time (a playtime) and a new space (a playground) which function as «parentheses» in the life and world of the player.
No thinking Christian today believes in «Heaven» or «everlasting life» as a mere extension of time - and - space existence, however purified and exalted!
A sample: for the feast of Corpus Christi, we are given some practical grounding in Christ's words about being the «living bread come down from heaven», together with thoughts about how we are united to the Father through Jesus, and also with one another - quoting St Paul - and finally a profound look towards eternity as «Jesus» gift of himself is transmitted to us beyond time and space».
That a congregation is constituted by enacting a more broadly and ecumenically practiced worship that generates a distinctive social space implies study of what that space is and how it is formed: What are the varieties of the shape and content of the common lives of Christian congregations now, cross-culturally and globally (synchronic inquiry); how do congregations characteristically define who they are and what their larger social and natural contexts are; how do they characteristically define what they ought to be doing as congregations; how have they defined who they are and what they ought to do historically (diachronic study); how is the social form of their common life nurtured and corrected in liturgy, pastoral caring, preaching, education, maintenance of property, service to neighbors; what is the role of scripture in all this, the role of traditions of theology, and the role of traditions of worship?
The significance of the sacrifices was to see our sinfulness and turn our hearts back to God and that is made clear with the death of Christ.The animals though could not remove our sin that was only possible through Christ as God he could remove sin in the past present and future as he is outside of time and space not like us.So there sins in effect were covered by Jesus as well in the old testament as in the new by Gods we just did nt see it.The example of abraham able enoch they all were righteous they were justified before God.Enoch walked with God and was no more that sounds like the rapture to me so the holy spirit was present in that age just like us.We see that God has always been at work to bring life and to bring mankind to salvation.
The first is expressed in two hon mots: we «live in the space age with Stone - Age brains»; and we are «hunter - gatherers in pinstripe suits» Both sayings affirm that we were not designed to be alone, our brains evolved as social brains; but at the same time they indicate that this social brain still bears traces of having evolved in the context of surviving in a Stone Age world.
lives of all people — given the fact that we do some things as ends in themselves without ulterior motive or outside design, freely entering into such activity within its own time (a playtime) and its own space (a playground) and its own order (a playbook)-- it is surprising that we understand play so poorly.
But Jesus really lived in time and space and was significant enough that all these myths were absorbed into his significance, as the one and only dying and rising God.
The Bible reflects, with an astonishing realism, the existence of man as a creature living in the realm of time and space, and subject to change and development; and this makes it curiously relevant to human life, in its complexity, as we have to live it.
[2] In a similar spirit of intolerance, Oxford University Students» Union banned the Life group from advertising its services [3] and Strathclyde University has banned the Life group there as threatening the «safe space» for pro-choice students.
I sat down at the computer again to try to find a few words to say how I find God in this daily place and in this work, how I only learned to pray when I began to pray with my hands and my attention on purpose and how most of prayer to me now is listening and abiding, how I believe it would be nice to have a lovely housekeeper and a clean house and to create amazing soaring art with all of the white space of an uncluttered life and glorious heights of transcendent spirituality, I guess, but I need the God who sits in the mud and in the cold wind, in the laundry pile and in the city park, who embodies grief and joy, wisdom and patience, loneliness as companionship, renewal with simplicity and a good deep breath, and who even now shows up in the unlikeliest and homeliest of lives too, as a sacrament of and blessing for the ordinary things.
As we live in a world desperate for a glimpse of God, desperate for a rescue, crushed by evil and poverty and war and the grind of lonely existence in quiet desperation, we, the Church are part of God's plan to push back that darkness and make space for his Kingdom.
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