Sentences with phrase «living things evolved»

For example, 87 percent of scientists say that humans and other living things evolved over time and that evolution is a result of natural processes such as natural selection; only 32 percent of the public accepts this as true.
It helps us understand the genetic basis of diversity and evolutions in organisms, leading to the insight understanding into how living things evolved through stressed environments to the pathogenesis of pathogens, including identification novel drug targets and development of novel drug candidates.
It's the idea that living things evolved from common ancestors, not each other.
These numbers compare with 69 % of all people surveyed who «believe there is solid evidence that the average temperature on Earth has been getting warmer over the past few decades» and 57 % who «believe humans and other living things evolved over time.»
Scientifically, there is one functional process by which living things evolve.
Fish still have gills because they have not yet moved to land, Some birds did not need to fly, therefor their wings grew tiny and useless, every living thing evolved to adapt to it's surroundings.
In nature, living things evolve through changes in their DNA.

Not exact matches

@Theo A 2009 poll by Pew Research Center found that «Nearly all scientists (97 %) say humans and other living things have evolved over time».
And because belief is an evolving, changing, living thing (or should be), you would have to poll the class at the beginning of ever single class to find out if the prayer you are about to offer is objectionable.
In gact, every living thing on this planet evolved from the same thing (s).
everything is made up of atoms (don't believe me do some research) its the different variables of heat and light and things like that that cause different reactions to make different things and these things when they interact can create something completely different and you and slowly the process of mitosis or miosis starts to work and form stuff hell i learnt that in high school and it was a catholic one at that a millions of years ago i bet the universe was completely different and had things in it that our minds cant even imagine that have since changed over time from action and reaction to what we have today and in another million years who knows with all the different gases we pump into the air and the weather getting more intense on both ends of the scale life as we know it will be different the human race will have to evolve to survive and will probibly form into a slightly different species hell maybe well evolve into 2 different species like in the movie time machine
This is because living languages evolve over time, and so what was written 300 years ago does not mean the same thing today.
consciousness is present in all matter, just like gravity it is inherent and innate to everything produced after the big bang, only its level of existence varies with evolution, highest is that of living things, at the top is us humans because of the biological nature of our existence we evolve fastest and our brains has attained the highest level of complexity
Originally when life was first evolving, there were no vertebrates, evolution doesn't have «one thing turning into another» like pokemon, it has life branching off like a giant complex web.
Language is a living and evolving thing and in today's world; it changes fast.
Catherine - I don't totally disagree with you but I also believe that the Church is a living, evolving thing.
Hey «smart one», your science that you love so much proves that things degrade over time instead of evolving into more complex forms of life.
Nature evolved sexual differentiation in order to reproduce living things in a new way.
God is being created and evolving along with humans and at some time in the future humans will develop heaven (eternal life etc etc) and all those other things considered so desirable.
Your spiritual life is going to evolve for the rest of your life (all healthy things grow over time) so the goal here isn't to decide what you believe for sure and never waver from it, but start teaching yourself the tools for what a healthy spiritual life needs in order to grow.
In 2009, a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press found that «Nearly all scientists (97 %) say humans and other living things have evolved over time.»
Humanity can evolve just fine without religion if we genuinely appreciate how precious life is here on earth and stop trying so hardto find this mythical thing called heaven.
Right now most people are living according to their ego, which is a small, petty thing that must be squashed in order to evolve.
History will always change things, and your beliefs (or mine, for that matter), will continue to evolve (whether or not you decide to let them), and so will those you pass on to others while you pass through this life.
I believe it is quite possible that, while what we experience seems real and tangible enough, it might very well be that how we perceive reality evolved right alongside us (and all living things on all inhabited planets).
There isn't a shred of evidence of any living thing ever evolving into some different kind of living thing capable of breeding but infertile with its parent stock.
It is not necessary for certain ideas to have evolved, as is evidenced by other cultures (not to say in any way that they are wrong, however, there are practices that oppose the morals ingrained in us by the society we live in) so could a parent raise perfectly good children without the bible, in this day in age, probably yes, but you must recognize, that much of what they will be teaching will come from their society, adn quite honestly I'm not sure honoring your parents, and not killing are such a bad thing.
It updates and evolves, and we progress further in all aspects of life because of this... that is, in all things natural.
One of the big points that the evolutionists love to tout is the idea that life began from primordial ooze (they don't know what's in it, where it happened, or how it happened) and from there evolved into all the different living things on this planet.
They would have evolved over the millions of years just like other living things did, and they likely have become extinct like the rest of the earliest creatures of the primordial ocean, right?
The concept of what life is proposes that the individual entities of existence, or «the really real things (which) compose the evolving universe» (MT 151), are occasions of experience.
While it's constantly evolving, as most things in life, I always want it to feel like an old friend you can rely on.
Comfort food is a necessity in life and it's an ever evolving thing for me.
«I'll be there again [this] week, back in Australia, and sort of recapping with the dairy farmers, how things — how life for us has evolved since we've taken over the [WCB] assets.
«It's just one of those things where your life evolves, everything changes, and you take steps toward your goal.
Strings to Things: Strings to Things has evolved from a crafty passion to natural parenting, responsible living, and staying sane day - to - day living with a toddler.
«You get to the point where you evolve in your life where everything isn't black and white, good and bad, and you try to do the right thing,» he famously said.
All living things — from dandelions to reindeer — evolve over time.
Summons, who was part of a research team that studied fossils of squid to show that ink from the Jurassic period was chemically indistinguishable from modern cuttlefish ink, said the study further helps demonstrate how all living things on Earth have evolved in concert.
If you take a planet that has water and organic material, which you can't really avoid having in some sense, and you let that thing evolve for a couple of billion years, how are you going to stop it from forming life?
Like living things, robotic tadpoles called Tadros evolve, changing from generation to generation in response to a form of survival - of - the - fittest selection.
Trying to understand the structure of the atom and the way electrons evolve in time felt very distant from everyday life, very distant from anything that government should be funding, if it's funding things that actually make a difference to our lives.
And that's a good thing for the search for life, because you need moderate temperatures for billions of years to have a stable environment for life to evolve
But it shouldn't surprise us actually that thing [s] that emerge and evolve from complex processes come through, whether they're machines that humans are working with or whether they're biological life forms as well.
And of course another big thing about life is that it evolves and it doesn't matter if you're a human or E. coli, you are the product of evolution.
On a topic such as evolution, there is near consensus among all disciplinary groups that humans and other living things have evolved over time.
Cronin is also trying to make living things from cells made of inorganic chemicals (so, chemicals without the atoms, hydrogen, and carbon) in order to show that biology isn't the only way life evolved on Earth.
He pointed out that living things have been evolving for billions of years, and that they use a great number of enzymes that potentially can be harnessed by human scientists to edit genes.
Also working on a novel of a distant future where intelligent insect life has evolved and evidence that humans may have been intelligent shakes things up.
A better way, they say, would be to organize living things according to how they evolved.
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