Sentences with phrase «living individuals»

Genetic intervention, therefore, also raises ethical questions: some dealing with the treatment of living individuals whose genetic code is known and others dealing with hereditary advance through reproductive regulation and intervention.
At this point in life some individuals follow very restrictive diets recommended by their doctor, in fear that if they do not they will become sick with age and lifestyle related diseases.
While these may be rather fantastical worlds, the ability to interact with live individuals through connectivity on the Internet gives them a real - life element.
This means data relating to identified or identifiable living individuals.
We know that in the State of Florida live individuals from different backgrounds so our instructors not only need to be knowledgeable about driving safety and the rules of the road but they also need to understand other customs.
Where the drone collects and processes personal data (regardless of distance if living individuals can still be identified) this is caught by the UK Data Protection act 1998.
Here, we're forced to confront the face and mind of Piet Blomfeld (Eric Bana), a fictional creation based — according to the film's coda — on multiple sources of real - life individuals who went through the TRC's process.
The lack of concern for Realtors makes the business seem a psychopathic entity, a corporation without concern for real life individual issues.
The Bible clearly refers to unborn children as living individuals.
The advent of new techniques to measure Tau in the brains of living individuals with positron emission tomography offers a biomarker for therapies targeting Tau.
Three New Yorkers with terminal illnesses say the state should recognize an individual's right to end their life
Establishes a taskforce to make recommendations for rules for administering Palliative and End of Life Individual Health Plans to be used in a school setting.
By living our individual life purpose, we are doing our part to support the whole, and we call all those around us to come back into their own resonance and support the larger levels of consciousness that we are all part of.
LocalBlox claims on its website that it is capable of offering a «true 360 degree people view» by «marry [ing] work - life and personal - life individual data to generate combined intelligence.»
That single living individual, as well as skeletal remains, indicate Rattus detentus has a heavy build and shorter tail than many other members of the genus.
They studied genetic data from 1,983 living individuals across Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas and concluded that Neanderthals or another ancient hominid group must have interbred with our ancestors at least once, in the eastern Mediterranean, soon after humans migrated out of Africa.
It was at a time when there was a population bottleneck, which means a sharp reduction in the number of living individuals due to environmental events.
The name Satya, meaning «truth» in Sanskrit and inspires each wearer to find and live their individual truth.
At this point in life some individuals follow very restrictive diets recommended by their doctor, in fear...
The Rhys Method ® Chakras will show you how to live your individual potential — physically, emotionally, socially, mentally and spiritually.
very outgoing smart full of life individual love to cook for my guy like to tell jocks playing games im 24 years old wrk make my own money just looking for that sspecial person.
Young and older people are a great time with online dating, because you can live an individual experience.
[69] Some recent observations indicate that historic presences of resident whales are possible: a group of two or three were observed feeding in Izu Ōshima in 1994 for almost a month, [71] two single individuals stayed in Ise Bay for almost two months in the 1980s and in 2012, the first confirmed living individuals in Japanese EEZ in the Sea of Japan and the first of living cow - calf pairs since the end of whaling stayed for about three weeks on the coastline of Teradomari in 2014.
The J. Paul Getty Medal was established in 2013 by the trustees of the J. Paul Getty Trust to recognize living individuals from all over the world for their leadership in the fields in which the Getty works.
Playtime's cosmopolitan spectacle, presented in a kaleidoscopic montage across seven large screens, interconnects the lives of its archetypical characters — hedge fund managers and art world players in London; a photographer in Reykjavik; and a Filipina houseworker in Dubai — each of whom is based on a real - life individual directly affected by the market collapse.
Renowned for their papier - mâché objects, including traditional sacred masks, Gill's collaborator - subjects wear masks made to represent living individuals, as they engage in everyday village activities.
Some bristlecone pine trees (Pinus Balfourianae) are the oldest living individual creatures.
With this information, insurance companies can calculate exactly how much they must collect from a pool of living individuals over a given period of time in order to cover their overhead and pay the expected death benefits.
(Training must include successfully performing a minimum of 30 venipuncture and 10 capillary sticks on live individuals.)
These guests are not late - night TV gurus, but real - life individuals from the BiggerPockets community.
Jobs was a larger - than - life individual who changed the world with his inspiration and tenacity.
That film was the perfect example of the pitfalls of the genre (made barely palpable by masterful performances from its two now Academy Award winning male stars), serving to reinforce my own predilections (prejudices) regarding films about real life individuals.
The recent ability to peer into the brain of living individuals with a rare type of language dementia, primary progressive aphasia (PPA), provides important new insights into the beginning stages of this disease — which results in language loss — when it is caused by a buildup of a toxic protein found in Alzheimer's disease.
Palliative and End of Life Individual Health Plan created by school nurses with the parents or guardians of a minor with a terminal illness.
Most of George Condo's work has been portraiture, not of living individuals, but of invented characters.
In the area of living individuals and genetic intervention are questions of patient responsibility and the sharing of genetic information: If a doctor could know that you will contract Huntington's disease at age 40 or Alzheimer's disease at age 60, at what age would you want to be told?
Finally, it culminates in the bodily hierarchy of living individuals and the collection of individuals into societies of various order and complexity (PR9O / 138).
Perhaps concrete things, and living individuals, must pass into the night so that life may begin again, with renewed possibilities.
What if all living individuals choose to value consumption in a way that destroys the environment for their grandchildren?
Scarcely any of the billions of living individuals have ever left their trace in an existing fossil, since the deposit of such a preserved fossil relies on very specific climatic / geological conditions to have occurred at the time of the organism's death.
We hypothesized that supplementation of overweight and obese free - living individuals with whey protein (WP) 3 would decrease body weight and fat compared with individuals supplemented with isonitrogenous soy protein (SP) or isoenergetic carbohydrate (CHO) and that insulin, insulin - like growth factor (IGF), ghrelin, and thyroid hormones would be affected by protein source.
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