Sentences with phrase «living of life»

There has been a tendency that the peace question has been reduced merely to the question of the reduction or elimination of violent military confrontations among nation states and political groups; but now it is the question of securing for the common life of all living things on earth.
There has been a tendency for the peace question to be reduced merely to the question of the reduction or elimination of violent military confrontations among nation states and political groups; but now it is the question of securing the common life of all living things on earth.
Rhythms of Life The Biological Clocks that Control the Daily Lives of Every Living Thing.
By LAURA LOREK Publisher of Silicon Hills News The Westworld at South by Southwest experience provides an entertaining look at the wild west town of Sweetwater and a life of living «without limits.»
If children and infants were killed it was quick and better than a life of live sacrifice in red hot arms or growing up blood thirsty and wicked.
From a life of living death.
It is particularly present as the life of living things and as the intelligence of human beings.
Love God and to all life be gentle and kind, For you see life of the living God can never rewind.
And let Him write out with our lives The living of His life again, Until we truly learn to sing The poem that will never end.
It will require that we turn more of our attention homeward, away from raging national controversies and toward the everyday lives of our living moral communities — toward family, school, and congregation; toward civic priorities and local commitments; toward neighbors in need and friends in crisis.
No one has the right to determine the life of the living.
As we shall see, religion has been usefully defined as «a total mode of the interpreting and living of life».8 That is the sense in which the word will be used here.9
... What has come into being in him was life [the life of the living God], and the life was the light of all people.»
But it is enough for now; in the living of life, he writes to Malkiel, «you will discover in your own way, what my lips can not say.»
The water baptism symbolized a death to the past and a new life of living and loving like Jesus.
Faith, too, is existential; it pervades the dailiness of life, makes the living of life possible.
Everyone is supposed to be tolerant, yet government thinks it can force Catholics to perform abortive procedures to end the life of a living being.
Thus, for instance, the central importance in our lives of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth is a matter of faith.
The monument thus enrolls the dead in the lives of the living and those yet to be born.
So give up on living of a life of «what if's?»
What connection, if any, is there between the immortal life of the dead and the mortal life of the living?
I do not mean to deny or castigate the role of power in the living of life.
If God is necessary to the living of this life and the understanding of this world, then surely he is not so far from us that we must dig a gulf between him and a world in which he is only spasmodically present.
Each of these cultures has produced a human - created morality and each has created its own set of symbols for the interpreting and living of life.
None of them is absolute and final, and those which claim to be must surrender those claims if they are to continue to be a viable means of the interpreting and living of life.
2 Carlo Della Casa said, «Religion is a total mode of the interpreting and living of life
I say it to illustrate what I believe to be the task of theology: «doing theology» means that we see God in the living of our lives.
Love the words of the otherly sided renovations if Life of living's potentials.
Thus religion has been succinctly defined as «a total mode of the interpreting and living of life».
I want to be honest about what I believe and how I live that belief out, but I also want to be open and capable of moving into new conclusions should the living of life seem to push me in new directions.
Wisdom demands an integration of rigorous thought with imagination and also practical concerns — how things actually work out in the living of life.
When I try to describe the spirit - filled life of living loved, I resort to metaphors and stories: I'll stumble through the words of John 15 about life in the vine or say phrases like «live and move and have our being» and sometimes I talk about Isaiah or maybe shepherds and sheep who know His voice, but usually I am left saying «it's like this...» and then I am only bearing witness to the Spirit's movement in my own life and the Love who transforms me.
We contribute ourselves to enriching the lives of others, all such enrichment being entirely embraced in its objective immortality in the Life of lives.
Florida About Blog The Life of a Diabetic is a diabetes blog written by type 1 Chris Stocker about the every day life of living with type 1 diabetes.
My piggie children keep berries around for no more than 3 days but I could see how this would extend the life of them
Instead, the best bet for a long life of living well focuses on a balanced diet that includes an allowance of carbs... and this means bread!
You can help educate more families and communities to improve the lives of those living with asthma and allergies.
With all the headlines and controversy lately regarding AP, it's easy to get swayed by the naysayers who insist that we're damaging our children or, at the very least, dooming them to a life of living in our basement (or our game room, as the case may be, since we don't have basements in Texas).
As a non-profit institution dedicated to preserving and sharing New England's history and cultural heritage, Old Sturbridge Village participates in and supports a variety of programs that enhance the lives of those living in our community.
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