Sentences with phrase «living things»

The natural sciences, for example, could focus on living things or inanimate ones.
A fundamental property of all living things, including human beings, is their ability to perpetuate themselves.
They believe that ultimately we do not require for our human existence a context of living things.
The only places in which a general account of the coming to be of the human being is implicit are in pp. 290 - 296, and 528 - 531, extending my remarks to other living things, none of which do I believe to be intelligible either in their nature and behaviour or in their origin in purely physicalistic terms.
The robber requires justification».14 All life involves the taking of food, and in the taking of food animals break down living things into their inorganic elements.
Nature evolved sexual differentiation in order to reproduce living things in a new way.
Atheism is not healthy for children and other living things, you are just silly, stop tickling me under the arms!
There is an irregularity in your name, «Relgion is not healthy for children and other living things».
It was just by «random chance» that the sun is the perfect distance from the earth so we don't get baked or frozen, that the moon is the right distance and size so the tides don't flood us, that the earth rotates so we are evenly heated, that water - which is absent on other planets and vital to our life - is present here, that there is a balance of living things to keep each other in check.
What the fool who stole Atheism is not healthy for children and other living things fails to recognize it that it must first declare Atheism is not healthy for children and other living things, before it posts its stupidity.
To become fully human, man has to achieve, on a self - conscious level, a process that operates on a non-conscious level, in all living things, namely, the synthesis of individuation and interaction, or of independence and interdependence... Accordingly, God as the power that makes for salvation is the cosmic process of organicity, which, in sub-human creatures, synthesizes individuation and interaction on an unconscious level, and in man, on a conscious level.
Recognition of our solidarity with all other living things can not erase our distinction from them.
Like all living things, you live, and you die.
The fool who stole Atheism is not healthy for children and other living things must first declare the wonderful Truth that Atheism is not healthy for children and other living things before it posts its stupidity, Atheism is not healthy for children and other living things gets more and more exposure thanks to an atheistic idiot.
Darwinism is no more beneficial for the scientific enterprise than it is for theology, encouraging biologists to blind themselves to the exquisite functionality of living things anytime it doesn't fit their preconceptions.
But what about living things, especially animals?
Religion is not good for children or other living things.
@Molestation is not healthy for children and other living things.
These Native Americans have more of a connection with the Eagle and all other living things than idiots like you would ever have.
If you are located near one of these enti «ties: «truth be told» or «just sayin» or «captain america» or «Atheism is not healthy for children and other living things», then perhaps one of these enti «ties can lend you the book that I recommended to them:
The content of the reply by the enti «ty «Relgion is not healthy for children and other living things» also represents a truth.
Perhaps the book that I recommended to enti «ty» «Atheism is not healthy for children and other living things» has helped.
Why should this world be using crude oil for its industrial uses which are carcinogenic and harmful to all living things..?
Reply intended for the honest poster Atheism is not healthy for children and other living things.
Although pure mathematics and impure practice thus combine to suggest that living things, human selves and societies, should not be pictured on the model of Chepstow Castle — as though they were ping - pong balls, single shells that either insulate or shatter — our generalized common - sense notions of inside and outside by and large remain early Norman in their simplicity.
Moore proposes instead that if we accept Whitehead's conviction that as creativity operates in living things it aims at the enhancement of life, we then will interpret human behavior in terms of the will - to - life.
Now, to go back to the point I left open at the start of this post, what evolution does not explain (nor attempt to) is how the first complex living things arose.
For a lie of dramatic proportions read the rely post to Atheism is not healthy for children and other living things
The power of the desire for sexual union stems from a basic truth about the world of living things:
Persons share with some nonpersons such qualities as being mammals, animals, and living things.
... Because I think my entire perenial garden (living things) have turned their back on faith.
The intuition that reality for human beings, and indeed for all living things, is necessarily temporal, with an irreversible distinction between past, present, and future, is difficult to reconcile with the idea, long orthodox in the physics community, that time does not exist for subatomic particles or even for single atoms.
Obviously, the subject of genesis & the other 65 books of the bible is not the universe or all the living things on earth.
We are still dealing with the consequences of that, how that effects our behavior, why «mankind», if it does not represent something «special» still should behave in a special way, towards each other and towards other living things.
Another jolt is coming — when we discover, as I am certain we will, that Earth is not the only spot in the universe that is populated with living things.
Then along comes evolution, that claims mankind developed out of a long line of other living beings, that man is not so unique among the other living things as previously imagined.
Other living things like plants....
There has been a tendency that the peace question has been reduced merely to the question of the reduction or elimination of violent military confrontations among nation states and political groups; but now it is the question of securing for the common life of all living things on earth.
Partly because of bad luck in the sinking of a ship containing Wallace's collection of specimens, he produced nothing remotely like the immense mass of facts assembled by the primary founder of the new science of living things.
Darwinian theory predicts that all genomes are related by descent, that we share common ancestors and so the genomes of all living things were derived from previous living things that were the common ancestors of current living things.
Please preach this to all living things and then come to human beings last.
If your belief is that our world is only 10,000 years old because God got bored and magically created all living things exactly as they are today over the course of a week, you are basically calling all the work and discoveries by archaeologists and anthropologists a bunch of baloney.
Among other living things, also, we make discriminations.
And then where did the other atoms come from to decide upon other living things.
All of theses guys are on record and in print in defense of their faith and acceptance in a creator of all living things.
Carbon - 14 is the only reasonably valid test for fossil dating, since we have an idea of the amount of carbon - 14 absorbed by living things (based on the amount of carbon - 14 in the atmosphere).
Some measure of transcending characterizes all living things.
Some believe that the ecological sensibility calls on us to accept the struggle of living things with one another without sentimentality.
Like an ocean - wave caught in a snapshot, or a torrent of lava stiffened by cooling, the mountains and living things of the earth wear the aspect, to those who study them, of a powerful momentum that has become petrified.
Other living things have been sacrificed as required.
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